There are 4 scum and 13 town in this setup.
No lynch can be achieved until all events have concluded for that day.
If all events have concluded and someone is at lynch threshold, the day will immediately end.
This is an anything upick.
This game did not have balance in mind when designing. Some roles will be crazier then others, our jobs as the moderator is to give you a role that feels true in the truest sense for your character.
The Role will always win in a conflict between the role and the rules.
Each Head of the Hydra will recieve a role.
Upon Lynch, both heads of the hydra will flip with their Role PMs.
A Hydra cannot be targetted with an action, instead you must target the heads of the Hydra.
If a head of a hydra were to die, they may communiate with their alive partner
If a head of a hydra were to die, their alignment and role will not flip until the other half of the hydra dies. Their flavor however will flip.
If a head of a hydra were to die, the hydra account that was previously used cannot post. Instead, the alive head must use their main account to post.
Scum factional kill will kill hydras.
There will be events and prizes recieved from said events.
To explain events, events are minigames that will happen at certain time. People will /in for the event once it goes into sign-ups to play the minigame. Some events are global and everyone can play in them, so you won't have to /in for them
Events will last for the first 4 days of the day.
Events will only happen on days 1, 2, and 3.
There will be 8 events in 1 day phase.
The first event will be ran by jjh at 12PM est and the second will be ran by Alisae at 8PM Eastern.
Half of the events will have penalities for being in last place, and half of them will not.
Saying what the penalty is results in a modkill and the penalty being changed to something far more harsh.
The penalty of the event will never result in a kill.
If you win or place (1st, 2nd, 3rd) in an event, you will recieve money. (1st = 100$, 2nd = 75$, 3rd = 50$)
No talking about the game in the main thread until the event is finished.
No talking about the game outside the private topics for the event to anyone including your hydra partners until the event is over.
Any number of heads of a hydra can join but they must join individually.
Join on your solo account or clearly tag what head you are when joining the event.
If we are suspecting that you are cordinating in events with your hydra partner, then we will modkill your slot with no mercy.
During Days 1, 2, and 3, the shop will be open and will have a different inventory.
The Shop will also be open during the night.
Day 4 and onward, the shop will only feature Role Related Items.