He got an accurate result on me, and has picked possibly the worst lie detection posts possible since then. This is fairly consistent with his complete misunderstanding of how to break Lie detection on D1, but still suspicious AF.In post 11470, Cephrir wrote:Is it possible that rauth is like, not sane?
He's > rand lying out of his ass. But, if he is lying out of his ass, he gets completely murderballed at night when he doesn't die hammering tomorrow, so it's a waste of time to try to outguess that. Further, if he's lying out of his ass he's probably GS over cult because GS is more capable of faking results and less worried about being killed as a useful role than CL.
If he flips not lie detector, I'm suddenly not clear. My result on Elements came after he was virtually outed, meaning I could theoretically be faking it. PK trying to seed doubt on me all day by saying I was cult and my case on PK (a few pages before gobbles, but I also said I didn't want to shoot him because he was probs groupscum over CL) should be a pretty decent indication that I'm not GS, but I'll fight that battle if/when it becomes necessary.