"I think I'd like to see what other hats Replica could make. We could each pick a design for Replica to make.
I'm a little selfish, you know. I want to wear clothes created by a monster for the first time. I think Mom may make something soon, but her first priority has been finding recipes she thinks are nutritious for me. I would love to wear a Replica hat, though."
Replica was lying on the ground, staring up at the sky, listening. They had been gently crying while Amrun excitedly described a game that sounded dangerous for Replica's introversion, but hearing Chara's kind words made their tears dry in the nonexistent corners of Replica's perfectly round eyes.
"It's ok if you pick the designs... when I made Hectic's costume I used Nachomamma8 as the design... I'm really best at the making part.. not the idea part.."
Chara sat on the ground next to Replica and looked up at the other monsters. "Replica is very consistent, I've seen them craft before. We could have a contest to see whose design is best. We can rely on Replica to make all the designs exactly the way they were asked, so the only thing to compare will be the ideas.
Chara looked down and saw Replica's eyes were completely dry, for the moment.
With eleven players alive, it takes six votes to make a decision.
This deadline is finalized, it will not change unless there is somehow an additional replacement:
(expired on 2020-02-01 19:00:00)