[quote="In [url=
https://forum.mafiascum.net/viewtopic.p ... #p12174249]post 2075[/url], Loki Dokie"][quote="In [url=
https://forum.mafiascum.net/viewtopic.p ... #p12174242]post 2073[/url], drusilla"][b]thankyou to hectic and morning for moderating.[/b]
and thankyou to those who have been kind.
[quote="In [url=
https://forum.mafiascum.net/viewtopic.p ... #p12172082]post 1977[/url], Not_Mafia"]for the greater good[/quote][quote="In [url=
https://forum.mafiascum.net/viewtopic.p ... #p12174082]post 2035[/url], Hectic"][table=000000][cell][color=#FFBF00]drusilla persisted[/color][/cell][/table][/quote]<3[/quote]
I’m kind to those who are kind to me. You also took a few posts badly that were not intended that way,[/quote]
You kept saying things that incited me and I reacted badly but since you obviously had to have been aware of that, why did you continue to do that?
If someone persists in repeatedly baiting and provoking me, I don’t handle that very well. I obviously should have just stepped away from the keyboard until I calmed down and just ignored it but the things you said - both you and Isis - really cut me. I was genuinely hurt by it all, still am. :/
I’m not even angry anymore except maybe at Ydrasse for putting me in that horrible position, because none of the bad things that happens would have happened otherwise, so I feel it’s extremely unfair that I was the one put into that awful position and no one will have the compassion to cut me even an ounce of slack for that. I was really enjoying the game up to that point and all I feel right now is just thoroughly gutted. :/