Know and follow the site rules.
- I prefer questions and V/LA announcements by PM. If in-thread, do so on a separate line in bold.
- Don’t post if you’re dead.
- Don’t use
or attempt to impersonate me.
- I should be able to readily see all communication. (No untitled spoilers, obfuscation, discussing game outside of approved areas, etc.)
- You should be able to make at least one post every day or every 36 hours. This game is intended to be fast-paced to prevent potential player exhaustion.
- 5 day Day Phases. 36 hour Night Phases.
- Majority vote eliminates. Majority to vote "no elim" or lack of majority leads to no elimination.
I will do my best to be fair if rules change. I reserve the right to make a judgment on any attempts to break the game or abuse a loophole.
Games get heated, but I will interfere if I consider the limit to be crossed.
If you aren’t sure whether or not something will violate the rules, ask.
If you see someone violating the rules, let me know.
- some of you have PMed me a number upon signing up to play this game.
- among these numbers I have selected one to choose the
amount of times we will play this game.
the last iteration of this game will count. however, since it is secret, any iteration of the game may be the last, even the first.
- if an egregious mod error is made, it can simply not count towards the total. however, we hope to avoid wasting time in general.