Mini Normal 2171 | Mod Thread

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Mini Normal 2171 | Mod Thread

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 1:56 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

Mafia thread
Dead/spectator thread
This (mod) thread
Review Thread

innocentvillager's notes thread
MiniMegabyte's notes thread

Players + Roles
Game Events + Night Actions
Flavour backlog
Role PMs

Random thoughts area

  1. osuka
  2. Ydrasse
  3. shellyc
  4. PookyTheMagicalBear
  5. MiniMegabyte
  6. Creature

  7. JohnnyFarrar

  8. TheGoldenParadox
  9. Battle Mage
  10. bob3141
  11. Gamma Emerald
  12. Flavor Leaf

  13. Tayl0r Swift

ACCESSMods: Mizzytastic, the worst, implosion
Last edited by Mizzytastic on Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:30 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 2:07 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

  1. osuka
  2. Ydrasse
  3. shellyc
  4. PookyTheMagicalBear
  5. MiniMegabyte
  6. arachnidsGrip
  7. Dongempire
  8. TheGoldenParadox
  9. Battle Mage
  10. bob3141
  11. Gamma Emerald
  12. innocentvillager
  13. Tayl0r Swift

  1. vt
  2. odd nights doc
  3. vt
  4. informed goon
  5. even nights cop
  6. vt
  7. informed miller
  8. even nights rb
  9. vt
  10. gunsmith
  11. vt
  12. odd nights vig
  13. 1 shot tracker

  1. osuka,
    Vanilla Townie

  2. Ydrasse,
    Odd Nights Mafia Doctor

  3. shellyc,
    Vanilla Townie

  4. PookyTheMagicalBear,
    Informed Mafia Goon

  5. MiniMegabyte,
    Even Nights Town Cop

  6. arachnidsGrip,
    Vanilla Townie

  7. Dongempire,
    Informed Miller

  8. TheGoldenParadox,
    Even Nights Mafia Roleblocker

  9. Battle Mage,
    Vanilla Townie

  10. bob3141,
    Town Gunsmith

  11. Gamma Emerald,
    Vanilla Townie

  12. innocentvillager,
    Odd Nights Vigilante

  13. Tayl0r Swift,
    1-Shot Town Tracker
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 2:09 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

GAME EVENTS + NIGHT ACTIONSNight 0 - all role pms have gone out. Deadline is 2020-10-06 16:10:00 1.00

Day 1 - innocentvillager requests replacement, shellyc is eliminated - deadline is 2020-10-14 18:30:00 1.00

Night 1 - Flavor Leaf replaces innocentvillager JohnnyFarrar replaces Dongempire - deadline is 2020-10-09 13:30:00 1.00
bob3141, Gunsmith investigates Battle Mage, Vanilla Townie and gets a negative result
Flavor Leaf, Odd Nights Vig shoots TheGoldenParadox, Even Nights RB
The mafia do not kill
Tayl0r Swift, 1 shot tracker chooses not to track
Ydrasse, odd nights doc protects JohnnyFarrar, informed miller
No night actions interact

Day 2 - arachnidsGrip is prodded and being replaced Creature replaces arachnidsGrip osuka is elminated - deadline is 2020-10-16 14:15 1.00

Night 2 - deadline is 2020-10-17 20:30:00 1.00
Tayl0r Swift, 1 shot tracker tracks Creature, VT seeing nothing and using shot
MiniMegabyte, Even Nights cop sees that Gamma Emerald is not mafia
PookyTheMagicalBear, goon, kills MiniMegabyte
bob3141 sees that Tayl0r Swift does not have a gun
no night actions interact, but MiniMegabyte takes her knowledge to the grave

Day 3 - Gamma Emerald is eliminated - deadline is 2020-10-24 20:40:00 1.00

Night 3 - deadline is 2020-10-20 20:15:00 1.00
PookyTheMagicalBear, informed goon, kills bob3141, gunsmith
Ydrasse, odd nights mafia doctor, protects Pooky
bob3141, gunsmith, learns that Creature, VT, doesn't have a gun
Flavor Leaf, odd nights vig, shoots Tayl0r Swift, 1-shot tracker
no night actions interact, but bob3141 dies with what he knows

Day 4 - PookyTheMagicalBear was eliminated - deadline is 2020-10-27 20:30:00 1.00

Night 4 - deadline is 2020-10-24 01:00:00 1.00
Ydrasse, odd nights mafia doctor kills Flavor Leaf, odd nights town vigilante

Day 5 - deadline is 2020-10-30 06:15:00
Last edited by Mizzytastic on Thu Oct 22, 2020 6:10 pm, edited 30 times in total.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 2:11 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

Flavour Backlog

Zombie Dice is an aggressively simple push your luck game. There are 13 dice in a cup, 6 easy green ones, 4 medium yellow ones, and 3 hard red ones. Each die represents a survivor. You are a zombie trying to get to 13 brains. Each turn you roll 3 dice, and get either a brain, a runner or a shotgun. And a choice, stop and bank my brains, or keep going and take more random dice from the cup which you reroll along with your runners. But get to 3 shotguns and you lose it all. So, anyone for braaaaiiiins?

Last edited by Mizzytastic on Wed Oct 14, 2020 11:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 2:16 am

Post by Mizzytastic »


PROD TIMERHey, I've noticed you keep posting just before you exceed your prod timer. If you keep doing it I'll have to reduce your prod timer.

PRODHey, you've exceded the prod timer for Mini Normal 2171. Go post that game advancing content here. If you don't respond in 24_HOUR_COUNTDOWN I'll have to start looking for a replacement.

NIGHT ACTIONHey, night is ending in 24 hours and you haven't told me if or who you are going to ACTION yet. Don't forget!
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:22 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

Role PMs start here
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:27 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

osuka - VANILLA TOWNIEYou are a
Vanilla Townie

Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

You win when all threats to the town are dead.

The game thread is here, please confirm your role and alignment via pm.
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:28 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

Odd Nights Mafia Doctor

You form a
family along with The Golden Paradox, an
Even Nights Mafia Roleblocker
and PookyTheMagicalBear, an
Informed Mafia Goon
. You may talk with them at any time in your shared private thread.

Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

Each odd night (night 1, night 3, night 5, etc. ) you may visit a player other than yourself. You will prevent one kill attempt by normal means made on that player this night.

Each night a member of your family may perform a factional kill. A member of your family will visit a player, and assuming no interference that player will die. You may not act as a doctor and perform a factional kill on the same night.

You win when all members of the town are dead, or nothing can prevent such from happening.

The game thread is here and your Mafia private thread is here, please confirm your role and alignment via pm or your private thread.
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:29 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

shellyc - VANILLA TOWNIEYou are a
Vanilla Townie

Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

You win when all threats to the town are dead.

The game thread is here, please confirm your role and alignment via pm.
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:29 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

PookyTheMagicalBear - INFORMED MAFIA GOONYou are aa
Informed Mafia Goon.

You form a
family along with Ydrasse, an
Odd Nights Mafia Doctor
and TheGoldenParadox, an
Even Nights Mafia Roleblocker
. You may talk with them at any time in your shared private thread.

Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

You are
that there are no protective roles aligned with the town. In a normal game protective roles are an Alien (not the faction), Babysitter, Bulletproof, Bodyguard, Commuter, Doctor, Hider, Jailkeeper or Rolestopper, a Backup for one of these roles, or a Jack-of-all-Trades with the ability from at least one of these roles.

Each night a member of your family may perform a factional kill. A member of your family will visit a player, and assuming no interference that player will die. You may not act as a roleblocker and perform a factional kill on the same night.

You win when all members of the town are dead, or nothing can prevent such from happening.

The game thread is here and your Mafia private thread is here, please confirm your role and alignment via pm or your private thread.
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:31 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

MiniMegabyte - EVEN NIGHTS TOWN COPYou are an
Even Nights Town Cop

Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

Each even night (night 2, night 4, night 6, etc. ) you may visit a player to learn if they are a member of the mafia. You will be informed either that "PLAYERNAME is a member of the
a member of the Mafia", or "You got
no result
from investigating PLAYERNAME".

You win when all threats to the town are dead.

The game thread is here, please confirm your role and alignment via pm.
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:32 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

arachnidsGrip - VANILLA TOWNIEYou are a
Vanilla Townie

Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

You win when all threats to the town are dead.

The game thread is here, please confirm your role and alignment via pm.

replacement - VANILLA TOWNIEYou are a
Vanilla Townie

Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

You win when all threats to the town are dead.

The game thread is here, please confirm your role and alignment via pm.
Last edited by Mizzytastic on Sun Oct 11, 2020 12:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:34 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

Dongempire - INFORMED MILLERYou are an
Informed Miller

Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

If you are investigated by a Cop they will be informed that you are a member of the

You are
that there are 5 players in this game that a Gunsmith would find to
have a gun
. Roles with a gun are as follows:
Normal guidelines wrote:In Normal games on, a Gunsmith gets guilties on all Mafia (except Traitors and Doctors), Cops, Vigilantes, Gunsmiths, Role Cops, Vanilla Cops, Vengefuls, Detectives, Neapolitans, Backups of roles with guns and JoATs that have any of these listed powers. A Werewolf faction should be treated the same as any other Mafia family.
You win when all threats to the town are dead.

The game thread is here, please confirm your role and alignment via pm.

JohnnyFarrar - INFORMED MILLERYou are an
Informed Miller

Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

If you are investigated by a Cop they will be informed that you are a member of the

You are
that there are 5 players in this game that a Gunsmith would find to
have a gun
. Roles with a gun are as follows:
Normal guidelines wrote:In Normal games on, a Gunsmith gets guilties on all Mafia (except Traitors and Doctors), Cops, Vigilantes, Gunsmiths, Role Cops, Vanilla Cops, Vengefuls, Detectives, Neapolitans, Backups of roles with guns and JoATs that have any of these listed powers. A Werewolf faction should be treated the same as any other Mafia family.
You win when all threats to the town are dead.

The game thread is here, please confirm your role and alignment via pm.
Last edited by Mizzytastic on Thu Oct 08, 2020 5:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:34 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

Even Nights Mafia Roleblocker

You form a
family along with Ydrasse, an
Odd Nights Mafia Doctor
and PookyTheMagicalBear, an
Informed Mafia Goon
. You may talk with them at any time in your shared private thread.

Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

Each even night (night 2, night 4, night 6, etc. ) you may visit a player other than yourself. You will prevent all actions that player takes that night which require them to submit an action to the moderator.

Each night a member of your family may perform a factional kill. A member of your family will visit a player, and assuming no interference that player will die. You may not act as a roleblocker and perform a factional kill on the same night.

You win when all members of the town are dead, or nothing can prevent such from happening.

The game thread is here and your Mafia private thread is here, please confirm your role and alignment via pm or your private thread.
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:35 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

Battle Mage - VANILLA TOWNIEYou are a
Vanilla Townie

Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

You win when all threats to the town are dead.

The game thread is here, please confirm your role and alignment via pm.
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:38 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

Bob3141- GUNSMITHYou are a
Town Gunsmith

Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

Each night you may visit a player to learn whether they have a gun. You will be informed either that "PLAYERNAME
has a gun
does not have a gun
", or "You got
no result
from investigating PLAYERNAME". Roles with a gun are as follows:
Normal guidelines wrote:In Normal games on, a Gunsmith gets guilties on all Mafia (except Traitors and Doctors), Cops, Vigilantes, Gunsmiths, Role Cops, Vanilla Cops, Vengefuls, Detectives, Neapolitans, Backups of roles with guns and JoATs that have any of these listed powers. A Werewolf faction should be treated the same as any other Mafia family.
You win when all threats to the town are dead.

The game thread is here, please confirm your role and alignment via pm.
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:39 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

Gamma Emerald - VANILLA TOWNIEYou are a
Vanilla Townie

Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

You win when all threats to the town are dead.

The game thread is here, please confirm your role and alignment via pm.
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:41 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

innocentvillager - ODD NIGHTS TOWN VIGILANTEYou are an
Odd Nights Town Vigilante

Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

Each odd night (night 1, night 3, night 5, etc. ) you may visit a player. Assuming no interference, that player will die.

You win when all threats to the town are dead.

The game thread is here, please confirm your role and alignment via pm.

replacement - ODD NIGHTS TOWN VIGILANTEYou are an
Odd Nights Town Vigilante

Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

Each odd night (night 1, night 3, night 5, etc. ) you may visit a player. Assuming no interference, that player will die.

You win when all threats to the town are dead.

The game thread is here, please confirm your role and alignment via pm.
Last edited by Mizzytastic on Wed Oct 07, 2020 12:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:42 am

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Tayl0r Swift - ONE SHOT TOWN TRACKERYou are a
One-shot Town Tracker

Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

Once during the game, you may visit a player at night to learn who they visited that night. You will be informed either that "PLAYERNAME visited
no one
", "PLAYERNAME visited
", or "You got
no result
from investigating PLAYERNAME".

You win when all threats to the town are dead.

The game thread is here, please confirm your role and alignment via pm.
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 4:29 am

Post by the worst »

ooh this thread is so well organised, nicely done.
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 8:14 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

Anything following this is random thoughts. Anything important I haven't accounted for will be linked
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 8:17 am

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I'm curious to watch Dongempire. Part of the review thread discussion covered the idea the informed town should spill the beans ASAP, and it helps stop the miller be vig bait - but Dong has claimed neither, at least yet. I'm wondering if the mafia claim is to do with the role or just a thing Dong does.
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 5:14 pm

Post by the worst »

Dong can get a bit flustered with mechanics sometimes. I'd expect him to know to claim Miller though - I'm intrigued.
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 10:11 pm

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I doubt shelly is gonna stop death tunnels after she learns pooky and Ydrasse is right
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:52 am

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I think bob is really astute about the wagons. My informed read is scum derail the tunnel, and then some town weigh in and agree and now people are waiting for the next thing to show up. One thing shelly was doing was pulling town out of RVS.
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