1- Has it ever occurred to you that I am Town!hunting instead of Scum!hunting? This maybe the reason why you think my SRs are "hesitant" because I am mainly poking and observing certain slots to see if I can trust them.In post 1177, Gammagooey wrote:I didn't really like your opening to the game - your #15 (https://forum.mafiascum.net/viewtopic.p ... #p11477725) has you voting GIF for a semi-serious reason that I have a hard time parsing whether it's just supposed to be a funny RVS poke or as close to a 'real' reason to vote someone as you're gonna find on page 1, and your other two posts (thinking the game would be relaxed and complaining to GIF to change his avatar) seem like they're bouncing between unserious and serious in a way that just doesn't feel super natural to me.In post 1164, Almost50 wrote:@gooey: Since you're at it. could you please explain -in more details- wjat it is exactly that you don't like about my posts? I am puzzled, because the first mention of it came at a time I wasn't even posting for real yet, and it was carried out to when I started posting and providing reads.
More recently, I don't like that you seem really hesitant when mentioning scumreads - your #1010 mentioning dave is qualified with it being a 'lead' instead of more plainly stating that you think the feeling you get from him of "hiding behind someone else" is scummy and your nom scumread is only in comparison to other people involved in the conversation/neighborhood in your #1093 (https://forum.mafiascum.net/viewtopic.p ... #p11484825).
Like it is still early game to be fair but it feels like what I expect lurky scum to do - to not make big waves by scumreading people and pushing them (since they'd have to start posting a lot more if they got pushback on it and step up a bit into the spotlight) and just bring up townreads instead.
2- Please go read any 3 games of mine (just pick 3 random games) and see how I start the game. My start here is totally NAI regardless of my role, my alignment, or even the players list.
3- Another point that bugs me is I feel you are trying to shut me off. Silence me. You accused me of being a lurker/not posting enough, but when I started posting you still attacked me and
4- "it feels like what I expect lurky scum to do". Now tell me why DEb ot Volxen or <insert a name of a low poster of your choice> is NOT what you expect lurky scum to do.
5- And this is in no way a defence, but you really don't want me to spam, and I had decided not to on TM. If I wanted to be trolly, I probably would have had like 100+ posts by now, and 80% of them would have been sarcasm and/or playing with words. That would not have created a healthy environment for this game, so I decided to tone it down and be a bit more serious. (Just ask the people who know me how I can be a pain when I want to "have fun". But I already stated Winning >>> Having fun in the competition). Afain, you can ifnore this point if you decide to respond as it's not directly game-related, but more of a "personality introduction".
Also, one of my TRs in compromised (due to team feedback) but I won't say who or why at this point.