I chimed in with a "haven't you people ever heard of voting the goddamn scum-" no. it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality.
hello, I have taken a break from the game, I have returned, I have achieved nirvana, I have removed the ego and the id, I am viewing the game as that of a neutral observer since I think that will help me be more productive here.
now I will elucidate my thoughts on every single player at this moment of the game
Titus -
They seem okay ig. Read on LLD/Me as Town v Town doesn't seem particularly scum motivated. Surely more content will come.
innocentvillager -
GTH town, their intro was kind of jarring and different from last game but it was almost so jokey that I townread it, like just claiming scum lmao, feels like scum wouldn't be so bold. his approach to mastina felt towny as well, basically committing to sheep her most of the game which idt mafia would want the wrecking ball that is mastina to have thread control
350 felt like a really pure thought process and so have most of his posts regarding my slot
that being said I feel like he has spent an inordinate amount of time posting about me and not nearly as much about anyone else and I don't have a good explanation for it
mastina -
so fucking town. town angel. town savior. town leader. i'm pocketed as shit by her defense of me, but it's not just that, it's how thoughtful and insightful they approach the game. one obvious example is the way she called out dannflor with a metaread, and dannflor was like well yeah you're right, and she kept pushing on dannflor, and then comes to a realization that he has some towny thought processes, and then eases up, and the whole thing felt natural as fuck
AGar -
also GTH town. hasn't added a lot of content but I remember thinking
292 felt like genuine frustration that bubbled up after game 2 started feeling similar to game 1 for them. obvi need to see more
Hopkirk -
I see that the thread is kind of turning on Hopkirk but I don't really understand why. I actually think A50 came across as kind of towny in my re-assessment of the game and he seems to be the largest driver of it but I'm not seeing it
I guess to me Hopkirk comes across as almost identical to last game, seems to have been having fun until the recent push on him, not at all the stilted or forced tone I would expect from someone who hasn't flipped scum in ages suddenly being forced into a mafia rerand because of ABR
A50's read and push on them comes across as like "i know i'm town and yet you fos me? you must be scum" which isn't particularly convincing
Xtoxm -
Last day or two xtoxm has shot up my town list. imagine xtoxm giving this kind of content last game LOL. i don't even care that it's mostly Auro, if xtoxm flipped scum him and his team were basically like: k, THIS time, we are super tryharding. which maybe but... i doubt it. also "the people on the hercule wagon should feel terrible, he is crystalline town. i am very puzzled at the wagon on hercule" please of course I love this slot.
Dannflor -
I want to say they're towny just because they express thoughts that sound genuine, like when I am engaging with them I feel like I'm talking to town who just has an incorrect read rather than someone trying to push me through on bad faith. If they are scum then I would be pretty impressed with their ability to generate genuine-sounding reads on the fly. my main takeaway from their read on me was that they lacked context into my brain, not that they were spewing whatever they can to tighten the noose around my neck.
the worst -
Not loving the "sheep oka onto hercule and tab out for 3 days" look but nothing really else to go on.
Winter Flakes -
town pretty sure. love their approach to my slot to be honest. looks careful and considered. also his read on the worst. i'm a sucker for reads developing over time with the logic for it expressed in the thread. maybe this is the obvtowning i was told about
Lady Lambdadelta -
so. obviously I hate their push on me. AND I felt like their waffling / recalcitrance on me felt more performative than an actual attempt to dismantle their own wagon on me. but I will say that
1258 that series felt like genuine emotion and like a legitimate meltdown which I feel like wouldn't be necessary to do in that situation as scum, so I'm slightly townleaning the slot atm
hercule -
locktown bay bee
OkaPoka -
okapoka... now this slot. see this is where I wanna do a vocaroo because I have a lot to say and I'm gonna fuck up elucidating it. but here we go
so I'm trying to view this from an ego-less place right but I think there are a couple good points to be made regarding them and some involve me
1. I think Dann said they were the top poster again and yet weren't providing the same presence and I FELT this. I remember game 1 I basically had to instantly townread them because I was aware how obvtown they were I really had no choice. But I don't feel that at all this game
2. Their vote on me. Because, they keep saying "yeah I have secret meta on hercule I won't be able to read him until later", yet they vote me initially. Ok, sure, maybe to pressure, acceptable. Then they vote somewhere else. And THEN, the worst is like "hey oka where we voting" and oka is like "back to hercule!" and then has basically just sat there for a few days now with no inclination that they actually think i'm mafia, they keep saying "yeah I can read hercule later" then why are you voting me still? Like last game oka was bouncing around everywhere and anywhere that had a pulse with his vote, and this game they're just chilling on someone they think they can't read until later
now they kind of addressed this in
1351, but to me like it's too little too late once the wheels are already falling off the wagon
DrippingGoofball -
town. if someone is pocketing me this game though it's DrippingGoofBall. I feel their intro to the game is almost exactly like last game, I also liked DGB calling out people for discrediting mastina, because clearly mastina was ready to take over game 1 and prob can do it this game as well, seemed way too early to start shading her. I think there was one post as well where DGB had a pros and cons list on one of xtoxm's posts which struck me as towny. lemme pull it up. ok so
411 struck me as towny because DGB gave +town and +scum to the same thing (scumreading LLD) which seemed a bit openly contradictory, but it was nuanced, in a way that seems like it would be difficult for scum to fake. idk if i'm elaborating enough on these points. in essence, the thought process of "scumreading LLD in a vacuum kinda towny -> scumreading LLD without considering this extra layer kinda scummy" seems like it would be weird to come up with as someone with TMI. also ngl
758 gave me the validation I crave and therefore increased the pocket
jjh927 -
gth town but not quite enough to be sure. I can vibe with their stated philosophy. makes it a little harder to catch them if they're scum but I kind of feel like they will just reveal themselves as the game goes on. petapan told me they will just coast and make accurate reads and so far that's what they're doing so fuck ya.
891 also gave me good vibes, felt like a good question to ask in the moment
Cephrir -
mmm okay so Ceph. I have a couple thoughts on Ceph as well
1. I don't think LLD / Ceph are partners. In the moment of hardpushing me a couple days ago LLD basically like grabbed Ceph by his shoulders and shook him and was like yelling at him to vote me, which I feel like would be way overdramatic as partners and would just frame them in a horrible light after I flipped
2. Ceph's energy is very similar to last game. I see a lot of the same playstyle as well, coasting on the sidelines, no particularly incisive reads. G1 they did have the Agar case but the rest, like during xtoxm/abr they were just going with the flow and I see that again here,
835 "ah yes now something i can hate" kinda pinged me as well
Ythan -
mmm idk. joqiza thinks they're scum but I think they're remarkably similar in tone to last game. idk how to read them. gth town
Almost50 -
A50 is someone who... I dunno, when looking at the game from a fresh perspective I think they're towny
They're just like really unapologetic and raw it feels like. For example
392 they're just like ya I ain't reading everything who cares,
701 I completely vibe with and I thought was towny,
979 looks towny especially considering I think dann very well could be town and he was talking mastina out of going there
At first I felt they were off as compared to last game and thought it was scummy they kept discrediting me for no reason but they didn't even really push on me so egoless!hercule is willing to write that off. also they asked me to get petapan's read on them which I will do today
Dunnstral -
Dunnstral is a slot I have a hard time reading. gth... scum. It feels like their content is "towny" but in the sense that it's wrapped up to look towny rather than being genuinely so. when the wagon on me first started I considered their vote on me to be fine cuz they were like "no reasons to townread yet" which was like, yeah sure, that's a legit enough reason to vote someone. And then again I thought it was towny that they voted me and then unvoted me and then voted me again within 9 minutes but the more I thought about it,
1054 as the main reason seems kind of sheepy / hedging so that he can continue to vote me but blame others when I flip town and then point to his unvote that he was trying to sort me genuinely..
Dunnstral strikes me as the type of scumplayer who would just look generically towny and not really do much except try to avoid the spotlight in early days and then kind of up their game later on.
ok that's a decent summary of my thoughts, I'm sure there's more. if I were to make a tierlist atm it would look like....
Hard Town
Winter Flakes
Feel Like They're Town
Maybe Town?
Lady Lambdadelta
Not Particularly Towny
the worst
Kinda Sus