@the gut thing: Sure.
This game I'm probably going to cut short engagement on attacks on me, and I feel that you're approaching me in bad faith anyway (from your response to my explanation what I believe jjh meant, framing it as "logical therefore scummy" when I was literally doing "logical" the entirety of WF and hell, was accused of being scum because I "lacked emotion" so) so don't expect any further engagement from me after this. I think that you're not stiff makes you town, but your lack of understanding/incorrect interpretations of a lot of things leave me doubting.
gobbledygook wrote:
Why are you using this as justification for SirCakez scumread when if it is a self professed scumtell, wouldn't he is obviously aware of it being a scumtell and thus it should be NAI akin to the earlier discussion you and I had about JJH?
Because here it
a matter of capability. You can be aware of your scumtells and yet fail to act on them as town, which I am arguing is the case here. (Eg. he doesn't feel enough emotion to lash out or aggressively push back on people scumreading him, or thinks it'll come out awkward and scummy if he tries to since he doesn't really believe it). jjh has faked what he was arguing had been his scum meta in more recent scumgames.