In post 1833, mozamis wrote:you'll forgive us all if we don't just agree with your slot, havign just replaced into SLOT WHO PREVIOUSLY HAD CONTRIBUTED NOTHING.
god sorry caps.
i'm gonna eat soem cake and watch the sopranos now.
but i'll try and catch up later on.
meanwjhle please don't elim. anya yet.
need to hear more from her.
i still dont get her motivation for the fake claim as scum when you know TWO people will deny t??!!
I would say she was town apart from that EFFING BIZZARE "cant confirm or deny i am scum" WHO AS TOWN SAYS that lol
I agree.
You should evaluate me.
The motivation part could have been a failed gambit. She expected me to be a VT and an easy miselim then she could claim blocked down the line.
I know for a fact I wasn’t jailkept because it said you went no where.
You’d just have a hard time arguing I am scum when my first post contains my role and my actions in it.
The motivations may be more of an epic play which MU is more known for and where my hidden alter ego is a bit more flexible in play and people don’t know it’s me so it doesn’t have the math stigma.
And hi. I don’t remember who you are.
And yes site flakes happen.
But more realistically the slot is scum or at minimum playing to a not town wincondition. Scum is the only not town place.
Your question itself can also be reversed as well
“If she is town what motivation does she have to fake claim and maintain it for 2+ days?”
I can’t think of one.
The question itself is manipulative.
The more probable answer is Anya is scum.
Sure it’s POSSIBLE she is town and she got blocked/jailkept last night and Outer is scum or the same scenario. I think soon as she folded and said she was VT the simple thing is she is lying and has been all game.