There are two teams of 5 players playing Tic Tac Toe. Except each tile of the board has a random-ish English word on it. And instead of drawing some symbol to claim a tile, a team puts their most fitting player in it, or they can challenge their opponents' claim to a tile by arguing that someone else fits the word better, which will be voted on by supposedly unbiased observers. Yeah, it's one of those games.
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"Dammit Felissan, making someone lose the game is NOT NICE"
- DeathRowKitty 2016
"Also, the me in your signature just made the me in this thread lose the game and I'm not sure how to feel about this."
- DeathRowKitty 2018
"You've made me make myself lose the game so many times that I feel like it's an entirely new game I'm losing"