Right, I've had a bit of a read up - the weak visitor claim from JV is certainly a plot twist :O
The DGB/JV Theory
-The weak visitor claim cements the strong associatives between JV and DGB
--I had already explained that if DGB is scum then JV is the likely partner and claimed the N1 vig to explain away the kill on toog, as the alternative is that they No-Killed N1
--But now, added to this, if DGB is scum then they would have to be asetic or JV is lying about their visitor night action
--Looking the other way around, if JV is scum then DGB is probably scum too because otherwise why would JV fight so hard to save a townie in ELO?
3587 are JV trying to keep their options open for an elim or me or infin today, despite the general consensus seeming to be that either Noraa or DGB is scum. This logic only makes sense if JV feels there is a feasible chance of me and infin being the scumteam, which isn't really a vibe I'm getting from them.
-I can see how JV might feel that Noraa was stretching a bit over DGB not mentioning the gating of its RB role in
2405 as that particular post was relating to the nature of their RB action, but in a more general sense it is weird that they didn't mention the gated side of it until after it came into effect. This has very similar overtones of Flavour Leaf magically reinventing his FN fakeclaim in the recent Bending mini, which 4/5 of the current plist will remember.
The Noraa + 1 other theory
-As others have said, the unvote in
3491 is odd if Noraa believes that DGB must be scum
-I get the flip-flopping of reads in ELO as it is natural to be a little bit paranoid, but repeatedly using Mom's reads as a crutch without justifying them with their own logic is sus here. If you SR me Noraa then why not make a quick 2 minute case with a couple of rough bullet points, so that the rest of the town can decide whether they think you have a point, and I can respond to you?
I mean, based on my not-too-great townplay this game, I could literally make a case on myself in 2 minutes, so it ought not to be too hard for someone who allegedly thinks that I am scum
Key questions
I'm gonna mull over these, but please feel free to chip in:
-Why does JV sit on the weak visitor info until today?
-Why does DGB neglect to mention the gated aspect of her role until after the event?
3473 sets out JV's theory on why DGB can't be scum due to setup spec. I need to go back over this and fathom how reasonable this seems
-I think we can all agree that scum either no-killed N2 or cross-killed flea to make sure the PGO did its work but which theory does this fact make more sense with?