Elimination fucking SUCKS.
Hello I skimmed a bit. I'd say it's a bad change because of reasons (racializing things is always iffy for me) but the post that convinces me is Reck's post
43 The Davsto one is also good. ABR posting is also good in the sense that it should convince you that this is a good thing to do.
elimination is abominable as a replacement it's shit
. The entire reason why lynching is the term used is because it's illustrative of the gameplay of this game that we play, a lynching is a mob action where someone is killed with little regard for their actual guilt in whatever crime is being punished. It signifies the panic and uncertainty that's a crucial cornerstone of this whole ordeal. Elimination does nothing to illustrate that.
So considering the soviet origins of this lil party game I suggest purge? Idk I like it. Other options: Lick (saves the acronyms), execute, behead, chop. Just don't fuckin, please for the love of God don't use eliminate.