Hello, and welcome to Taskmaster! In this game our Taskmaster is going to make five teams of three people each perform some tasks for him. Why? Because he can; he's a very powerful man. Look at him.

That's right, our Taskmaster is none other than our very own xRECKONERx. He has personally* devised a wide range of tasks and he demands nothing short of perfection in your efforts to perform them. The ones he likes will earn points! The ones he does not like will also earn points but not nearly as many. And when all the tasks are done, the winning team will receive
So, how does this work?

As the Taskmaster's assistant it has fallen on me to divide the tasks into two types: Live Solo tasks, and Team Tasks. I will present a list of the task names as well as any required materials. It will look something like (but not exactly like) this:
For the team tasks, you will just inform me something like "Hey, we want to try the Sus Egg one!" and I'll give you the details and start the timer. Unless specified otherwise your team can do as many "attempts" as you want within the 48 hours but in the end one entry will be used as the "final" submission. For an example of what these can look like, here are some examples from a Taskmaster game I played in.Live Solo Tasks: Choose one person on your team to sign up for each of these; everybody must do at least one solo task.
Task 1: Sample Pun Name
Materials required: Blindfold, three pairs of socks
Proof required: Video
Task 2: Another Pun Name
Materials required: Pen, Paper, Tape
Proof required: Photo
Task 3: Mystery Team Task
Materials required: None
Special: Two members of the team must do this task live
Team Tasks: Your team may choose when to start the timer on these, and then you all discuss how to do it together and submit your best idea.
Task 4: Sus Egg
Materials required: Egg
Proof required: Photo or short (<10 seconds) video
Time limit: 48 hours
Task 5: Yet Another Pun Name
Materials required: None
Proof required: Photograph
Time limit: 48 hours
For the solo ones, those will be performed live on a Skype or Discord call with me. You will not know what the task is until it is time for you to perform it.

As soon as all the teams have done all the tasks I will collate all the submissions into a handy presentation and then we will do a call on Discord with the Taskmaster and members of the teams where I will show the task attempts (Not the full attempts necessarily; they will be edited for time and player comfort with privacy) to our Taskmaster and he will award each one between 1 and 5 points. His word is final; if you think you deserve more points then you are wrong because he is the Taskmaster and we are doing these tasks for him.
This call will be open to an audience but people aren't required to be on video for it. I imagine everybody will be paying attention to my screen-shared Powerpoint anyway.
Excellent question! There is no immediate rush to get everything done; if everybody somehow does all the tasks in a week then we'll make that work but if tasks trickle in slowly and it takes a month or two then that is perfectly fine too.
There are 7 Live Solo tasks and 8 Non-live Team Tasks.
Sign up in this thread! We are looking for five teams of three people each, so either recruit your friends or post in here that you are interested and wait for likeminded people.
Feel free to ask it! I know this is a new game and new format for MS so I expect there to be some questions.
Current Teams:
1) Vash's Bad Ideas v het and xof's better ones (VashtaNeurotic, het, xofelf)
2) Unnamed Second Team (CaptainMeme, CreativeMod1, PrivateI)
3) Unnamed Third Team (brighteningskies, lilith2013, Menalque)
4) The Backbreaking Factory (Skelda, Noraa, T-Bone)
5) Mandatory Pet Tax (Pine, Equinox, Gammagooey)
*by delegating the job to me