TDC: Good clever content, has earned the right to live.
Battousai: He's contributing enough actual content that if he's scum, he's 100% going to get caught and leave traces. Besides I don't see a case against him.
DragonsofSummer: He's making sense, he's logical, he's good.
forbiddanlight: I just re-read. Nah. Not scum.
Haschel: Little content, but so far, so good. He also noticed Crazy vs. Iron Man weirdness.
Jex: Makes sense so far.
M4yhem: As townie as they get.
alvinz95: Little content, seems to play innocent at every corner.
Crazy: Attention to Iron Man pretty odd. I don't get it. Makes stronger case against forbiddanlight.
Max: Definitely some weirdness detected. Under observation.
Twomz: Already plotting endgame OMG that's so scummy, bad attittude, not really involved or playing. But plotting endgame. Nice.
BM: I just learned that BM is not a girl! I so know that he gave me the bomb.
Coron: Can't help but think BM and Coron are buddies. Look, Coron confessed! He keeps confessing scum.
Tarhalindur: Aye, he's under fire, now he's doing the disappearing act...
Jex: Almost no actual content, defines lurking in plain sight.
Iron Man: Superlurkmeister.
JordanA24: Z'OMGzzzzz... another Champion of Lurkerdom.
killa seven: Mega-lurking, including his meta.