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Post Post #1300 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 1:18 pm

Post by Creature »

In post 1298, Flavor Leaf wrote:and when you’re scum, I usually hard town read you.
Okay don't townread me then
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Post Post #1301 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 1:23 pm

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Johnny, Bob, Gamma likely have scum somewhere in them based on the Taylor wagon, which is a reason I don’t believe Gamma and Bob to be on the same team.

I can see Gamma being town or scum for trying to move the wagon from Taylor to BM.

But yeah, I think it’s Bob, and then one of Creature, Osuka, Mini.

Probably Osuka/Bob, but then they’d have to be distancing.

Osuka on Bob while I’ also pushing them and Bob bringing up they are thinking of pushing Osuka might give Bob some town credibility, though and anti partner, but it’s not impossible for them to be S/S.

I no longer think that is the pairing, but I’m gonna keep it there so you see my thought process, and the general way my mind is running right now.

Mini has scum points for being in that Gamma, BM, Mini slot, and I guess Pooky and Osuka can be put into that, but I really want Pooky to be town because I’m not feeling suspicious of them at all.

So I think one in Gamma, Mini, Osuka
One in Bob or Creature for being off the wagon.

And that’s where I’m at right now.
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Post Post #1302 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 1:24 pm

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I’m back to ScumBob again, if that wasn’t clear.

Bob and Mini.

Gamma/Creature is my not quite tinfoil, but my backup backup to be aware of, if that makes sense. If Bob flipped town, I wouldn’t immediately think Creature is scum.

I’m thinking out loud right now, sorry for the splurges.
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Post Post #1303 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 1:39 pm

Post by Flavor Leaf »

In post 995, bob3141 wrote:if we have rb type role they prob should claim. with us just lynching who they targeted.

i doubt we have a doc. maybe jailkeeper or babysitter. others rolestopper and roleblocker. Reason i doubt we have doc is simply because i feel setup designers would find scum and town having a doc a little dull

out of those only a town roleblock should claim. Unless they are jailkeeper and think the player they jailed was unlikely to be nk by scum.

Roleblocker is more directly dangerous to the scum team, so this could be clever role fishing. Which is interesting that Bob is anti mass claim then.

I almost feel like it’s Bob pushing what he thinks he should be pushing as town, similar to how BM is super anti the mass claim, I feel Bob’s using that mindset as a crutch as scum.

In post 498, bob3141 wrote:weak read but im inclined to think that yds was not same alignment as golden

just based on who he was givign reads on. gut says he didnt mention a read on his partner

Depending on Ydrasse’s role, I could see this being a TMI post by Bob, which might be why he’s so against mass claim here, and trying to muddy the waters.

Also, I know Bob’s role now, btw.
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Post Post #1304 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 1:40 pm

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Doing that ISO dive, I figured out Bob’s role, and I think it’s a good claim, but possibly a strong fake claim by scum, and he needed to wait for other people to claim prior to him claiming.
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Post Post #1305 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 1:40 pm

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He’s a Gunsmith of sorts.
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Post Post #1306 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 1:41 pm

Post by Flavor Leaf »

FL: Vig
Johnny: Informed Miller
Taylor: Tracker
Pooky: VT
Gamma: VT
Bob: Gunsmith
Creature: VT
Ydrasse: Protective

Osuka and Mini.
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Post Post #1307 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 1:45 pm

Post by Tayl0r Swift »

In post 1241, Flavor Leaf wrote:FL: Vig
Johnny: Informed Miller
Taylor: VT

Gamma/Pooky, since you here, wanna claim?
im a tracker. jeez people
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Post Post #1308 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 1:51 pm

Post by Flavor Leaf »

Already fixed.

I hadn’t read the pages I missed until after, and thought I saw a VT-VT thing with BM/TS, geez people
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Post Post #1309 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 1:52 pm

Post by Tayl0r Swift »

In post 1281, Flavor Leaf wrote:
In post 1280, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 1279, Flavor Leaf wrote:As the Doctor of Scumonomics, I’ve learned there’s a power to holding specific card to your chest in order to get to a point in the game to survive until a solve is ready, so because I know my cunning level is maxed out, there are just things I’m able to push as own that other Can’t, and this goes both ways.

I can’t be a vigilante with a confirmed kill on scum without people wondering if I shot my own teammate. Happens way more often than you’d think.

But like, for that to have happened here, you’d have to believe I replaced in night 1, and convinced Golden, who had been here, that it’s a good idea for us to kill him to give me town cred.

I’m an extreme team player when it comes to being scum unless I see detriment in a partner.

Golden is never a detriment.
it would be a bad play for you, you'd never survive LyLo here.

Exactly! Now we’re on the same page.
page 52?
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Post Post #1310 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 2:04 pm

Post by Gamma Emerald »

In post 1254, Battle Mage wrote:
In post 1238, Flavor Leaf wrote:
In post 1236, Gamma Emerald wrote:honestly if this were any other game the massclaim would piss me off but rn this is my mood
This is the exact time to use Mass Claim, people just don’t know how to use mass claim o their advantage unless it slaps them in the face.
I agree with Gamma. This isn't a good time to mass claim, but i've basically written this one off for my own sanity. :lol:
I think in an average game it wouldn’t be a good time, but with certain things already out it’s better to solve the puzzle now vs. later. Plus just generic tiredness.
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Post Post #1311 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 2:28 pm

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Scum just aren’t going to be able to fake claim save their skin later. We just reached late mid game way faster than most because of the blocked kill/scum death.
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Post Post #1312 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 2:29 pm

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@Taylor - After Mini and Osuka claim, do you wanna claim whatever action you took and result?
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Post Post #1313 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:07 pm

Post by MiniMegabyte »

I’m an Even Nights town cop
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Post Post #1314 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:26 pm

Post by Tayl0r Swift »

oh hey ydrasse who did you target last night btw?
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Post Post #1315 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:26 pm

Post by Tayl0r Swift »

In post 1312, Flavor Leaf wrote:@Taylor - After Mini and Osuka claim, do you wanna claim whatever action you took and result?
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Post Post #1316 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:28 pm

Post by Tayl0r Swift »

In post 1305, Flavor Leaf wrote:He’s a Gunsmith of sorts.
why did you out his claim? and does it make sense to have a gunsmith of sorts, a cop of sorts AND a tracker of sorts?
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Post Post #1317 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:30 pm

Post by Tayl0r Swift »

right now theres too much town power i think, especially given the claimed cop is even night and the scum roleblocker is odd-night.
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Post Post #1318 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:30 pm

Post by Creature »

In post 1317, Tayl0r Swift wrote:right now theres too much town power i think, especially given the claimed cop is even night and the scum roleblocker is odd-night.
No, the scum roleblocker is even-night
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Post Post #1319 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:31 pm

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I'd refrain from lynching the cop today.

Tonight we either get a result or a dead cop.
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Post Post #1320 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:32 pm

Post by osuka »

In post 1257, Ydrasse wrote:i'm gonna save who i protected until we get through all the claims.
was it me? if it wasnt me ill be really hurt :(
"I would also like to reiterate my claim that Osuka is sort of obviously town" - rc about scumsuka
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Post Post #1321 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:34 pm

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i'm vt as well. there are way too many vts on that list though
"I would also like to reiterate my claim that Osuka is sort of obviously town" - rc about scumsuka
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Post Post #1322 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:34 pm

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with that list, i dont think scum has claimed pr yet
"I would also like to reiterate my claim that Osuka is sort of obviously town" - rc about scumsuka
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Post Post #1323 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:34 pm

Post by Creature »

In post 1321, osuka wrote:there are way too many vts on that list though
Meh, I'd say one scum in VTs and one scum in PRs. Otherwise, two scum in VTs > two scum in PRs.
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Post Post #1324 (ISO) » Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:35 pm

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oh i just saw a cop claim
"I would also like to reiterate my claim that Osuka is sort of obviously town" - rc about scumsuka
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