Gamma Emerald takes some time to observe the enemy's motions. He learns the following informatio about Alpha:
inspiratieloos rushes forth and strikes twice at Alpha. (3 + 6 = 9 so far on Alpha.) The lizard attempts to slow the blade with its thick skin.
Original Roll String: 1d4
1 4-Sided Dice: (1) = 1
Formerfish attacks Beta with a powerful uppercut slash. (7 so far on Beta {1}.) David loads his bow and fires at Beta. (7 + 6 = 13 so far on Beta {2}.) Not Known 15 also attempts to get an attack in, but he has a lot of difficulty maneuvering around Formerfish and David's actions. (13 + 3 - 1 = 15 so far on Beta. {3})
Original Roll String: 1d4
1 4-Sided Dice: (1) = 1
Alpha bites inspiratieloos.
Original Roll String: 1d4+1
1 4-Sided Dice: (4)+1 = 5
Original Roll String: 1d2+1
1 2-Sided Dice: (2)+1 = 3
Original Roll String: 1d2+1
1 2-Sided Dice: (2)+1 = 3
Original Roll String: 1d6
1 6-Sided Dice: (3) = 3
Beta works itself into a frenzy. Its attacks become stronger, but its defensive power decreases. Beta attacks Gamma Emerald.
Original Roll String: 1d4+1
1 4-Sided Dice: (2)+1 = 3
Original Roll String: 1d2+1
1 2-Sided Dice: (2)+1 = 3
Original Roll String: 1d2+1
1 2-Sided Dice: (2)+1 = 3
Original Roll String: 1d4
1 4-Sided Dice: (4) = 4
Charlie attempts to scratch Not Known 15 with its claws.
Original Roll String: 1d4
1 4-Sided Dice: (4) = 4
Original Roll String: 1d2
1 2-Sided Dice: (2) = 2
Original Roll String: 1d2
1 2-Sided Dice: (1) = 1
Original Roll String: 1d4
1 4-Sided Dice: (1) = 1