There was a shimmer, and Replica seemed to materialize between Farkran and Chara. Replica had a rather constant stream of tears dribbling from their eyes, as had been the case for quite a while now. Arts and crafts time seemed like a long-forgotten memory this side of seeing Psyche dismantled.
"Farkran… you say for Chara to go get you a new dummy.. but.. you're very picky.. you always say it's because you're royalty.... neither of you have a cell phone.... what if Chara gets the wrong kind? I think... you should go get the dummy yourself... in fact... maybe we could use a break from you... maybe.. um a royal intermission and all.."
With little in the way of a segue, Replica lied down, contemplating the possible available dummies. "Do you think... there's one that can float... like me?... or maybe, there is one that can sing... or maybe one shaped like a cat...". The tears in one of Replica's eyes, though not the other, subsided, because there was something about idle thought that was special to Replica.
"Farkran maybe you can bring us back some extras.. you seem to agree it's not too hard of a journey... I can help make you rations.."
Replica rolled over onto their face, afraid to see Farkran's potentially negative reaction, but then they rolled onto their back again, daring to hope to see their plan come together.
With seven alive, it takes four to make a decision.
(expired on 2020-02-24 20:00:00).
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