In post 124, Disney Princesses wrote:Congratulations is in order to the following players:
Raya, Cook, unwnd, Korina, and Angry Birds!
The last player is special because of penguin_alien and her much anticipated return! You group of five are my group of FAST FRIENDS - while I will skim most posts in this game, your posts I will hang on every word and assume every argument you make is in good faith and support you where appropriate! All except for Angry Birds were selected randomly, and your special status will only last for one game Day. This status only extends to the Nacho hydra head (the one posting now) - Spiffeh is a loose cannon that I cannot control.
Spiffeh is probably scum, so I'd let him fly loose myself.
Of your list I like Cook the least at present (page six as I type, catching up now). Who's townish: Toogaloo and Magnus V. Waiting for Nachohead to go to the mats on a townread for an obvscum player before I give him a town read myself. (all love, no hate)
...and Angry head spilled my town reads already. I feel so useless.
In post 167, Disney Princesses wrote:
Why? I find that penguin rarely operates on gut and I'd love to hear the reasoning for her first reads post-hiatus.
Well, first off, I have absolutely no idea how I operate these days, since my mental state is massively different than four and eight years ago. Hell, for all you know, I swiped some of Cabd's stash JUST FOR THIS GAME. But given a) Grand Idea and b) 14:7, I'm assuming multi-ball with 3-5 factions, which means town hunting is way more useful to me than scum hunting until we get some flips going. But in skimming at work on Friday, I liked Magnus's reaction to unwnd's play and Toogaloo's entrance plus their engagement with unwnd's claim felt pro-town.
Catch-up continues; if anyone's around and wants me to address anything in real time, sing out.