Like why not go after someone in this list?In post 2526, Mikoto and Kuroko wrote:Egospray (bugspray and GeorgeBailey) - still one of the best info lynches, but has improved since my past readlist and i want to trust cappy on this. I'd want to have a flip mostly to see what happens afterwards.
Spiffybringer (Spiffeh and Firebringer) - flaily in a weird way, i'd like to hear more about this from the slots i trust and who have knowledge about their heads
The Searchers (SirCakez and Ircher) - i dislike their movements around egospray
NL (GuyInFreezer and MariaR) - no town presence here, no expectation for improvements
Unapologetically Foxy (Pine and xofelf) - no town presence here, no expectation for improvements
Maybe you aren't hardpushing Blake x Yang anymore but I don't really see you pushing elsewhere? I bring this topic back up because of this readslist where you put Blake x Yang as your top SR.
P-edit: Blake that's basically the same thought I'm having.