the only person saying it is bad logic is the person i am fingering.In post 1551, clidd wrote:That's bad logic again, but I respect since it's your way of playing.
@clidd - you bring up past games where you say i have wavy logic, but my lsat game i did get the solve and scum pointed this out in their thread. i have a bit more confidnece now in my reads because of this
@ amelie - Llama quotes you in their post 1490 asking for a cop to investigate you
I cannot follow amelie's posts at all. they are so out of joint with the rest of the game because they come in so infrequently, i can never work out what they are replying to. will you include quotes of what you are responding to please to make it easier?
gretchen comes in, says they are so out of the loop it isn't funny, and then latches onto a vote real easy like bad gretchen
what does this mean "slips scum"In post 1581, LlamaFluff wrote: If Alice slips scum VFP gets ran up immediately.
that means you are doing it rightIn post 1584, clidd wrote:Now I'm paranoid.
i beleive i have bugspray as the person i would vote for 2nd from my looking at the wagon, though their play today does seem goodIn post 1593, Gretchen wrote:yeah llama and bugspray have both been extremely towny.