Mini Normal 2171 | Boardgames | Game Over

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Mini Normal 2171 | Boardgames | Game Over

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 1:42 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

Mafia Mini Normal 2171 | Boardgames

A game of hidden roles and social deduction.

Modded by
. Backup modded by
the worst
. Reviewed for normalcy and balance by


Let's start with a game everyone knows and
loves, Monopoly. Don't recognise the board? That's because it's the patent for The Landlord's Game, a game designed in 1902-3 by Lizzie Magie, a follower of the economist Henry George, to demonstrate the belief that owning land and the concept of rent benefited property owners while financially injuring tenants. The Parker Brothers ended up buying the patent off her for $500, after realising "the monopoly game" they brought off Charles Darrow wasn't his to sell. However they continued to publicise the Darrow origin story.

  1. osuka
  2. Ydrasse
  3. shellyc
  4. PookyTheMagicalBear
  5. MiniMegabyte
  6. Creature

  7. JohnnyFarrar

  8. TheGoldenParadox
  9. Battle Mage
  10. bob3141
  11. Gamma Emerald
  12. Flavor Leaf

  13. Tayl0r Swift

Spoiler: Alive
  1. Ydrasse,
    Odd Nights Mafia Doctor

Spoiler: Dead
  1. shellyc,
    Vanilla Townie
    , eliminated day 1
  2. TheGoldenParadox,
    Even Nights Mafia Roleblocker
    , killed night 1
  3. osuka,
    Vanilla Townie
    , eliminated day 2
  4. MiniMegabyte,
    Even Nights Town Cop
    , killed night 2
  5. Gamma Emerald,
    Vanilla Townie
    , eliminated day 3
  6. bob3141,
    Town Gunsmith
    , killed night 3
  7. Tayl0r Smith,
    1-Shot Town Tracker
    , killed night 3
  8. PookyTheMagicalBear,
    Informed Mafia Goon
    , eliminated day 4
  9. Flavor Leaf,
    Odd Nights Town Vigilante
    , killed night 4
  10. Creature,
    Vanilla Townie
    , eliminated day 5

  11. JohnnyFarrar,
    Informed Miller
    , endgamed night 5

  12. Battle Mage,
    Vanilla Townie
    , endgamed night 5

Spoiler: Replacements

    Spoiler: Spectators
    2. Glitch

    Night 0
    : Pregame
    Day 1
    : Day 1 starts 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.END shellyc was eliminated
    Night 1
    : Flavor Leaf replaces innocentvillager JohnnyFarrar replaces Dongempire
    Day 2
    : TheGoldenParadox has died 2.1 2.2 Creature replaces arachnidsGrip 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.END osuka was eliminated
    Night 2
    : ---
    Day 3
    : MiniMegabyte has died 3.1 3.END Gamma Emerald was eliminated
    Night 3
    : ---
    Day 4
    : bob3141 and Tayl0r Swift have died 4.1 PookyTheMagicalBear has been eliminated
    Night 4
    : ---
    Day 5
    : Flavor Leaf has died Creature has been eliminated
    Last edited by Mizzytastic on Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:11 pm, edited 38 times in total.
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    Post Post #1 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 1:48 am

    Post by Mizzytastic »

    Rules blatantly ripped off inspired by Korina's from various Mafia and Mish Mash games. I like his formatting and have no shame. Some additions from Plotnius' rules.

    Follow the spirit of the rules, not just the letter. If you have any questions feel free to pm me or
    ask me bolded
    and I will clarify.

    1. Follow all site rules as listed here.
    2. Avoid usage of the words "lynch" or "hang" and related terms. My suggestion is elimination, elim, E-1, ELo, MELo, etc.
    3. This is a game where we get to call each other scum and manipulate and lie others. Beyond that please keep it civil, I don't ever want to reach the point where I don't want to read the game I'm running. If you feel like a player has gone too far but hasn't stopped after you ask them to please contact me.
    4. Don't talk about ongoing games. Details can be found here.
    5. No provable randomness.
    6. No cryptography. Breadcrumbing is allowed.
    7. No hidden text or text smaller than 75.
    8. Claiming you are mafia is ok. Claiming your team is not.
    9. You may request a private notes thread.
    10. Don't directly quote mod communications, or shared private threads, real or faked. Paraphrasing is ok, quoting from a personal notes thread is ok.
    11. At end of game you will have 48 hours to redact any posts you have made in game related private threads, or request that the thread is not shared. Following that, any threads will be shared. Unless you specifically ask for it the dead/spectator thread will be released immediately.
    12. If you require a replacement please ask via pm. Do not discuss replacements (yours or others) in any game threads other than a private notes thread.
    13. #8000FF
      is my colour, please avoid it.

    1. You will have 48 hours to confirm role and alignment by pm or private thread. The game will start after 48 hours or 10/13 players have confirmed.
    2. The thread will be locked during pre-game~confirmation, and night time.
    3. Day 1 will last for 10 days. Day 2 onwards will last for 7 days.
    4. Nights will last for 48 hours.
    5. Post game advancing content every 48 hours, or every 72 hours over the weekend, or you will receive a prod. An example of game advancing content is "I got prodded. XXXX is still scum". If you repeatedly post at the end of the prod timer your prod timer may be reduced.
    6. If you get prodded 3 times, or fail to replay to a prod after 24 hours, you will be replaced.
    7. If you wish to go V/LA, please do so via pm or
      in the game thread.
    8. If you are V/LA your prod timer will be every 72 hours.
    9. If you are going to be V/LA for an extended time with zero access please ask for a replacement instead.
    10. If you are 24 hours away from a deadline for taking an action I will send you a reminder. This does not count as a prod.

    1. If you wish to vote for a player please use VOTE: PLAYER vote tags. If you use
      bold tags I may miss it.
    2. If a majority of players vote for the same player that player will be eliminated, and twilight will begin.
    3. If a majority of players vote for VOTE: No Elimination or the deadline is reached, no player will be eliminated and twilight will begin.
    4. During twilight all living players are still alive and may talk as normal until the thread is locked and night begins. Votes and unvotes will no longer be counted.
    5. Once a player is dead and their role and alignment revealed, they are no longer allowed to post in the public thread or any shared private threads they have access to, even a BAH post. They will be granted entry to the dead thread.
    6. Night actions may be submitted by PM, or by Mafia private thread. If you do not submit an action you will do nothing. You are free to change your mind up until deadline.
    7. I will accept a shortened night phase if all living players ask for it via PM.
    8. If I think it counts, it counts. Don't play around with edge cases if you don't want to risk me interpreting it the wrong way.

    1. Unless otherwise specified, any player with access to a private thread may talk in that thread at any time, including the day.
    2. Unless otherwise specified, roles are not multitasking.
    3. There is comfirmed to be a
      Mafia Doctor
      in this set up, who may or may not have some number of modifiers.
    4. If you are aligned with the
      your win condition reads "You win when all threats to the town are dead."
    5. If you are aligned with the
      your win condition reads "You win when all members of the town are dead, or nothing can prevent such from happening."
    6. At least two players have recieved the role pm below.

    Vanilla Townie

    Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

    You win when all threats to the town are dead.

    The game thread is
    , please confirm your role and alignment via pm.
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    Post Post #2 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 1:51 am

    Post by Mizzytastic »

    Night 0 Checklist:

    Setting up game threads

    Sending role PMs


    All role pms are out and all players have confirmed.
    Last edited by Mizzytastic on Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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    Post Post #3 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:25 am

    Post by Mizzytastic »

    Day 1 Game Start.

    Sticking with monopoly for a bit. In January 2017 Hasbro ran an online vote to find some new token designs to go in the new edition that year. The winners were a penguin, a tyrannosaurus, and a rubber duck.

    In other news, without our
    quackup mod the worst
    I don't think I'd have taken the dive into modding, so you have him to thank for this.

    Official Votecount 1.0Everyone (0): Nobody

    Not voting (13): osuka, Ydrasse, shellyc, PookyTheMagicalBear, MiniMegabyte, arachnidsGrip, Dongempire, TheGoldenParadox, Battle Mage, bob3141, Gamma Emerald, innocentvillager, Tayl0r Swift

    With 13 players alive, it takes 7 players to achieve an elimination.

    Day 1 will end in
    (expired on 2020-10-14 18:30:00)

    With 10 players confirmed the game is starting. shellyc, arachnidsGrip and Gamma Emerald
    have until (expired on 2020-10-06 16:10:00) to confirm
    before I will start looking for replacements.
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    Post Post #4 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:27 am

    Post by osuka »

    "I would also like to reiterate my claim that Osuka is sort of obviously town" - rc about scumsuka
    "don't tell anyone, but there's a reason why you're one of my favourite people to mod for" - datisi
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    Post Post #5 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:27 am

    Post by osuka »

    VOTE: shellyc confscum
    "I would also like to reiterate my claim that Osuka is sort of obviously town" - rc about scumsuka
    "don't tell anyone, but there's a reason why you're one of my favourite people to mod for" - datisi
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    Post Post #6 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:33 am

    Post by bob3141 »

    So close :-(
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    Post Post #7 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:34 am

    Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

    VOTE: Battle Mage

    He knows why :)
    "I can't even look at the game anymore.
    That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
    It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."


    "Please refrain from diverting our sleuths out there Pooky."
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    Post Post #8 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:34 am

    Post by MiniMegabyte »

    Imma start with this VOTE: PookyTheMagicalBear
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    Post Post #9 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:34 am

    Post by bob3141 »

    Everyone we have one day to quick lynch dong. Lets give him deja vu

    VOTE: dong
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    Post Post #10 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:36 am

    Post by Ydrasse »

    VOTE: mini

    been a while mini!

    and hi everyone!!
    warrior cats mafia is now in a queue near you!
    - - - -
    kill me and live with the memory — then tell the stars that you
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    Post Post #11 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:40 am

    Post by Tayl0r Swift »

    VOTE: dong

    im on board
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    Post Post #12 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:41 am

    Post by bob3141 »

    thats 5 votes to go. Lets send dong up into space
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    Post Post #13 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:42 am

    Post by Tayl0r Swift »

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    Post Post #14 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:58 am

    Post by Donempire »

    VOTE: shelly
    If shes scum, theres no way we deduce that, so hop on!
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    Post Post #15 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:58 am

    Post by osuka »

    is ms loading really slow for anyone else or should i call comcast
    "I would also like to reiterate my claim that Osuka is sort of obviously town" - rc about scumsuka
    "don't tell anyone, but there's a reason why you're one of my favourite people to mod for" - datisi
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    Post Post #16 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:59 am

    Post by innocentvillager »

    VOTE: call comcast
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    Post Post #17 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:00 am

    Post by bob3141 »

    slow for me. i thought it was just my computer due to having a game minimized
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    Post Post #18 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:01 am

    Post by Donempire »

    In post 11, Tayl0r Swift wrote:VOTE: dong

    im on board
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    Post Post #19 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:02 am

    Post by Donempire »

    In post 15, osuka wrote:is ms loading really slow for anyone else or should i call comcast
    This is par for the course for the site. It'll be fixed at most by tomorrow i think
    Age of Empires Elo: 1500 something in DE, 1800 in HD
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    Post Post #20 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:09 am

    Post by arachnidsGrip »

    Hi, I'm new and don't have much history with any of you, so.

    VOTE: innocentvillager
    I like your username.
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    Post Post #21 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:09 am

    Post by bob3141 »

    In post 18, Donempire wrote:
    In post 11, Tayl0r Swift wrote:VOTE: dong

    im on board

    Here have some ice cream. Or do you want some fruit
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    Post Post #22 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:10 am

    Post by Battle Mage »

    In post 15, osuka wrote:is ms loading really slow for anyone else or should i call comcast
    i had the same problem, but assumed it was my brain working too fast... :giggle:
    2020 Stats - 31 completed games:

    Survived to the end and won - 11
    Nightkilled - 10
    Survived to the end and lost - 6
    Day-elimmed by majority - 4

    winrate as scum: 78%
    winrate as town: 55%
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    Post Post #23 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:11 am

    Post by Battle Mage »

    also, just to say, i'm full of love for this playerlist. <3
    2020 Stats - 31 completed games:

    Survived to the end and won - 11
    Nightkilled - 10
    Survived to the end and lost - 6
    Day-elimmed by majority - 4

    winrate as scum: 78%
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    Post Post #24 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:11 am

    Post by Battle Mage »

    vanilla town
    2020 Stats - 31 completed games:

    Survived to the end and won - 11
    Nightkilled - 10
    Survived to the end and lost - 6
    Day-elimmed by majority - 4

    winrate as scum: 78%
    winrate as town: 55%