- HoldenGolden
- Gamma Emerald
- Chemist1422tictac
- midwaybearprofii
- LuckyLucianodavesaz
- AdorableCat Scratch Fever
- Hectic
- bob3141
- Wake88
- SirCakez
- cliddAloratom
- CreatureAaronFrost
- Morning Tweet
-None (Keep up the good work everyone!)
Well, yeah, but why do you want to discuss those tells before the people potentially make them?In post 14, Wake1 wrote:So, of course it's a reach, but do we have any hard info on meta-tells on any of these people?
Oh shit I can't believe we rolled scum together againIn post 11, profii wrote:VOTE: aaronfrost
Aaron if you are scum please post a message in the game thread intended for the acum PT and that would be most kind of you
Pleading guiltyIn post 13, Hectic wrote:A lot of people with scummy greetings; I have my eyes on you, Aloratom, tictac, and Wake. AaronFFrost is AaronFFrost. profii attempting to rekindle old memories from a previous game with AaronFF, in which they can reminisce and laugh about is scum-indicative; he's establishing early trust.
Scummy pop-in, Sir Cakez. Care to comment on the current wagons rather than place a vote on your scum buddy?
VOTE: SirCakez
WhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatIn post 13, Hectic wrote:AaronFFrost is AaronFFrost
Aw, shucks.In post 15, Hectic wrote:Side note: I'm honoured to play with you, sir. I heard about your 50 player large game, and I'm a huge fan.In post 14, Wake1 wrote:So, of course it's a reach, but do we have any hard info on meta-tells on any of these people?
Because I'm impatient, I want to know, and I want people to get real nervous.In post 15, Hectic wrote:Well, yeah, but why do you want to discuss those tells before the people potentially make them?In post 14, Wake1 wrote:So, of course it's a reach, but do we have any hard info on meta-tells on any of these people?