Open 795 | Noir | Game Over

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Open 795 | Noir | Game Over

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Thu Sep 10, 2020 3:46 pm

Post by the worst »

Open 795


Backup mod: Menalque


Original Playerlist:
  1. GeniusGamer
  2. Tayl0r Swift
  3. bob3141
  4. Not_Mafia
  5. ManWithNoName
  6. Dongempire
  7. Bambi Jay
  8. NorwegianboyEE
  10. Battle Mage
  11. PenguinPower
  12. Isis
  13. Lost
Alive People:
  • bob3141, Vanilla townie, survived and won.
  • ManWithNoName, Vanilla Townie, survived and won.
  • Bambi Jay, Vanilla Townie, survived and won.
  • NorwegianboyEE, Town Weak Hider, survived and won.
  • Isis, Town Tracker (Tracker/Vig), survived and won.
  • Lost, Vanilla Townie, survived and won.

Flips & Reveals:
  • Dongempire,
    Vanilla Townie
    , eliminated day one.
  • Battle Mage,
    Vanilla Townie
    , shot night one.
  • GeniusGamer,
    Mafia Jailkeeper
    , eliminated day two.
    Town Detective
    , shot night two.
  • Tayl0r Swift,
    Mafia Goon
    , eliminated day three.
  • Not_Mafia,
    Vanilla Townie
    , shot night three.
  • PenguinPower,
    Mafia Goon
    , eliminated day four.
Last edited by the worst on Sun Sep 27, 2020 2:13 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Thu Sep 10, 2020 3:47 pm

Post by the worst »


mercilessly stolen & slightly adapted mostly from Ausuka

General Rules:

1. Site Rules apply.
2. You may not quote your role PM, you may not quote any other PMs from me, and you may not quote the time at which I sent you any PM.
3. The default mafiascum skin font colours (in bold) are my mod colours. I would strongly encourage you to use them if you feel the need to. Don't impersonate me.
4. If you have a question or concern, or if you think that I may have made an error, do not hesitate to ask in-topic or by PM. Be sure to bold requests directed at me so that I see them.
5. If you break any of these rules, or if I deem it to be appropriate, you could be warned, force-replaced, or modkilled, depending on the severity of what you did. If a player is modkilled, they will die and become a Neutral Survivor resulting in their loss.
6. Please be respectful and kind towards other players. I understand that Mafia can be a heated game sometimes, but there is a line, and if you cross it the game stops being fun. In particular, personal attacks are not allowed.
7. Once you die you may not post anymore.
8. No encryption please. Breadcrumbing is fine, but things like encrypting your role into scrambled text are not. If you have any questions about what does and does not violate this rule, feel free to ask me, and I will answer.
9. Don’t claim scum with another player in a serious manner. I will judge what counts as serious; don't toe the line. Claiming scum by yourself is fine, but please don’t lose the game intentionally by doing so.
10. Don’t work against your win condition.
11. Don’t use provable randomness. Saying “I rolled a dice and it landed on 2” is acceptable; posting a screenshot of you using, or using dice tags, is not acceptable.
12. Use your common sense; I try to include as much as I can but this is probably not an exhaustive list of all things you are not allowed to do.
13. I reserve the right to change any of these rules or any of the time, or make any judgement irregardless of what these rules say (although I will try to follow what I have said here as closely as possible.)
14. The spirit of these rules is what counts, not the exact wording. If you find a loophole in these rules, don't be surprised when I modkill you anyway. Ask me if you would like clarity on any of these, or think something might fall in a grey area.

Voting, Eliminating, and Deadlines:

15. As with any mafia game, you can vote for a player to get them eliminated, you can vote for a No Elimination, or you can not vote at all.
16. Votes must use the bold tags or the vote tags, like this: VOTE: teh worts or this:
Vote: teh worts
. please try and use recognisable names/nicknames wherever possible.
17. An elimination requires a majority (over 50%) vote. For example, when there are 9 players alive, it will take 5 votes to eliminate, because that is the smallest number over 50% of the number of players.
18. Deadlines will be as follows:
- day phases: 7 days
- night phases: 48 hours
I may extend this if I deem it appropriate. When the deadline expires, the day will end without an elimination.
19. When an elimination is reached or deadline expires, I will lock the thread and start the Night phase as soon as I can. You are allowed to post before I do this, if you want.
20. All approved private topics included in any role PMs may be used for discussion at any time. That means that the mafia, may use their private topic during both day phases and night phases.

Prodding and Activity:

21. If a player fails to post for 36 consecutive hours, they will be prodded. If that player does not post for another 24 hours after they've been prodded, they'll be replaced.
22. If you are going away, or if you have limited access to the site, notify me by pm or in-topic so that I know not to prod or replace you. The maximum amount of time you may go without posting due to V/LA is 120 hours (five days).
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Thu Sep 10, 2020 3:47 pm

Post by the worst »


We will be playing
, as created by everyone's favourite dinosaur.
Please read the below notes, and sample role PMs, carefully.

  • 7
    Vanilla Townies

  • 1
    Town Tracker/Vigilante
    (selected n1)
  • 1
    Town Weak Hider

  • 1
    Town Detective or Psychologist
    (selected randomly)
  • 2
    Mafia Goons

  • 1
    Mafia Jailkeeper
Win Conditions
  • Town
    : You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.
  • Mafia
    : You win if at least one mafia member is alive and all other players are dead (or if nothing can prevent the same).
Other Setup Notes
  • Scum have full daychat. If requested & agreed by all mafia members, I will create a scum Discord.
  • Daystart.
  • The Jailkeeper blocks all night actions, and may not both jail and perform the factional kill on the same night.
  • The Tracker/Vigilante chooses on Night 1 which role they would like to be.
  • The Hider dies if it hides behind a Mafia member or a Vigilante, or if the person it hides behind dies.
  • The Detective targets a player and finds out if that player has killed another player or not.
  • The Psychologist targets a player and finds out if they have the potential to kill, but if the player has already killed, the psychologist will get a negative result.
Sample Role PMs

Spoiler: vanilla townie

Welcome to Open 794: Noir. You are a
Vanilla Townie


You have no abilities other than your voice and your vote.

Win Condition:

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Spoiler: town tracker/vigilante

Welcome to Open 794: Noir. You are a
Town Tracker/Vigilante


On Night 1, you must choose between being either a Tracker or a Vigilante.
Each night phase, you may target one player in the game to track them. If successful, you will learn which players in the game they targeted that phase, if any.
Each night phase, you may target another player in the game to attempt to kill them.

Win Condition:

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Spoiler: town weak hider

Welcome to Open 794: Noir. You are a
Town Weak Hider


Each night phase, you may target another player in the game to hide behind, rendering yourself immune to all nightkills that phase. However, if your target dies that phase, you also die.
If you target someone who is a member of the mafia, you will die.

Win Condition:

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Spoiler: town detective

Welcome to Open 794: Noir. You are a
Town Detective


Each night phase, you may target one player in the game to investigate them. You will receive a result of "Has Killed", "Has Not Killed", or "No Result". If your target is killing during the investigation, you will receive the result "Has Killed".

Win Condition:

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Spoiler: town psychologist

Welcome to Open 794: Noir. You are a
Town Psychologist


Each night phase, you may target one player in the game to diagnose them. You will receive a result of "Can Kill", "Cannot Kill", or "No Result".

Win Condition:

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Spoiler: mafia goon

Welcome to Open 794: Noir. You are a
Mafia Goon


Factional Communication:
Each night phase, you may talk to your partners here.
Factional Kill:
Each night phase, you may send a member of your group to target another player in the game, attempting to kill them.

Win Condition:

You win if at least one mafia member is alive and all other players are dead (or if nothing can prevent the same).

Spoiler: mafia jailkeeper

Welcome to Open 794: Noir. You are a
Mafia Jailkeeper


Factional Communication:
Each night phase, you may talk to your partners here.
Factional Kill:
Each night phase, you may send a member of your group to target another player in the game, attempting to kill them.
Each night phase, you may target another player in the game to attempt to jail them, blocking any night actions they might take and protecting them from a single kill.

Win Condition:

You win if at least one mafia member is alive and all other players are dead (or if nothing can prevent the same).

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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Thu Sep 10, 2020 3:56 pm

Post by the worst »

Role PMs are out.
Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with the Setup, especially the "Other Setup Notes".
We will begin at 11/13 confirmations.

Received so far: 11/11.
Last edited by the worst on Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:35 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Thu Sep 10, 2020 4:01 pm

Post by the worst »

Edgy noir roleplay is heartily encouraged, but entirely optional.
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:40 am

Post by the worst »

Friday, 13th July, 2040, 16:43:00
Somewhere in the Swiss Alps


A cable car glides, nonchalantly, down the mountain. The wintry fog rises up to meet it, slowly smothering its metal form, until it can be seen no more. From further up the mountain, a man watches. His stern face is semi-obscured by a fedora, most of the rest of his form similarly masked by a trenchcoat. The outfit appears has some utility for the harsh environment, but the man is clearly preoccupied with some nostalgic sense of fashion.

He lowers a cigar from this mouth, taking a reflective moment before letting out a long exhale. Tendrils of smoke billow from his mouth, desperately clinging at the air as they rise, before they too disappear. For a long, pensive moment, the man is alone. Nothing but the perpetual sound of wind whistling through the mountains.

He raises the cigar to his lips, ready to inhale again, but pauses. Another figure is coming his way. From the cable car station, a younger man approaches. He seems more appropriately dressed for the weather. The older man lowers his cigar. He stays exactly where he is, like some cheesy mannequin, waiting for the young man to climb to his location.

"G- good afternoon," The young man says, catching his breath slightly. He looks around himself: the man with the cigar, the mountains coated in fog, the humble mountainside home just a minute away. "You must be Detective Clark?" He holds out a gloved hand in the older man's direction.

The detective looks back at the young man, as if sizing him up, before he acknowledges the greeting. "Not for many years. Please, call me Miles." He takes the younger man's hand in a firm shake. "You must be Carl Knight."

"Ah, yes, of course. Mrs. Stone--"

"Miss." The older man interrupts, firmly but not uncordially. "Miss Stone did tell me to expect you." Letting the young man's hand go, Miles turns towards the house, beckoning him to follow. "Please, come with me. It's warmer inside, and you look like you could use a drink." Not waiting for an answer, he sets off.

Carl follows him, his enthusiastic stride easily matching the slow, deliberate movements of the former detective.

"So, the rumours are true." Carl says, nearing the house. "When I heard that the legendary Detective Miles Clark had retired to the Alps, I thought I'd been had on." He paused, hoping for the older man to contribute something, but was quickly disappointed. "But the more I followed the bread crumbs, the more real it seemed to be. And now, here you are, in the flesh!"

Miles doesn't respond. Instead, he raises his cigar to his lips, allowing himself another long draw before closing in on his home, its dark facade only scarcely more inviting than the mountains around them.

"I've been lucky enough to find peace and solitude," He says, at last, his words delivering a killing blow to the tension. "You've met my housekeeper, Natalie Stone. Besides her, I've not seen another person in two years." He glances at Carl. His voice is friendly enough, but the shadow of his hat obscures his facial expression. "Until now, it seems."

Taking the last few careful strides to the front door, he pushes it open, signalling for the other man to come inside. Carl gladly obliges him, almost pouncing through the front door. Mere moments later, Miles follows him, pushing the door shut behind himself. For a moment, the pair are covered in near-darkness, save a sliver of light from a small window above the door.

"Of course. I'm a journalist, you see." Carl rummages through his pockets, looking for something to use as a light. "Or an aspiring one, you see. I'm hoping to publish a piece on an investigation you were involved in, back in 2020."

Like an explosion, light appears. Miles hovers his struck match above a wide candle. As the wick catches, hallway finally becomes visible. It is nigh empty, save for the long shadows painted along the walls. As the flame dances around the wick, so too do their shadows dance around each other, as if to stop would be to die.

Passing the candlestick to Carl, Miles removes his hat, placing it on a coat stand by the door. He begins striding down the hallway, making no suggestion that Carl should follow him.

"I'll start the fire." He pushes a door open, the soft creak of its hinges as loud as a scream in the quiet of the house. He watches Carl, expectantly, his face gaunt and colourless in the stretched light of the candle. "I suppose you'll be wanting to hear the story of Open 794."
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:40 am

Post by the worst »

vote count 1.00

Not voting: GeniusGamer, Tayl0r Swift, bob3141, Not_Mafia, ManWithNoName, Dongempire, Bambi Jay, NorwegianboyEE, MURDERCAT, Battle Mage, PenguinPower, Isis, Lost

Deadline: (expired on 2020-09-19 07:30:00)

mod notes:
- day one begins!
- quack?
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:44 am

Post by Battle Mage »

Suggested ground rules:

Tracker/Vig chooses Tracker.

Hider tonight will target player immediately above them in the player list. So if they die we can nail 1 scum.

Tayl0r Swift
Bambi Jay
Battle Mage

For example, if I am Hider, I will be visiting MURDERCAT tonight.
2020 Stats - 31 completed games:

Survived to the end and won - 11
Nightkilled - 10
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Day-elimmed by majority - 4

winrate as scum: 78%
winrate as town: 55%
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:46 am

Post by PenguinPower »

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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:46 am

Post by PenguinPower »


VOTE: murdercat
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:47 am

Post by Battle Mage »

also hi all, lovely to see you. I can confirm I am on the side of this town in this endeavour.
2020 Stats - 31 completed games:

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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:47 am

Post by PenguinPower »

I believe you.
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:48 am

Post by Battle Mage »

worked once, might work again, never know. You town this time?
2020 Stats - 31 completed games:

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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:49 am

Post by PenguinPower »

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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:50 am

Post by Battle Mage »

ah sorry bud, but respect the honesty - I'll make it quick

VOTE: PenguinPower
2020 Stats - 31 completed games:

Survived to the end and won - 11
Nightkilled - 10
Survived to the end and lost - 6
Day-elimmed by majority - 4

winrate as scum: 78%
winrate as town: 55%
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:50 am

Post by PenguinPower »

you are too kind
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:51 am

Post by Isis »

I'd prefer if people hypoclaimed their hider targets, that's how it's always been done every open setup I've ever played with hiders. I don't see the benefit in depriving hiders of agency
"Let us say that you are right and there are two worlds. How much, then, is this 'other world' worth to you? What do you have there that you do not have here? Money? Power? Something worth causing the prince so much pain for?'"
"Well, I..."
"What? Nothing? You would make the prince suffer over... nothing?"
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:52 am

Post by Isis »

VOTE: bob3141 because I probably wouldn't as scum.
"Let us say that you are right and there are two worlds. How much, then, is this 'other world' worth to you? What do you have there that you do not have here? Money? Power? Something worth causing the prince so much pain for?'"
"Well, I..."
"What? Nothing? You would make the prince suffer over... nothing?"
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:53 am

Post by Isis »

Oh it's an open setup, so norwee is scum

Not gonna vote him though
"Let us say that you are right and there are two worlds. How much, then, is this 'other world' worth to you? What do you have there that you do not have here? Money? Power? Something worth causing the prince so much pain for?'"
"Well, I..."
"What? Nothing? You would make the prince suffer over... nothing?"
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:56 am

Post by PenguinPower »

Becuase you probably would as scum?
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:56 am

Post by Battle Mage »

In post 16, Isis wrote:I'd prefer if people hypoclaimed their hider targets, that's how it's always been done every open setup I've ever played with hiders. I don't see the benefit in depriving hiders of agency
Eh I don't care much for hider agency - the first time I played this setup the hider had agency and did nothing and we lost. With this approach we get a guaranteed inno/guilty on Night 1, plus the other PRs. Hypo-claiming presumably increases the risk that scum can kill the hider or more quickly identify the hider, compared to my proposed approach. It's as good as random anyway, so who cares.
2020 Stats - 31 completed games:

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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:58 am

Post by ManWithNoName »

VOTE: Battle Mage

I'm on to you, Balfruss
In this world, there's two types of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:58 am

Post by Battle Mage »

In post 18, Isis wrote:Oh it's an open setup, so norwee is scum
this doesn't add up
2020 Stats - 31 completed games:

Survived to the end and won - 11
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:59 am

Post by Battle Mage »

In post 21, ManWithNoName wrote:VOTE: Battle Mage

I'm on to you, Balfruss
me rather than claimed mafia? dang
2020 Stats - 31 completed games:

Survived to the end and won - 11
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Fri Sep 11, 2020 11:00 am

Post by PenguinPower »

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