In post 3733, JacksonVirgo wrote: In post 3576, Marky Mark wrote:Flip. Right, regardless of alignment this isn't good that we've rushed this. without being able to organize ourselves.
Infinity - I really need to know who you are targetting tonight or I can't verify you
A50 - I would really really like to know who your preferred elim choice(s) would've been before we have any sort of flip to provide some accountability
Dude are you serious? You want the detective to claim their target? In other words, FORCE the detective to get a negative result even if they hit scum.
That's not quite how his role works (I misunderstood it too) - he can still see if A50 performed the NK yesterday, so its not a complete waste (and realistically, whoever performed the NK yesterday, will probs kill again tonight to minimize players the detective can detect) and the benefit of all this is that we can verify infinity's alignment
In post 3736, DrippingGoofball wrote: In post 3730, Andresvmb wrote:@Marky Mark talk to me about VPB. Can you update your read? I know you said you had a nuanced view there and that you aren’t sure. Has that changed?
In post 3476, Marky Mark wrote:Let me try and get across where my reads are at RN
Conftown{FL, Koba}
Could well be town{JV}
, Taylor} | Low-info {N_M}
Potentially scummy{A50, Andres, Infinity} - A50 is more gutfeel here based on posting style, the other two are more based on tangible things they've said/done
Infinity is a special case where due to PR mechanics it just does not make sense to elim him today
Marky Mark's updated "middling" read of VP is that I'm scum LOL
Is your name Marky Mark? No? Then kindly let me answer my own questions rather than misrepping me thanks
In post 3738, DrippingGoofball wrote:Marky Mark has four people he'd clearly vote for, A50, Andres, Infinity, and me.
Three more where no one would bat an eyelash if he joined the wagon: N_M, Tayl0r, and VP.
So that's seven players he'd be OK yeeting.
But even JV "could well be town" so he could still be vote-able for Marky Mark.
Now we're up to 8 players he could yeet and be scumsistent, while obsessing over me.
Only two players (FL and KOba) he couldn't vote.
I really hope you are just trolling here, because to accuse me of confbias on you and then stretch this far to try and distort my words is nothing short of creative writing
-I have made it clear I am not going to elim infinity today and will have him verified by tomorrow (barring any scum PR shennanigans) so this is a non-issue
-DGB/A50/Andres yep those are SRs although Andres is reading more town after his recent posts, so I would be hesitant to go there rn
-Taylor I am not eliming today
-Ref JV, could well be town is just another choice of words for townlean so we are arguing over semantics here
-N_M yeah maybe as a compromise yeet
-...and VP I am going back over ATM to try and refine some of my thinking, so yeah I wouldn't rule it out but I need to get my head around the recent dynamics of the Taylor wagon(s)
So I make that around 5 max
I am not psychic (or even a particularly experienced town player - I have one game as town since returning from my 6 year hiatus, where I replaced in D2 to a mathematically solved game due to PR interactions) so I hope you can understand me not knowing for sure where the scum slots lie