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Post Post #2575 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:23 pm

Post by Guillotina »

Glitch. It's understandable that town has lost some confidence in me because I lied, I lied about my bulletproof vest being used which I cannot possibly know if it was or not.

I can't think of a possible reason why I wouldn't get killed if scum believed I was an ascetic, so I assumed they tried and my BPV protected me, if not, then I still have it and now they are trying to get me yeeted because otherwise, they'd have to waste a NK just to destroy my vest and not kill me, or if they got a mafia vigilante, then they'd have to use their two night kills (vigi+factional) to get rid of me (in this case I would need extra protection to successfully perform my second check and that is if there is no mafia roleblocker).

That is what is happening right now with the push on me and I'm getting discredited by precisely people from that list. Go figure!

I claimed cop. I got a red check! I still got one more check left!

I dared everyone from my scum list to interact as much as they want, to see whom they'd spew or anti-spew and cross reference it with my red check etc. But guess what? Most of them are silent! That should tell you that I'm on top of their goddamn cake!

On Day 1.

Nero controlled the room! Right now.. he is pretty much gone.

Gamma? nowhere to be found.

Taylor Swift slot said he was going to catch up and I believe it, there is a lot of context to catch up on here so he gets a pass for now.

Umlaut gave me neutral vibes from his interactions but all he did was questioning my motives for lying about the BPV, I was expecting more scumhunt help from him.

InnocentVillager, he raised a flag but I don't suspect him anymore.

ABR sounds legit but he's been pushing me as scum since Day 1 and I have been pushing him as scum since Day 1 as well, so I can't be objective about him. Yes, he is not my red check.

And that is where I'm at right now.
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Post Post #2576 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:30 pm

Post by Glitch »

People not posting doesn't mean they're scum; that's a poor argument. People have real lives and sometimes shit happens
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Post Post #2577 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:31 pm

Post by Guillotina »

Oh no I agree, but... it is not consistent to the way they've been playing the game. I work too I was not here for several hours I know this. But compare Day 1 to this one.

We shall see
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Post Post #2578 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:59 pm

Post by Umlaut »

In post 2575, Guillotina wrote:I can't think of a possible reason why I wouldn't get killed if scum believed I was an ascetic, so I assumed they tried and my BPV protected me
Please reconcile this with your earlier statement that you claimed ascetic
specifically to dissuade scum from killing you:
In post 2436, Guillotina wrote:
I gambled claiming an ascetic modifier counting on scum's arrogance to not NK me just because I was no PR but it didn't work as it seems.
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Post Post #2579 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:02 pm

Post by Umlaut »

Or don't bother. You know, because you're scum making it up as you go along.
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Post Post #2580 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:06 pm

Post by Umlaut »

In post 2538, Guillotina wrote:
In post 2537, Albert B. Rampage wrote:
In post 2436, Guillotina wrote:I gambled claiming an ascetic modifier counting on scum's arrogance to not NK me just because I was no PR but it didn't work as it seems.

This is where he lied about being shot ^
Where did i say that i got shot there?
Going back to this post, I think Guillotina literally just lost track here of which of their past statements they were still standing by and which they had already admitted to lying about
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Post Post #2581 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:09 pm

Post by Gamma Emerald »

In post 2576, Glitch wrote:People not posting doesn't mean they're scum; that's a poor argument. People have real lives and sometimes shit happens
I’ve been dealing with a spot of sickness today
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Post Post #2582 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:12 pm

Post by Guillotina »

In post 2578, Umlaut wrote:
In post 2575, Guillotina wrote:I can't think of a possible reason why I wouldn't get killed if scum believed I was an ascetic, so I assumed they tried and my BPV protected me
Please reconcile this with your earlier statement that you claimed ascetic
specifically to dissuade scum from killing you:
In post 2436, Guillotina wrote:
I gambled claiming an ascetic modifier counting on scum's arrogance to not NK me just because I was no PR but it didn't work as it seems.
The second statement was my intention but I mean I don't know for sure, maybe my ascetic claim worked and they didn't target me, but maybe they didn't believe it and they tried.
I mean I got pushed a lot for claiming ascetic claim early D1, maybe they didn't believe it and tried to get me yeeted, maybe they smelled something was up with my claim.

The first statement is me considering that my ascetic maybe didn't work. This is me considering all options really.
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Post Post #2583 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:12 pm

Post by Nero Cain »

In post 2575, Guillotina wrote:Nero controlled the room! Right now.. he is pretty much gone.
yeah no
Of all tyrannies,a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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Post Post #2584 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:12 pm

Post by SirCakez »

Votecount 2.2

Guillotina (4) - Umlaut, NoPowerOverMe, muh316, Glitch
Glitch (1) - Nero Cain
Nero Cain (1) - Guillotina

Not voting (9) - Non lmh, TheGoldenParadox, Gamma Emerald, TheDuke, Insanoflex, DrippingGoofball, May, innocentvillager, Albert B. Rampage

(expired on 2020-12-08 09:09:00) remain until day end

With 15 players alive, it takes 8 to reach a majority.
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I just wanna say Cakez is an evil mod and this is an evil setup.

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Post Post #2585 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:13 pm

Post by Guillotina »

In post 2579, Umlaut wrote:Or don't bother. You know, because you're scum making it up as you go along.
You are wrong. I'm a town PR.
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Post Post #2586 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:13 pm

Post by Nero Cain »

VOTE: Guillotina
Of all tyrannies,a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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Post Post #2587 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:14 pm

Post by Nero Cain »

out your guilty or STFU, mathblade
Of all tyrannies,a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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Post Post #2588 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:14 pm

Post by Gamma Emerald »

In post 2520, Guillotina wrote:
In post 2424, Nero Cain wrote:Boon should stick to modding until he learns how to play. Mafia, more so as town than scum (imo), is a team game and Boon is clearly incapable of playing with a team. He's immature and impulsive. Boon is an antisocial narcissistic with the social intelligence of a domestic turkey. I don't really believe his song and dance about being a "heel" or intentionally trying to get lynched. It feels like he's making excuses for poor play and just doesn't want to accept responsibility for his actions. His belief that the three biggest voices against him (me, norway and Gamma) all being scum and those defending him (ABR, NPOM, Guil) were town is just bad surface level play. His elimination was good as town may finally scumhunt.

Knowing that Boon and I were TvT it would make sense to WANT to keep Boon and I around b/c our 1v1 would eat up all the attention and prevent us from scumhunting. This is the conclusion Boon should have reached but he has neither the skill nor the humility to do as such.
All of this effort trying to discredit a dead vanilla is quite something!

VOTE: Nero Cain

Why would eliminate from here?

Be as detailed as possible: DrippingGoofball, Glitch, innocentvillager, May, NoPowerOverMe, ABR
Real cop would hold the vote until fully claiming their guilty.
VOTE: Guillotina
Willing Suspension of Disbelief was already strained but this doesn’t fly.
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Post Post #2589 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:15 pm

Post by Guillotina »

In post 2584, SirCakez wrote:
Votecount 2.2

Guillotina (4) - Umlaut, NoPowerOverMe, muh316, Glitch
Glitch (1) - Nero Cain
Nero Cain (1) - Guillotina

Not voting (9) - Non lmh, TheGoldenParadox, Gamma Emerald, TheDuke, Insanoflex, DrippingGoofball, May, innocentvillager, Albert B. Rampage

(expired on 2020-12-08 09:09:00) remain until day end

With 15 players alive, it takes 8 to reach a majority.
What's even more ironic is that I don't believe a single scum is on my wagon.
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Post Post #2590 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:15 pm

Post by Guillotina »

Never mind
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Post Post #2591 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:15 pm

Post by Gamma Emerald »

In post 2535, Guillotina wrote:
In post 2530, Nero Cain wrote:guil either out your guilty os STFU
No! I will not shut up and let wolves take control over the room again.
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Post Post #2592 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:16 pm

Post by Guillotina »

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Post Post #2593 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:17 pm

Post by Gamma Emerald »

In post 2547, Nero Cain wrote:Guil is just a Boon lvl player that town reads his defenders and scum reads his votes/those calling him scum. I don't really feel like putting up with his nonsence so vote stays till he outs his guilty or stops talking or admits to the gambit.
Not even Boon is THAT bad.
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Post Post #2594 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:17 pm

Post by Guillotina »

And Gamma will be my second check.
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Post Post #2595 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:18 pm

Post by Umlaut »

In post 2582, Guillotina wrote:
In post 2578, Umlaut wrote:
In post 2575, Guillotina wrote:I can't think of a possible reason why I wouldn't get killed if scum believed I was an ascetic, so I assumed they tried and my BPV protected me
Please reconcile this with your earlier statement that you claimed ascetic
specifically to dissuade scum from killing you:
In post 2436, Guillotina wrote:
I gambled claiming an ascetic modifier counting on scum's arrogance to not NK me just because I was no PR but it didn't work as it seems.
The second statement was my intention but I mean I don't know for sure, maybe my ascetic claim worked and they didn't target me, but maybe they didn't believe it and they tried.
I mean I got pushed a lot for claiming ascetic claim early D1, maybe they didn't believe it and tried to get me yeeted, maybe they smelled something was up with my claim.

The first statement is me considering that my ascetic maybe didn't work. This is me considering all options really.
That doesn't explain anything.
  • You think claiming Ascetic makes the Mafia more likely to kill you.
  • You (falsely) claimed Ascetic.
  • You did this so that the Mafia would be less likely to kill you.
This doesn't make any sense and there is no way you can make it make sense.
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Post Post #2596 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:19 pm

Post by Nero Cain »

there's a post that hints at the gulity being either me or ABR so if he's claiming an impossible guilty on me then he's more than likely just scum. If its ABR then eh...
Of all tyrannies,a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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Post Post #2597 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:20 pm

Post by Guillotina »

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Post Post #2598 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:21 pm

Post by Guillotina »

Whether you believe me or not is now up to you.

I'm a town PR, not a vanilla this time.
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Post Post #2599 (ISO) » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:21 pm

Post by Nero Cain »

my post looks funky after Gil is fake claiming a guilty on me but w/e, lynch Guil after I flip town. I'm a VT.
Of all tyrannies,a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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