Oh and Hopkirk also had Infinity, Flea as hardtown and wasn’t tr you, was scumreading Isis and correctly nailed 4/6 scum. You don’t ignore a player with reads that spot on either.In post 3538, team rocket queen wrote:also why do i need both of us to be paired as a conspirator?In post 3535, Gloria Cleary wrote:So what did it for me was that something really did not sit right for me that she was scumreading Infinity for wanting to keep her out of the dance pairs but not Isis who had been doing it just as much. Then she tried to push me to pair with her and I couldn’t understand why brilliant scumhunter Jessie would be trying to get me to pair with the scummiest player in the game and Ydrasse wasn’t trying to influence the pairs beyond not wanting Flea in them. Only Jessie was pushing for Isis, where as Infinty was mindmelding with me on wanting her launched.
and how were we planning on not having gypyx eliminated?
like me/isis simply doesn't seem a reasonable pairing to me and i don't understand what you're evaluating here
Why couldn’t you/Isis be a reasonable pairing? Because she lolpushed you out of the dance pairs and you somehow decided it somehow made logical sense for me to pair with her?