PookyTheMagicalBear v Flavor Leaf (Game Over)

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Post Post #2275 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:17 pm

Post by Ircher »

In post 1633, MURDERCAT wrote:
In post 1628, mastina wrote:MURDERCAT is near the top of the charts for slots active lurking in a scum-indicative way.
No I'm town
Then act like it. You've given me very little evidence you aren't just coasting this game.
In post 1634, mastina wrote:Battle Mage himself admitted it's something he's never done before--and for good reason, because it is very much not in character with his towngame whatsoever.
I must've missed this. Do you have a quote where he claims he's never searched his name in a thread before? Edit: Never mind, he said so in . Still, I think you should ask the question as to how exactly does this benefit scum!Battle Mage? Like sure, there's plenty of reasons for scum!Battle Mage to do it, but you should weight it against the equally plentiful reasons for town!Battle Mage to do it.
In post 1636, mastina wrote:And which alignment is Creature more likely to be when he's not invested in the game's outcome?

I realize his townplay has atrophied and his scumplay has improved.

But I would still expect the alignment he cares less as, to be scum.
I think we kinda agree on the premises here, but I would say I'm exercising more caution when reading Creature because his meta change has made him much harder to read. That is to say, yes, he's generally less invested as scum, but it's not a difference I think is significant enough to point to him likely being scum this game.
In post 1636, mastina wrote:I consider this lazy-at-best, scum-at-worst considering that Norwegian is far from spammy; the spammy posts come from Alisae, who is very much not scum for that trait. (If anything, the opposite.)
(Referencing Not Known 15's .) I think this is probably a good observation. I cannot say as to its accuracy as I lack the needed experience with both heads of Double. As a side comment not super related to this post, I think Not Known's posting has been pretty lackluster in general, but I cannot decide whether that's because he's scum, because he's overwhelmed by the thread pace, or something else.
In post 1642, Toogeloo wrote:Ircher's fluff and IioA within the walls of quotes don't really strike me as productive town posting and are more of a post quota filling thing.
There's very little fluff in my ISO. In fact,
, I would like you to quote what you think is fluffy about my ISO. As to the IIoA assertion, you may be right to an extent, but I don't think simply throwing out buzzwords helps your case on me. Last note: I think you are in part scumreading my style of posting this game, so I will reiterate that this quote wall style is quite common for me, and you can check my style here to other games I have listed on my wiki.
In post 1642, Toogeloo wrote:While you/Pooky are worth regarding, you and your masonry are not infallible, and it's important that we disregard your advice from time to time, and also equally important that we don't hinge the entire game on your say so.
I 100% agree with this.
In post 1644, Double the Trouble wrote:But it does allow focus. Toogelo. And considering how most players seemed disinterested until now, and mainly posting fluff. It’s a good thing that Pooky alerted us to the issue at hand, which is solving. So i’m not seeing anything bad from this, even if our slot was put in there.
It does provide a certain degree of focus. I think my biggest issue with it was that it was given too soon. Waiting til the midpoint of the day would have been better as there would be more to go off of and everyone would have had a reasonable chance to participate.

In post 1645, mastina wrote:Asking for a heads up if at L-1, proving that you're reading the thread because what good would this notification do for you if you weren't? (this is important enough of something that I'm going to requote that post to point it out since I missed this implication the first time).
I think you can loosely follow along with a thread without necessarily reading it. It is simple enough to scan the current page for votes and stuff in bold, so I wouldn't say the notification is useless.
In post 1645, mastina wrote:So to reiterate.
Bad reads on 2-5 slots, where you do take back the bad read on one but leave the bad reads on the others.
Good reads on 4, later 5, slots.
Bad reads are rather subjective based on your own perspective and meta experience. I don't think having contrary reads is by itself an indication of scum. (That being said, I think many of the reads Battle Mage presented were on the thin side, so you may still have a point nonetheless.)
In post 1645, mastina wrote:Why are people thinking this is in any way Battle Mage as town?
He's being lazy.
‪Personally, I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. It's a large game, and the beginning of the game has a rather high noise ratio. Having reads on only half the slots in the game after 17 pages is a bit on the low end, but it doesn't seem too unreasonable (to come from town), especially if Battle Mage skimmed to some extent. As to being lazy, I do think I agree with that take‬, but laziness is not really a scum indicator. (It may be for some people, but I reckon in the vast majority of cases, it isn't.)
In post 1646, mastina wrote:This post is indicative that Battle Mage is aware that Pooky made a pool of 4 players to eliminate within, containing both Ircher and Double the Trouble. It's a case of TMI given his stated narrative.
This is a valid point and probably the most conclusive of your points in your scum!Battle Mage case.

In post 1661, mastina wrote:Both of these have much the same answer: different players with different playstyles.
I would expect Dunnstral to make the post he did and it not be a scum indicator for him.
I would expect Creature to be hard-disagreeing with Dunnstral if he were town especially given he himself is among the slots that were guilty of the thing Dunnstral was complaining about.
I said it was an incredibly bad take from Creature--not an incredibly bad take in general.
Fair, even if I don't necessarily agree. I agree that Creature likes to get his post count high etc., but I do think he also gets annoyed pretty easily by those kinds of things when others do it.
In post 1680, MURDERCAT wrote:
In post 1675, Ircher wrote:There's like zero reason for you not to share your reads. Stuff like this make me think you are scum, Murder.
People trying to get info out of me without engaging me are scummy
In post 1681, Bell wrote:^
This kinda makes me think Bell and MURDERCAT are linked. I'm pretty sure this isn't the first nor the last time that Bell has implicitly defended MURDERCAT like this. (Defend is perhaps not he best word to use here.)
In post 1693, Solstice wrote:[It's maybe slightly worth noting Ircher didn't post like this (with the big quote stripes) in my last game with him, Jigsaw mafia -- he didn't effort too much there. Maybe cause he was a replacement though, and im not familiar with how he plays as scum anyway]
Grand Idea GPick is probably a better comparison, but I was more on-top of the game for that one. Jigsaw is quite a bit different because I replaced into a 100+ page game and decided it wasn't worth reading back through extensively.
In post 1695, Toogeloo wrote:Expand on your reason for the read change, if you will.
This is a fair point. I will note I forgot about the initial VT claim, so that wasn't factored in at the time. Aside from that, as I said earlier, I'm loosely following the thread, and I think at one point when I was looking at the active page, I didn't like one of your takes, so that's where the twinge came from. Some of your more recent takes have been better, so I'm gonna change my read to a "maybe town" read on your slot.

To the bottom of page 68.
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Post Post #2276 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:48 pm


Ircher you are free to ask me questions at any time.

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Post Post #2277 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:56 pm

Post by Ircher »

In post 1705, mastina wrote:NotKnown15

Dr Easy Bake


Battle Mage
Flavor Leaf
I actually kinda doubt both Not Know 15 and Dr Easy Bake are scum. This is pure speculation, but I think Flavor Leaf would try to pick people who will have a sizable impact on the thread and with the ability to dictate the game's direction.
In post 1718, mastina wrote:Battle Mage made nine content posts in another game before declaring V/LA in this game, then went back to that game to post more and still doing nothing.
While you do have a good point, it can be a bit tough to get acclimated to a game that just started versus say one that is nearly done. This isn't exactly an apples-to-apples comparison.
In post 1722, Battle Mage wrote:your 'case' appears to be that i posted in some games and not others whilst on VLA. Which is correct - I had some time, just not enough time to actively keep up with the majority so I cherry-picked ones where I thought my contribution would be most needed in that window. As you note, the game I posted most in was where I'd just counterclaimed doctor and town was about to lose.
For me at least, this is relatable and a valid defense from Battle Mage.
In post 1727, Battle Mage wrote:Basically, I'm sympathetic with the idea BM-scum is a lurker-scum, but judging me over 1 weekend when I was V/LA is a bit premature. Let me actually like catch up.
Yes, and this is why I think it's better to withhold judgement for awhile.
In post 1758, pichu wrote:like why does Ircher as scum go against the "easy townreads" in pichu/Ydrasse/Polar if there's no chance he's getting an elim there anyway
(For the record, I haven't really at any point said I scumread the Polar Bear slot. I've said that they
be a good policy elimination due to noise ratio (not that I think policy eliminations are a good strategy in general), but not that I think they're scum.)
In post 1762, MURDERCAT wrote:I'm more interested in the wagon analysis than the posting frequency argument.
Why aren't you interested in the posting frequency argument against Battle Mage? It's actually pretty strong (but not definitive).
In post 1782, Solstice wrote:VOTE: DEB

I've acknowledged how many people dislike this slot

I have also acknowledged how it has zero votes currently
I think the main reason DEB has virtually no votes is because votes there are basically wasted. They aren't going to convince DEB to put more effort in, and despite their scum equity, eliminating DEB would be like eliminating a lurker; it's the sort of compromise elimination you do when the thread can't collectively make up their mind.

There's also the fact that the town treestump asked people to vote in his pool of four, which DEB was not a part of.

At bottom of page 72. That's it for tonight.
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Post Post #2278 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:58 pm

Post by Ircher »

In post 2276, MURDERCAT wrote:Ircher you are free to ask me questions at any time.
It's not questions I have. It's that I want to see you actually doing stuff without having to be nudged in that direction. So far, up to where I have read, you haven't shown any initiative on your own to solve this game.
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Post Post #2279 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:17 pm


In post 2277, Ircher wrote:Why aren't you interested in the posting frequency argument against Battle Mage? It's actually pretty strong (but not definitive).
No in real game reason, I just think it's kind of shitty and would rather find reasons to scum read people based on the content of the posts. Though the reaction to it is pure AtE which, true or not, is hard to read.

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Post Post #2280 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:19 pm


Well I will be posting a Noraa case if Pooky wants it.
Though maybe it is just fine to do it, I'm not sure if there is supposed to be more with BM or not?

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Post Post #2281 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:51 pm

Post by Polar Bear Express »

In post 2271, MURDERCAT wrote:
In post 2265, Polar Bear Express wrote:Can you link some of your scumgames for me.
Nope don't have any. Feel free to check my wiki for the old stuff.
https://forum.mafiascum.net/viewtopic.p ... B%5D=27636

This is four years old, so don’t know how relevant it is. MT just seems kind’ve slippery to me here when compared to his tothe transparency and straightforwardness of Death Curse. I’ll link that game and see if people see what I’m talking about.
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Post Post #2282 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:53 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

heyyyy guys... who's scum...?
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Post Post #2283 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:53 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

quite simply i do not have a clue

actually maybe murdercat. i had bad vibes there like 50 pages ago

have i mentioned i haven't read this in like 50 pages and i don't plan to t b h
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Post Post #2284 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:54 pm

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https://forum.mafiascum.net/viewtopic.p ... start=1200

What do you guys think? I think his play here seems very different.
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Post Post #2285 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:55 pm

Post by pichu »

did you see all the walls people are posting like their lives depend on it lol
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Post Post #2286 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:55 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

i'll agree, murder seems like a real wily one this game!

p-edit: i can't read posts longer than like 2 sentences tbh
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Post Post #2287 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:55 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

how have you been my darling? i missed you.
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Post Post #2288 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:56 pm

Post by pichu »

nothing much, just catching scum and wallowing in your absence
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Post Post #2289 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:57 pm

Post by pichu »

did you see how Pooky brutally OUTED me to the world
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Post Post #2290 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:57 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

i'm here now to make up for it. i couldn't stop thinking about you when i was gone, off trying to ruminate on the meaning of life

p-edit: i did, but don't tell anyone that, because i said i didn't read the last 50 pages. it's so cruel though. how are you holding up in the face of this betrayal?
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Post Post #2291 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:58 pm

Post by pichu »

this openwolfing really seems to be paying off tbh
keep up this townspewing and no one's gonna want to touch you
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Post Post #2292 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:58 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

all i long for... is you... and your townread...

*holds hand*
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Post Post #2293 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:59 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

even if the world knows who you are... we don't have to keep our secrets any longer....
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Post Post #2294 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:01 pm


In post 2284, Polar Bear Express wrote:What do you guys think? I think his play here seems very different.
Lol did you even read the games or are you just gunna link my 4 year old isos?

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Post Post #2295 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:02 pm

Post by pichu »

i still townread YOU and your hand
Ydrasse if i told you i was scum would you third impostor and vote with me?
i'd do it for you
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Post Post #2296 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:02 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

of course, nothing could ever tear us apart these games, i LOVE(r) you.
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Post Post #2297 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:02 pm

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

I’m sorry hectic the soulbond is toooooo strong
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Post Post #2298 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:03 pm

Post by Ydrasse »

pooky, did you apologize to him? did you mean it??

i am his sword this game
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Post Post #2299 (ISO) » Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:03 pm

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

Many times
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That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."


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