Micro 952 - The Coalition: ItGBSMoD [game over!]

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Micro 952 - The Coalition: ItGBSMoD [game over!]

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Mon Jun 22, 2020 2:37 pm

Post by Datisi »


Micro 952 - The Coalition: Images that GeorgeBailey Sent Me on Discord

Backup Moderator:

Player List:
  1. Alduskkel*

  2. Klick*

  3. DonCorleone***

  4. Deimos27**

  5. Clover Ebi

  6. Dumb and Dumber

  7. PookyTheMagicalBear***

  8. Wug**
    Tuxedo Mask

  9. Chemist1422


Spoiler: (1/9)
  • Alduskkel,
    Mafia Goon
    , survives and wins


Spoiler: (8/9)
  • Clover Ebi,
    Vanilla Townie
    , executed Day 1
  • Chemist1422,
    Vanilla Townie
    , killed Night 1
  • Klick,
    Vanilla Townie
    , executed Day 2
  • Deimos27,
    Vanilla Townie
    , killed Night 2
  • PookyTheMagicalBear,
    Mafia Goon
    , executed Day 3
  • DonCorleone,
    Vanilla Townie
    , killed Night 3
  • Dumb and Dumber,
    Vanilla Townie
    , executed Day 4
  • Wug,
    Vanilla Townie
    , killed in the Endgame


Spoiler: day three

Spoiler: day four

Spoiler: VoteCount Settings
Living PlayersAlduskkel
Dumb and Dumber (replaces SleeperSoul)
Wug (replaces Tuxedo Mask)

Last edited by Datisi on Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:50 pm, edited 83 times in total.
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Mon Jun 22, 2020 2:38 pm

Post by Datisi »


Shamelessly stolen
Inspired by Plotinus's ruleset.

important bit
  • Day 1: up to 14 days, Day 2+ up to 7 days, Night: 48 hours.
  • On day 1 each player may vote to add members to a 5-player coalition - please use HEAL: Datisi and HURT: Datisi tags to add and remove players from your coalition, respectively.
  • Majority lynches.
  • 36 hours before prod, 24 hours before replacement.
  • Don’t be a dick.
  1. Follow all site rules.

  2. Mod colour
    – My mod colour is
    . You can use it if you want, just don't attempt to impersonate me.
  3. Behaviour
    - Don’t be a dick. This is a heated game but toxicity will not be tolerated. Attack the play not the player. If your fellow players tell you to stop, you must stop. If you do not stop, I will tell you to stop. If you still do not stop, you will be force-replaced. Asking people to stop voting you or to stop scumhunting you entirely doesn't count for this rule and you may find yourself lynched if you try it.
  4. Don't talk about ongoing games
    - You may not talk to each other about this game outside of threads I have created for this purpose. You may not talk about other ongoing games in this thread.
  5. Provable randomness
    - is against the rules. Saying that you rolled a dice is fine, using dice tags or random.org is not.
  6. Cryptography
    - is forbidden. Breadcrumbing is okay.
  7. Confirmation
    - You have about 36 hours to confirm your role and your alignment by PM. Game will start sooner if everyone confirms. Posting in a private topic counts as confirmation.
  8. Days
    - Day 1 lasts up to 14 days and other days last up to 7 days. Extensions may or may not be granted if there are replacements, or if the circumstances call for it (for example, if the site was experiencing issues).
  9. Activity
    - You must post at least once every 36 hours or I will Prod you. You then have 24 hours to post in the game thread or I will replace you. If you come back before I find a replacement, you can stay. Players can request me to prod somebody early. This will only count as an official prod if you don't post before you would have been due for a prod. If you haven't posted in the 24 hours before the thread is locked for night, you must reply to the night start PM or you will be replaced during the night.
  10. Vacation/Limited Access
    - If you need to be absent for longer than this, you should declare
    in bold in the thread like this: [
    @Mod: I will be v/la until Thursday
    /b]. While you are V/LA, you will be nudged once every 60 hours. Two nudges equals one prod. If you have not posted game advancing content in 5 days, regardless of V/LA status, you will be replaced.
  11. Prodging
    - A naked "prod dodge" does not reset the prod timer. To avoid being prodded/replaced for inactivity, include some game advancing content in your prodges, such as "got prodded; xxxx is still scum."
  12. Quoting
    - You may not quote (or copy paste) any private information into the thread, including your role PM and any mod communication.
  13. Voting
    - Votes must be in bold in the format VOTE: Datisi or
    Vote: Datisi
    . Strong preference for using vote tags instead of bold tags. Unvotes are nice but not required. If I think it’s a vote, it’s a vote, no tricks. Type [
    /v] to vote and [
    /uv] to unvote.
  14. Lynching
    - Days end early when a simple majority of players (50% of living players + 1 rounded down) vote to lynch somebody. If a majority is not reached at deadline or if a majority of the players vote for no lynch, the day will end without a lynch. At evens, 50% is sufficient for no lynch. It takes (100% of the votes + 1) to lynch the Moderator.
  15. Twilight
    - Begins when a majority is reached and lasts until I lock the thread. You're still alive until I flip you so you can talk in any game threads you have access to until then, but no votes or unvotes will be counted.
  16. Night
    - Night lasts at least 48 hours. The night phase can be shortened if every living player -- even those with no night actions -- agrees to it and if I'm not busy.
  17. Action submissions
    - You may submit actions via PM (if town) or PT (if scum). If the actions are not submitted by the deadline then you do nothing. You can change your mind as many times as you like before the deadline.
  18. Reminders
    - If I don't hear from you about your night actions, I'll PM you 24 hours before the deadline. This doesn't count as a prod. If I still don't hear from you, you will take no action.
  19. Notes PT
    - Let me know if you want a private thread to store your thoughts and feedback for the other players. This thread will be made public immediately after the game. You may draft posts in your notes PT but you may not talk about your notes PT in public. You definitely may not use the notes PT to demonstrate that you've had a town mindset in private all along; just put your town mindset in public to begin with and keep your notes to yourself.
  20. Play to win
    - this particular game, not some future one, and keep it fun!
Last edited by Datisi on Mon Jun 22, 2020 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Mon Jun 22, 2020 2:40 pm

Post by Datisi »

Game Setup - The Coalition

  • 7 x
    Vanilla Townie

  • 2 x
    Mafia Goon

  • The Mafia PT will be open at all times.
  • Daystart.
  • On Day 1, each player may propose a coalition of five players (and may change their mind about this as often as they like, until a coalition is locked in).
  • A majority coalition is agreed upon when at least five players have the same group of five people proposed as a coalition. At this point, the coalition is locked in and cannot be changed.
  • If a coalition containing scum is locked in, the game continues onto a normal Day 1 at that point (but town have the information that there was at least one scum inside the coalition); the coalition mechanic is disabled for the rest of the game.
  • If a coalition containing five townies is locked in, town automatically wins.

Spoiler: sample role PMs
. You are a
Vanilla Townie

You have no active abilites.

You win if a coalition of 5 townies is locked in on Day 1, or if all Mafia are dead.

The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this PM with your role name.

. You are a
Mafia Goon

You are a member of the Mafia, along with
. You share a factional PT, located here, where you may talk at any time. Each night, if no other member of your faction is performing this action, you may target a player. Assuming no interference with your action, that player will die.

You win if all townies are dead (or nothing can prevent this), but lose if a coalition of 5 townies is locked in on Day 1.

The game thread is here. Please confirm by replying to this PM with your role name or by posting in your PT.
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Mon Jun 22, 2020 3:20 pm

Post by Datisi »

Role PMs are out. We will start once [8/9] confirm.

Currently confirmed: [9/9]
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:45 pm

Post by Datisi »

The sun rises. It is now Day 1.

Vote count 1.00

with 9 votes in play, it takes 5 to make a decision. day 1 ends in (expired on 2020-07-07 13:00:00)

Alduskkel [0]:

votato [0]:

DonCorleone [0]:

Deimos27 [0]:

Clover Ebi [0]:

SleeperSoul [0]:

PookyTheMagicalBear [0]:

Tuxedo Mask [0]:

bugspray [0]:

not voting (9):
Alduskkel, votato, DonCorleone, Deimos27, Clover Ebi, SleeperSoul, PookyTheMagicalBear, Tuxedo Mask, bugspray


mod notes
  • Everyone has confirmed!
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:51 pm

Post by Deimos27 »

VOTE: SleeperSoul
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:51 pm

Post by Deimos27 »

Anyone wanna form a townblock?
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:53 pm

Post by Deimos27 »

In post 5, Deimos27 wrote:First
VOTE: SleeperSoul
Oh wait we don't lynch on D1 how do I rvs
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:55 pm

Post by Deimos27 »

Not sure how this works tbh
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2020 1:01 am

Post by SleeperSoul »

Hey guys! It's your resident obvtown SleeperSoul here to help us win on day 1 with the perfect coalition!


HEAL: votato
HEAL: Pooky
HEAL: TuxedoMask

^The four of us just finished an epic game of True Love.
https://forum.mafiascum.net/viewtopic.p ... 65&start=0
I think I have pretty good soul reads on these fellows, listed in order of strongest to weakest.

HURT: Deimos

Deimos you were my cold hard scum soulread as I quickly scanned the list last night. So you could be scum, or we could just have very different souls, or it's just that your name sounds kinda evil :lol:
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2020 1:05 am

Post by SleeperSoul »

Do I need to HEAL: MYSELF to put myself in?
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2020 1:08 am

Post by Deimos27 »

My name? Sounds evil?
Nononononono, you misunderstand
The Ancient Greek personification of terror is a very friendly fellow
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2020 1:42 am

Post by SleeperSoul »

Suuure.... If you're not evil, why did you vote me? :mrgreen:
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2020 2:21 am

Post by bugspray »


do not assume my posts follow coherency they do not imagine that every time i post i put half of my knowledge into a clone and then the clone murders me
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2020 2:36 am

Post by DonCorleone »

HEAL: myself
HEAL: aldus
HEAL: clover
HEAL: pooky
HEAL: tux

HURT: deimos
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2020 2:38 am

Post by DonCorleone »

Aldus did you roll scum without me this time?
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2020 3:48 am

Post by SleeperSoul »

bugspray please talk more this game I think town would have won the lovers game if you were more active.
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2020 3:51 am

Post by Deimos27 »

Why am I being discriminated against
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:24 am

Post by DonCorleone »

Scummy entrance bruh
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:30 am

Post by votato »

dc are you scum?
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:36 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

deimos my number 1 townread right now

he's so clueless he has to be town
"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."


"Please refrain from diverting our sleuths out there Pooky."
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:36 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

let's win this first day boys

get it done
"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."


"Please refrain from diverting our sleuths out there Pooky."
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:38 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

I think we have a 85% chance of winning this game outright if townies act really townie


let's do it
"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."


"Please refrain from diverting our sleuths out there Pooky."
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:49 am

Post by DonCorleone »

In post 19, votato wrote:dc are you scum?
Sadly not, lmao
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:52 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

DC pretty susp

a real townie would've said yes
"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."


"Please refrain from diverting our sleuths out there Pooky."