Large Normal 231 | Etymologies | Game Over

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Large Normal 231 | Etymologies | Game Over

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 4:04 am

Post by Mizzytastic »

Mafia Large Normal 231 | Etymologies

A game of hidden roles and social deduction.

Modded by
. Backup modded by
the worst
. Reviewed for normalcy and balance by
Flavor Leaf

In this game I will be sharing entries from one of my favourite sites, an etymology dictionary. Sometimes I will be sharing words related to the game of mafia (though obviously not relevant for determining what is going on in the game), sometimes I will go down rabbit holes of related words, sometimes I'll highlight words I know with interesting etymologies or relations and sometimes I'll just get curious about a word and post whatever I find. wrote:
game (n.)

c. 1200, from Old English
"joy, fun; game, amusement," common Germanic (cognates: Old Frisian
"joy, glee," Old Norse
"game, sport; pleasure, amusement," Old Saxon
, Old High German
"sport, merriment," Danish
, Swedish
"merriment"), said to be identical with Gothic
"participation, communion," from Proto-Germanic
- collective prefix +
"person," giving a sense of "people together."

The -
was lost perhaps through being mistaken for a suffix. Meaning "contest for success or superiority played according to rules" is first attested c. 1200 (of athletic contests, chess, backgammon). Especially "the sport of hunting, fishing, hawking, or fowling" (c. 1300), thus "wild animals caught for sport" (c. 1300), which is the
fair game
(see under
(adj.)), also
. Meaning "number of points required to win a game" is from 1830.
Game plan
is 1941, from U.S. football;
game show
first attested 1961.
  1. Titus
  2. Nero Cain
  3. Vaxkiller
  4. DrippingGoofball
  5. Momrangal
  6. quiet

  7. MathBlade

  8. Bypasser Catcher

  9. Rannygazoo
  10. Luca Blight
  11. Binatog13
  12. Norfolk Boy1
  13. NorwegianboyEE
  14. Gamma Emerald
  15. BBMolla
  16. chkflip
  17. Not_Mafia

  18. PlusJOYED
    Prods: 1

  19. Hayker
    Prods: 2

  20. Andresvmb

Spoiler: Alive on the last day...
  1. Luca Blight
  2. NorwegianboyEE
  3. Andresvmb

Spoiler: Dead
  1. Nero Cain,
    Vanilla Townie
    , eliminated day 1
  2. MathBlade,
    Town Role Watcher
    , killed night 1
  3. Norfolk Boy1,
    Vanilla Townie
    , eliminated day 2
  4. Bypasser Catcher,
    Vanilla Townie
    , killed night 2
  5. Not_Mafia,
    Mafia 1-Shot Strongman
    , eliminated day 3
  6. Rannygazoo,
    Town Odd Nights Rolestopper
    , killed night 3
  7. PlusJOYED,
    Vanilla Townie
    , eliminated day 4
  8. quiet,
    Town Novice Combined Tracker Doctor
    , killed night 4
  9. Titus,
    Vanilla Townie
    , eliminated day 5
  10. DrippingGoofball,
    Town Lazy Roleblocker
    , killed night 5
  11. chkflip,
    Mafia Rolecop
    , killed night 5
  12. Vaxkiller,
    Mafia 1-Shot Ninja
    , eliminated day 6
  13. Momrangal,
    Vanilla Townie
    , killed night 6
  14. Binatog13,
    Town Universal Backup
    , killed night 6
  15. Hayker,
    Mafia 1-Shot Bulletproof
    , eliminated day 7
  16. Gamma Emerald,
    Macho Activated Innocent Child
    , killed night 7
  17. BBMolla,
    Vanilla Townie
    , killed night 8

Spoiler: Replacements

    Spoiler: Spectators

      Important Events
      Night 0
      : Pregame samantha97 requested replacement

      Day 1
      : 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 CheekyTeeky replaces samantha97 1.4 and PrimeFighter is being replaced 1.5 quiet replaces PrimeFighter 1.6 1.7 1.8 NoPowerOverMe is being replaced Bypasser Catcher replaces NoPowerOverMe 1.9 Not_Mafia replaces CheekyTeeky 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 and MiniMegabyte is being replaced 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.END

      Night 1
      : MathBlade replaces MiniMegabyte

      Day 2
      : 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.END

      Night 2
      : ---

      Day 3
      : 3.0 3.1 3.END

      Night 3
      : ---

      Day 4
      : 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.END

      Night 4
      : ---

      Day 5
      : 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.END

      Night 5
      : ---

      Day 6
      : 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.END

      Night 6
      : ---

      Day 7
      : 7.0 7.END

      Night 7
      : ---

      Day 8
      : 8.0 8.END

      Night 8
      : ---

      Day 9
      : 9.0 9.END
      Last edited by Mizzytastic on Wed Jan 05, 2022 6:25 am, edited 68 times in total.
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      Post Post #1 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 4:07 am

      Post by Mizzytastic »

      I'm trying a new format for my rules posts and would appreciate feedback at any point during the game via PM. Evolution of my rules/formatting has been inspired by Korina and Plotinus, and feedback from xofelf.

      Golden Rule
      Golden Rule
      : If I think it counts it counts. Don't play around with edge cases then plead you didn't mean it to be interpreted that way.

      Content and Etiquette
      Site Rules
      : Follow all site rules. Common mistakes are talking about ongoing games and discussing replacements, and players not playing to achieve their win condition.

      Keep it civil
      : This is a game where we get to call each other scum and manipulate and lie to others. Beyond that please keep it civil, I don't ever want to reach the point where I don't want to read the game I'm running. If you feel like a player has gone too far but hasn't stopped after you ask them to please contact me.

      Don't use "lynch"
      : The site is in the process of moving away from using the words "lynch" and "hang". If you are unsure of an alternative I suggest elimination, elim, E-1, ELo, MELo etc.

      : Everyone should be able to read your posts. This is an English language site so use English. Avoid using text
      smaller than 75
      . Don't use BBCode features in a way that makes your posts difficult to read.

      Concealed messages
      : Cryptography is not permitted. Steganography (hidden text/messages) is not permitted other than breadcrumming.

      Provable randomness
      : You are not permitted to use a provably random or pseudo-random (most computer generated random numbers) results in the game. Saying you did without showing the evidence is not provable and so permitted.

      Communications and Private Threads
      Other threads
      : You may talk in any game threads you have access to at any time, unless specified elsewhere (e.g. the
      Game Setup
      post or your Role PM).

      Private Notes Thread
      : You may request a private note thread. You may post in that thread at any time.

      : Quoting this thread in this thread is always ok. You may quote this thread in other game related threads you have access to. You may not quote any other game related threads in this one. You may draft a post in a private notes thread, but copy and paste the content without quote tags. You may not quote any mod communications. Paraphrasing any of these things is ok, creating a fake quote is not.

      Claiming mafia
      : Part of paraphrasing mod communications is claiming roles. Claiming to be part of an anti-town faction is ok. Many mods ban claiming your team mates, whether real or faked. If you do want to claim your team mates, real or fake, I ask you to strongly consider if it could be considered playing against your win con and check with me if you are unsure.

      : The
      Dead and Spectators Thread
      will be released at the end of the game. Any other threads will be released 48 hours after game end, or when all players in them have said it is ok to release them. You can use that 48 hours to redact posts or request the thread isn't released.

      Communicating with the mod
      : If you want to VOTE: XXXX or UNVOTE: XXXX use the appropriate tags, I skim looking for those tags when doing a vote count and may miss it otherwise. If you want to get my attention for some other reason
      it or PM me, otherwise I may miss it and not answer.

      Mod Colour
      is my prefered colour. You can use it but don't
      it, or use it to imitate me.

      Deadlines, Activity and V/LA
      : The game is locked during pre-game and confirmation. Once all Role PMs have been sent people have 48 hours to reply via PM or the
      Mafia Private Thread
      with their role and alignment. The game will start after 16/20 players have confirmed or the 48 hours have passed, after which unconfirmed players will be replaced.

      : Day 1 lasts for 12 days (288 hours). Later days last for 10 days (240 hours). Once 10 or fewer players are alive deadlines will be reduced to 8 days (192 hours).

      : Night lasts for 48 hours. The game thread is locked during night. See
      Night Actions
      in the next section for more info about how they work.

      Quick night
      : If all living players request a quick night, I will resolve the night phase as soon as possible.

      Prods and replacements
      : You will be prodded after not posting for 48 hours, or 72 hours over the weekend or when
      . You will have 24 hours to post or be replaced. If you are prodded 3 times you will be replaced. If you repeatedly post close to prod timer or respond to prods without game advancing content I reserve the right to give you stricter activity requirements.

      : You can go Vacation/Low Access by requesting in thread, by PM or the option in your User Control Panel. If you are V/LA for longer than 72 hours with no expectation of access request a replacement instead. I reserve the right to seek a replacement if a player is V/LA for a long period of time.

      Game Actions and Death
      : You can vote for a player or a no elimination with VOTE: XXXX vote tags. If a majority is reached that player (or no one) will be eliminated and the game will enter twilight. If the deadline for the day is reached without a majority no one is eliminated. (
      votes will be counted but I am very likely to miss them so please don't)

      : Twilight is the time period between a majority vote or deadline and me locking the thread. The voted player is not currently dead and may talk normally. Votes are no longer counted.

      : You are dead once I have revealed your role and alignment. You will gain access to the
      Dead and Spectators Thread
      . You may still post in a Private Notes Thread but not in any other game threads, not even a contentless BAH post.

      Night Actions
      : Night actions can be submitted by PM or the
      Mafia Private Thread
      . You will be reminded of any pending night actions 24 hours before night ends - this is not a prod. Night actions submitted after the deadline but before I process the results are forfeited.
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      Post Post #2 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 4:08 am

      Post by Mizzytastic »

      Day talk
      : If you are a member of a shared private thread you may talk there at any time, including the day, as long as you are alive, unless your Role PM says otherwise.

      Action Resolution and Multitasking
      : Actions are resolved according to Natural Action Resolution. If you have multiple night actions available you may only perform one unless your Role PM says otherwise.

      Win Conditions
      : Win conditions for
      are as follows:
      : You win when all threats to the town are dead and at least 1 member of the town is alive.
      : You win when all players not aligned with you are dead and at least 1 member of your mafia family is alive, or nothing can prevent that from happening.

      Sample Roles
      : Below are an example role for a
      Vanilla Townie
      and a
      Mafia Goon
      . At least 2 players are a Vanilla Townie. 1 or more players might be a Mafia Goon.

      Vanilla TownieYou are a
      Vanilla Townie

      Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

      You win when all threats to the town are dead and at least 1 member of the town is alive.

      The game thread is here, please confirm your role and alignment via pm.

      Mafia GoonYou are a
      Mafia Goon

      You form a
      family along with REDACTED.

      Each day you may talk in the game thread and vote on who to eliminate.

      Each night a member of your family may perform a factional kill. A member of your family will attempt to visit a player, and assuming no interference that player will die.

      You win when all players not aligned with you are dead and at least 1 member of your mafia family is alive, or nothing can prevent that from happening.

      The game thread is here and your Mafia private thread is REDACTED, please confirm your role and alignment via pm or your private thread.
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      Post Post #3 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 4:10 am

      Post by Mizzytastic »

      Night 0 Checklist:

      Setting up game threads

      Sending role PMs


      Game is beginning shortly. Unconfirmed players have until (expired on 2021-01-06 17:30:00) to confirm. Once the deadline is reached I'll start looking for replacements for anyone who hasn't confirmed.

      16/20 confirmed
      Last edited by Mizzytastic on Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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      Post Post #4 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 8:21 am

      Post by Mizzytastic »

      has requested replacement
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      Post Post #5 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:08 pm

      Post by Mizzytastic »

      Day 1 | Game Begins wrote:
      begin (v.)

      Old English
      "to attempt, undertake," a rare word beside the more usual form
      (class III strong verb; past tense
      , past participle
      ); from + West Germanic
      , which is of obscure etymology and found only in compounds, perhaps "to open, open up" (compare Old High German
      "to cut open, open up," also "begin, undertake"), with sense evolution from "open" to "begin." Cognates elsewhere in Germanic include Old Frisian
      "to begin," Middle Dutch
      , Old High German
      , German
      , Old Frisian
      "to begin," Gothic

      From late 12c. as "originate, be the originator of;" from c. 1200 as "take the first step in, start to deal with." Intransitive sense "come into existence" is from mid-13c.
      Official Votecount 1.0Anyone (0): Nobody

      Not Voting (20): Titus, Nero Cain, Vaxkiller, DrippingGoofball, Momrangal, PrimeFighter, MiniMegabyte, NoPowerOverMe, Rannygazoo, Luca Blight, Binatog13, Norfolk Boy1, NorwegianboyEE, Gamma Emerald, BBMolla, chkflip, samantha97, PlusJOYED, Hayker, Andresvmb

      With 20 players alive, it takes 11 votes to achieve an eliminaton.

      Day 1 will end in (expired on 2021-01-16 23:15:00).

      Momrangal, PrimeFighter
      have until (expired on 2021-01-06 17:30:00) to confirm. Once the deadline is reached I'll start looking for replacements for anyone who hasn't confirmed.
      Get to know a Mizzy
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      Post Post #6 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:11 pm

      Post by the worst »

      quack up mod egopost
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      Post Post #7 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:12 pm

      Post by Binatog13 »

      Hello guys. I am playing this large normal for experience. Wish me luck!
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      Post Post #8 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:14 pm

      Post by MiniMegabyte »

      I’m here but I’m not

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      Post Post #9 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:15 pm

      Post by Binatog13 »

      Ah the normal mini intro
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      Post Post #10 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:20 pm

      Post by Vaxkiller »

      VOTE: binatog choo-choo all aboard!
      Vaxkiller is not anti-vaccine, he is a killer of Vax machines.

      Games played.
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      Post Post #11 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:34 pm

      Post by Andresvmb »

      VOTE: Gamma Emerald

      This should be fun.
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      Post Post #12 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:34 pm

      Post by Andresvmb »

      I’m hard locking Binatog as Town.
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      Post Post #13 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:37 pm

      Post by Norfolk Boy1 »

      Binatog is my boy. All who vote him are scum.
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      Post Post #14 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:42 pm

      Post by NoPowerOverMe »

      VOTE: andresvmb

      Because he can't be town all the time.
      Mafia Record: Town 4-3 Mafia 0-1 Third Party 1-0 Total 5-4
      "NPOM you can do apparently whatever the fuck you want this game." - Alduskkel

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      Post Post #15 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:44 pm

      Post by BBmolla »

      wouldnt be a fun normal without nero cain and dgb

      VOTE: samantha97

      how dare you try to escape
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      Post Post #16 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:44 pm

      Post by BBmolla »

      also I'm a miller
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      Post Post #17 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:47 pm

      Post by NoPowerOverMe »

      Have you ever fake claimed Miller before
      Mafia Record: Town 4-3 Mafia 0-1 Third Party 1-0 Total 5-4
      "NPOM you can do apparently whatever the fuck you want this game." - Alduskkel

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      Post Post #18 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:03 pm

      Post by Hayker »

      ]Oh god a miller claim. First big game and this hell hole all over again...just like my first big game


      You were scum in KH mafia. So it must still be true
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      Post Post #19 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:04 pm

      Post by Titus »

      VOTE: Norfolk

      13 pings.
      The scum had the misfortune of Titus being absurdly accurate on day one.Really quite impressed by that.~Drixx

      You're letting Titus win the game by herself.Good luck now I guess.You have no chance to win.~Tywin

      GTKTitus Part 2
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      Friend, Enemies, and That Other Person is now in signups. Click here to sign up.

      VLA Friday nights until Sunday morning.
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      Post Post #20 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:05 pm

      Post by Titus »

      Hayker might be scum too.
      The scum had the misfortune of Titus being absurdly accurate on day one.Really quite impressed by that.~Drixx

      You're letting Titus win the game by herself.Good luck now I guess.You have no chance to win.~Tywin

      GTKTitus Part 2
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      Friend, Enemies, and That Other Person is now in signups. Click here to sign up.

      VLA Friday nights until Sunday morning.
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      Post Post #21 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:21 pm

      Post by NorwegianboyEE »

      Hello familiar and new faces.

      Luca how is your return to Mafia Scum treating you?
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      Post Post #22 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:29 pm

      Post by DrippingGoofball »

      VOTE: rannygazoo
      Paraphrasing a role PM takes seconds, fabricating a good fakeclaim takes an eternity.

      "Metadiving DGB is like playing Roblox" - T3
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      Post Post #23 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:37 pm

      Post by BBmolla »

      In post 17, NoPowerOverMe wrote:Have you ever fake claimed Miller before
      yeah as scum
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      Post Post #24 (ISO) » Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:38 pm

      Post by NoPowerOverMe »

      Okay I guess we can't trust your Miller claim then
      Mafia Record: Town 4-3 Mafia 0-1 Third Party 1-0 Total 5-4
      "NPOM you can do apparently whatever the fuck you want this game." - Alduskkel

      Wiki: ... owerOverMe