Actually I am going to out it, because I was kind of surprised it was taken but didn't really think about it until now.
I requested Universal Backup. This is paired with Role Cop, so one of {DrDolittle, Something_Smart} is a Universal Backup
a Rolecop.
I picked UB precisely because it seemed to be a less flashy or popular role, therefore less likely to be picked, yet very likely to be useful. But Rolecop is a popular
role, and I notice there was no extra kill last night. This means that if one of those two is UB they inherited A50's vig ability but didn't shoot anyone last night (unless they shot Hoopla, but like what town player would ever shoot Hoopla?).
I'm not going to say that a 1-Shot Vig
necessarily take their shot the moment it's possible, but in my experience most vigs
do so particularly if they are town and a potential nightkill target. On reflection I think it's very likely one of these two is therefore a Role Cop, and probably scum.
“There are two kinds of people in this world: those who say, ‘There are two kinds of people in this world: those who say there are two kinds of people in this world,
and the other kind,
’ and those who
say. Well, then there’s me.” — J.R. “Bob” Dobbs