Micro 960: A Year of Miccros II - Game Over

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Post Post #4950 (ISO) » Mon Aug 24, 2020 8:37 pm

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

btw this is why I had a pretty strong suspicion you and SS were scum even on D2 before DSJ flipped.

DSJ is full of honesty and feels like he means what he says even though he's a total noob. So many of you and SS's posts are just total BS that feels fake af
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Post Post #4951 (ISO) » Mon Aug 24, 2020 8:38 pm

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

great now you've made me waste time talking stupid shit to you

congrats I guess, another derailment
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Post Post #4952 (ISO) » Mon Aug 24, 2020 9:55 pm

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »


I’m not sure how to begin this letter to you, it’s been a pretty wild game. I’m sorry for many of the things I’ve put you and the town through. I’ve done many stupid things this game and I deeply regret them, I shouldn’t have pushed aldus out on D1, that was an error in overconfidence on my part. I shouldn’t have fake-claimed vig without checking with the moderator, it was sloppy and dumb but done with the intention of hopefully getting the mafia to nightkill me - I had no idea they had some stupid MFD ability to bypass me in the first place. I should have stood harder on my dsj-town read but I allowed myself to get caught up in wishful thinking. Most of all I regret not pushing harder for my own lynch on D2. I think if I had flipped town bomb on D2 it would’ve put TW’s roleclaim in much more of a dire condition and hopefully give dsj the breathing room he needed to survive at lylo. I guess I was selfish - I didn’t make the right play there and now I find myself stuck being the LHF-lynch at lylo. A lylo set up by TW/SS who engineered the dsj lynch over me. I feel tremendous regret over many aspects of my play this game. The fact that I’m sitting here at 5:00 AM writing this letter to you over a stupid internet game should really speak to the volume of how badly I feel for having misplayed my hand here - because my lynch here tonight really is the end for the town.

Why do I care so much about this loss? I really don’t understand it myself to be honest with you. I should’ve stopped checking in to this game a while ago but I feel a deep sense of resentment almost at TW/SS who have not really presented much of a case against me/raven and continue to snipe at us in the thread with their fake smiles pretending to engage us in conversation when they are just using logical fallacy and thinly veiled bullshit to make us run in circles. It’s so incredibly frustrating playing this game from my position and raven’s position and I’m not sure you understand how we feel. I think I honestly would’ve been better off replacing out of this game on D1. I wrote the PM out to Micc several times during the first wagon of me but I didn’t send it - it was a pretty bad choice - another one that I regret. I think I might just be addicted to arguing with people online - I’m quite shy in real life and tend to not have the same confidence I feel when I’m typing things out from behind a computer screen - it takes me a while to get comfortable enough to talk to someone and this I guess is a form of therapy for me.

I know you are very suspicious of me from the things I did in coalition, Datisi was as well from the start of the game and I was unduly harsh on him as a result of that. I regret my actions from D1 deeply, I should not have lashed out at him the way I did - he is genuinely a good guy and did not deserve that. In many ways I think the game would’ve progressed much better if I had been replaced out or lynched on the first day - I would’ve spent much less time on this game and the town would have had the distraction of me around for not nearly as long. Another mistake that I made, I guess.

You know I am a very dangerous scum player because I can do a number of very tricky things to win the game - I am very good at faking emotions and tricking myself in a way to think I am town. However I am a planner first and foremost - I enjoy board games and deeper strategy games where you have to plan complicated things out over the long run. If I was scum here - my partner is almost certainly not Raven - it would be someone else that I had worked with to set up to win in the endgame. You know from coalition that I asked aldus to set himself up opposite from me from the very beginning - I played the entire game with my scumpartner hard-bussing me for the entire duration of the game, increasing the difficulty of my own survival because I enjoy the challenge and because I knew it would ultimately lead to victory if I could convince enough townies that I was town and they would look bad in the endgame.

When the endgame for coalition actually began, I did not put up much of a fight, it was only 40ish posts - enough to make the town think I was fighting it but not heavy enough to make them think SS could be not aligned with me or really think out the possible game-states. I told Aldus to hammer me as soon as it was feasible for him to do it because that is the optimal play in that situation.

That is nothing like my play in this game - because I am not scum here.

I have no partner set up to win the game.

I was a clueless 0 info-townside player just like yourself into today. Before Datisi declined to hammer me I had serious doubts to his guilt.

I am fairly close to over 400 posts here - I know effort =/= alignment but you have to consider whether I would be going this hard unless I was a town who knew that my lynch would immediately result in the loss of this game for us. I would not have set up an endgame where myself and my scumpartner raven are sitting ducks to get lynched 1 after the other. I would not spend hundreds of posts hammering you over and over to think about which person makes sense as my partner if I was scum because you figuring out the correct game state means my team would lose if I were scum.

You have thought a long time about this solution as to my partner - you’ve settled on Raven but you know it doesn’t fit. The interactions do not make any sense.

Bugspray doesn’t accidentally near-hammer his own partner in the first hours of D1 - that’s just not an EV-positive play despite how TW/SS keep insisting that bugspray just wouldn’t care and would just randomly hammer his own partner. If that’s the case can they find a single game where bugspray showed up and near-hammered his own mafia partner on the first day of a game? Let alone the first DAY of D1? I don’t think they can.

Raven’s interaction with me also doesn’t make sense - put yourself in her shoes for a moment - your idiot scum-partner Pooky just fake-claimed vigilante and has been exposed by the moderator to be a lying idiot. Is your immediate reaction to be like “well let’s just lynch DSJ instead” or to bus pooky hard and fast? One action makes sense, the other does not, keep in mind that DsJ had raven as a hard town-read so it doesn’t even make sense for her to get rid of him anyway. If the team was Raven/Pooky, Raven would hard-bus Pooky there 100 times out of 100, even if her own instinct was not to, I would be literally begging her in the Scum PT to bus me hard.

You know the other solutions do not fit as well, I’ve gone over the points over and over and if you need me to go over why any other partner does not fit, I am happy to take time to go over it again with you. The fact is I do not have a partner. I am on your side in this game.

Lastly there’s the interaction from page 181-186 where me and raven and Datisi had a discussion that was uncomfortable for all of us. I accused Datisi of some things I should not have and he’s shown himself to be an upstanding gentleman - I was wrong yet again this game in my judgement of a player. I caused emotional duress unintentionally to Raven and I am deeply sorry for what I did to both of them, the actions were stupid and I let myself become overly emotional because I was in a bad place at the time and I deeply regret them - yet another thing I regret doing this game. But if you look at that interaction as uncomfortable as it is to read, it is really too far of a stretch to believe that Raven and I decided to create some scum theater to mess with Datisi.

I think I’ve said enough about why I am not scum here and if there’s something you think makes me very likely to be scum that you think I haven’t addressed - I am more than happy to go over it with you. I’m not sure if you read to the end of this extremely long post but I would be tremendously grateful if you consider my words and give me a chance to change your mind here.

It's been extremely enjoyable playing with you, and I thank you, Datisi, and Raven for having given me the opportunity to try to dig myself out of this hole I've created. In case I wake up and find myself dead, here's a cute Tigger and pooh gif for you. I hope I have the opportunity to play with you again in the future.

"I can't even look at the game anymore.
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It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."


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Post Post #4953 (ISO) » Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:13 pm

Post by Raven Branwen »

In post 4007, Something_Smart wrote:
In post 3959, Raven Branwen wrote:This is a really good point. I don’t think I want to execute Pooky anymore. So it’s between SS/duckling.
Tinfoil paranoia waning
This is the post that I still don’t understand why it got so ridiculously misunderstood. This is the point in which my paranoia on you possibly flipping town, made me change my read on you. I still don’t understand how that got so horribly mischaracterized.
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Post Post #4954 (ISO) » Mon Aug 24, 2020 11:07 pm

Post by Raven Branwen »

In post 4953, Raven Branwen wrote:
In post 4007, Something_Smart wrote:
In post 3959, Raven Branwen wrote:This is a really good point. I don’t think I want to execute Pooky anymore. So it’s between SS/duckling.
Tinfoil paranoia waning
This is the post that I still don’t understand why it got so ridiculously misunderstood. This is the point in which my paranoia on you possibly flipping town, made me change my read on you. I still don’t understand how that got so horribly mischaracterized.
This was the reaction that I think pinged me the hardest. I would think that town!SS would realize that my read change on you was in good faith because clearly I had valid reasons for it.
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Post Post #4955 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:19 am

Post by skitter30 »

In post 4900, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:which piece of evidence in your mind skitter is the most damning reason for you to suspect Pooky-scum here?
i just wanna say that i admire your tenacity

look, from my pov the game looks like this:

me - towniest town to ever town
dats - literally can only be scum with you, which i find incredibly unlikely, and i'd vote you out over him for like a bajillion reasons as i actively townread him
tw - well i'm still not like ~solid~ but i have multiple people (dats, tw, ss) telling me he has to be town for mechanical reasons, and all three of them can't be scum so i wanna just agree with that and not think about it too hard.

so i just need to find the one townie in {pooky, ss, raven} to solve the game
and i kinda wanna townbin ss for Koba and for how he's comporting/presenting himself today

so what does that leave me with?

the reasons you're lowest of the three of them in my poe is:
- looks like coalition
- fallacious/bad-faithy arguments (to aldu, about dats early game and earlier today, about ss earlier today)
- dislike ur switch from town-dsjtr to scum-dsjstr when i said i was leaning towards scum-dsjstr
- the whole bomb/vig thing :(

i feel reasonably settled with this decision, kinda just waiting for dats to give the all clear tbh
not hanging my hat on scum!raven but it's my best guess at this point
Hiatus once more.

'skitter is fucking terrifying' ~ town-bork about scum-me

'Skitter [was] terrifying to play against ngl' ~ scum-bork about town-me

'Going into lylo against scum!skit unprepared is like having someone force feed you dull razor blades. It's painful, and once it starts, you're pretty much dead' ~ NMSA

'Skitter you're a spirit animal's spirit animal' ~ slaxx
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Post Post #4956 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:21 am

Post by skitter30 »

In post 4902, Raven Branwen wrote:So, if Pooky flips town: SS/tw
If he flips scum: SS > Dats
so, if pooky flips town we just lose

i'm not sure why you're settling on scum!ss over scum!pooky

i also find you pushing dsjstr over pooky during the bomb-vig to be partner-indicative
Hiatus once more.

'skitter is fucking terrifying' ~ town-bork about scum-me

'Skitter [was] terrifying to play against ngl' ~ scum-bork about town-me

'Going into lylo against scum!skit unprepared is like having someone force feed you dull razor blades. It's painful, and once it starts, you're pretty much dead' ~ NMSA

'Skitter you're a spirit animal's spirit animal' ~ slaxx
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Post Post #4957 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:21 am

Post by skitter30 »

In post 4906, the worst wrote:i'll respond to this postgame as well
Hiatus once more.

'skitter is fucking terrifying' ~ town-bork about scum-me

'Skitter [was] terrifying to play against ngl' ~ scum-bork about town-me

'Going into lylo against scum!skit unprepared is like having someone force feed you dull razor blades. It's painful, and once it starts, you're pretty much dead' ~ NMSA

'Skitter you're a spirit animal's spirit animal' ~ slaxx
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Post Post #4958 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:25 am

Post by skitter30 »

In post 4942, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:I have literally nothing to say to you.

I know you are scum.

If you want to make a case to skitter then make it on your own time, don't interrupt me in the middle of my posting and try to knock me off course with random distracting posts.


If you want to make some case to skitter - then do so yourself and I will stay offline until you are done talking then I will resume making my posts.

I do not want to interact with you in any way.
Hiatus once more.

'skitter is fucking terrifying' ~ town-bork about scum-me

'Skitter [was] terrifying to play against ngl' ~ scum-bork about town-me

'Going into lylo against scum!skit unprepared is like having someone force feed you dull razor blades. It's painful, and once it starts, you're pretty much dead' ~ NMSA

'Skitter you're a spirit animal's spirit animal' ~ slaxx
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Post Post #4959 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:42 am

Post by skitter30 »

In post 4952, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:Bugspray doesn’t accidentally near-hammer his own partner in the first hours of D1 - that’s just not an EV-positive play despite how TW/SS keep insisting that bugspray just wouldn’t care and would just randomly hammer his own partner.
In post 4952, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:A lylo set up by TW/SS who engineered the dsj lynch over me.
In post 4952, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:I would not have set up an endgame where myself and my scumpartner raven are sitting ducks to get lynched 1 after the other.

ok wanna say a few things wrt your letter:
- there's a lot i admire about your game here (esp. if u are scum), and there's some that i'm not as fond of. we can talk about it at length in post tho
- bugs isn't some scum mastermind. honestly i've thought about it some more and give my experience with scum-bugs like i can kinda see him doing that. in my last scumgame with them (i.e. we were partners), they lolhammered day1 like 24 hours into the day and fucked over the gamestate and i got tilted to the point where i repped out cuz i couldn't figure out where to go from there after they messed with the gamestate in like three different ways and actively ignored in-thread what we talked about in the scum pt. so uh yeah. after reviewing that experience not sure their e-1 vote on u is clearing.
- i'm p sure i'm the main reason dsjstr went through in the end (uh, sorry) so the quote above about tw/ss engineering it is revisionist
- i followed coalition quite closely while it happens and there's several things that happened there that mirror what's happening here (i quoted in the spoiler), and that's not something i can just ignore
- i actually kinda believe you would not have let this scum-raven/scum-pooky endgame to play out ... but i find the other possibilities to be even less likely so this is where i'm at
- raven going after dsjstr and not you during hte bomb thing is a point in favor of partners, not against it
- i do like the gif at the end
- i'm not planning on reading the messy parts of the 180's, sorry
Hiatus once more.

'skitter is fucking terrifying' ~ town-bork about scum-me

'Skitter [was] terrifying to play against ngl' ~ scum-bork about town-me

'Going into lylo against scum!skit unprepared is like having someone force feed you dull razor blades. It's painful, and once it starts, you're pretty much dead' ~ NMSA

'Skitter you're a spirit animal's spirit animal' ~ slaxx
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Post Post #4960 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:49 am

Post by Datisi »

In post 4955, skitter30 wrote:i feel reasonably settled with this decision, kinda just waiting for dats to give the all clear tbh
so this is happening anyway, right? and there isn't much point dragging it out?
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #4961 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:59 am

Post by skitter30 »

i think so ?
i like really hope that i'm not wrong (cuz, well, messed up a few times already this game)

but i'm not sure where else to vote and ss saying that if pooky is town we've also kinda already lost is kinda compelling too
like i think i've reviewed my thoguth process that went into this decision and i feel reasonably settled, enough that i tried.
Hiatus once more.

'skitter is fucking terrifying' ~ town-bork about scum-me

'Skitter [was] terrifying to play against ngl' ~ scum-bork about town-me

'Going into lylo against scum!skit unprepared is like having someone force feed you dull razor blades. It's painful, and once it starts, you're pretty much dead' ~ NMSA

'Skitter you're a spirit animal's spirit animal' ~ slaxx
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Post Post #4962 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:01 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

In post 4959, skitter30 wrote:- bugs isn't some scum mastermind. honestly i've thought about it some more and give my experience with scum-bugs like i can kinda see him doing that. in my last scumgame with them (i.e. we were partners), they lolhammered day1 like 24 hours into the day and fucked over the gamestate and i got tilted to the point where i repped out cuz i couldn't figure out where to go from there after they messed with the gamestate in like three different ways and actively ignored in-thread what we talked about in the scum pt. so uh yeah. after reviewing that experience not sure their e-1 vote on u is clearing.
yes I can see bugs lol-hammering on D1 but they don't do that to their own teammate do they? sure they ignore what you told them in the scum PT but do they ignore your existence and just lol-hammer you in the first hours of D1? It's a pretty big stretch from scum using their meta to try to get away with a lol-hammer and scum lol-hammering their own partner.
"I can't even look at the game anymore.
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Post Post #4963 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:02 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

In post 4961, skitter30 wrote:but i'm not sure where else to vote and ss saying that if pooky is town we've also kinda already lost is kinda compelling too
I don't get why we have already lost if I am town.

I think if you conclude I am town here - the only possible scum are TW//SS and we will win if we elim them one after the other
"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."


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Post Post #4964 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:04 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

In post 4959, skitter30 wrote:- i'm p sure i'm the main reason dsjstr went through in the end (uh, sorry) so the quote above about tw/ss engineering it is revisionist
Yes you were the main push behind dsj, raven helped as well, but both TW and SS supported pushing out dsj over me.

Think for a second about this game from TW's shoes - why would TW decide to push DSJ over Pooky at that point? A Pooky red flip makes him almost certainly town since the town would have only 1 PR if he was scum - why would both SS and TW decide it's better to push DSJ instead?
"I can't even look at the game anymore.
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It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."


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Post Post #4965 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:05 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

In post 4958, skitter30 wrote:
In post 4942, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:I have literally nothing to say to you.

I know you are scum.

If you want to make a case to skitter then make it on your own time, don't interrupt me in the middle of my posting and try to knock me off course with random distracting posts.


If you want to make some case to skitter - then do so yourself and I will stay offline until you are done talking then I will resume making my posts.

I do not want to interact with you in any way.
I'm sorry about this post but I really had it up to here with SS/TW making snipy 1 comments to derail my thoughts when I'm already well on the way to losing.

In FTF mafia and the old days, usually scum had the decency to let the victims of lylo make their pleas without trying to make bad-faith one-liners to distract and deflect.
"I can't even look at the game anymore.
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Post Post #4966 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:13 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

In post 4959, skitter30 wrote:i followed coalition quite closely while it happens and there's several things that happened there that mirror what's happening here (i quoted in the spoiler), and that's not something i can just ignore
I'd like to think there are some pretty obvious differences between my play in coalition and my play here

the most obvious difference being that I offered myself up for lynch on D2 with a conditional solve depending on night actions - I never did that in Coalition, I pushed whatever mis-elim I could push every day.

the other difference is that today in lylo I've made nearly 10x as many posts as I did in coalition because I am in a state of desperation here whereas in coalition I don't really care nearly as much.
"I can't even look at the game anymore.
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Post Post #4967 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:15 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

In post 4959, skitter30 wrote:- i actually kinda believe you would not have let this scum-raven/scum-pooky endgame to play out ... but i find the other possibilities to be even less likely so this is where i'm at
Why do you find a TW/SS scum-team even less likely? I don't think you've ever articulated that and I really don't get what in their play makes them so "townie" to you. Even before today on D2 they were my top pick for the scum-team - before DSJ even flipped or Datisi showed he had to be town by not hammering me and Raven went all in on defending me today. So I'm really confused why they are sooo much more unlikely to be the scum-team for you?

Yes Koba played very well in the first 2 or 3 days they were here but I don't think 2 or 3 days of play is enough to carry an entire game? What independently have TW/SS done that make you think "this can't possibly be the scum-team?"
"I can't even look at the game anymore.
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Post Post #4968 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:19 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

In post 4959, skitter30 wrote:- raven going after dsjstr and not you during hte bomb thing is a point in favor of partners, not against it
"Your scum-partner's fake-claim has just been debunked by the Moderator in public, do you immediately bus him or push a different player as the mis-elim?"

I think if you gave that question to 1000 mafia players - nearly every one of them would pick to bus. It is much better EV for scum to bus in that scenario and DSJ is not really a priority elim for Raven, the fact that DSJ locktown'd Raven meant that she would never really be in a threat from his slot anyway and she was one lynch outside lylo - there is really no reason for her not to sacrifice me at that point.
"I can't even look at the game anymore.
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Post Post #4969 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:58 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

In post 4959, skitter30 wrote:- bugs isn't some scum mastermind.
this is exactly why bugs wouldn't near-lol-hammer their own partner in D1 - they don't make those kind of plays.
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Post Post #4970 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 5:43 am

Post by skitter30 »

In post 4962, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:yes I can see bugs lol-hammering on D1 but they don't do that to their own teammate do they? sure they ignore what you told them in the scum PT but do they ignore your existence and just lol-hammer you in the first hours of D1? It's a pretty big stretch from scum using their meta to try to get away with a lol-hammer and scum lol-hammering their own partner.
we agreed in the scum pt that i would make aparticular fake-claim to take advantage of a particular mechanic in thread.
they lolhamemred and then claimed what i was going to fake-claim about 24 hours through day1
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Post Post #4971 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 5:45 am

Post by Datisi »


you don't know things like that happen when the scum PT doesn't get released
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #4972 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 5:46 am

Post by skitter30 »

In post 4964, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:why would both SS and TW decide it's better to push DSJ instead?
i'm not sure this actually happened?
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Post Post #4973 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 5:47 am

Post by skitter30 »

In post 4971, Datisi wrote:damn

you don't know things like that happen when the scum PT doesn't get released
yeah i think that's why it ultimately didn't get released and why i repped out, i got really tilted and i think i asked for a bunch of redactions :/
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Post Post #4974 (ISO) » Tue Aug 25, 2020 5:50 am

Post by skitter30 »

pooky my read on u is tghat u care about scum like 10x as much as u care about town, and that you're really passionate/driven and will do whatevr u can to win a scumgame, whereas u don't care as much about town
and that in coalition u didn't care about getting hammered cuz aldu was set up to win if u get voted out

i kinda think it's time. i'll address whatever's on this page cuz i'm bad at not answreing things but i really odn't think i'm changing my mind at this point
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'skitter is fucking terrifying' ~ town-bork about scum-me

'Skitter [was] terrifying to play against ngl' ~ scum-bork about town-me

'Going into lylo against scum!skit unprepared is like having someone force feed you dull razor blades. It's painful, and once it starts, you're pretty much dead' ~ NMSA

'Skitter you're a spirit animal's spirit animal' ~ slaxx