I did read her entrance and compared it to her before I started advocating her shining light towniness. I think she's night and day here compared to there; she's inquisitive, she's a bit scattered without having an agenda attached, she's hilariously pure. I expected that notsci would be able to pick up on the same things that I am but apparently he's decided to enroll in the Cabd School of Reading Nacho (tm) and as a result is completely failing in reading me instead.In post 330, Kismet wrote:https://forum.mafiascum.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=85994 some salsa scum meta (do not read on sepia)
possibly not the only reason i linked that game just now you tell me
don't feel like i'd be able to meta her w/ any kind of confidence; and she played pretty well in this game only kinda just getting inched out of a win at the very end
i'm a little worried about the giant pass nacho is willing to give and i liked noddy's reaction to nacho's pushing it his way
One of the big weaknesses that new scum players tend to have (and Salsa certainly had in the game you linked) is a difficulty in hiding their agenda. You'll notice a lot of her questions in that game were shallow (aka acting people to elaborate on reasons they didn't explain), she was careful was she expressed suspicion or explained her votes. She was also a heck of a lot more defensive in that game versus here (when she thought I suspected her, she called me paranoid and brushed it off vs there where she seemed to get indignant that someone was "shading her"). Here she's just carefree, more inquisitive, more likely to do things that don't have a clear scum agenda. Instead of just asking people to elaborate on random suspicions, seems like she's genuinely trying to understand the stuff going around her.
And while of course I'll be reanalyzing this read constantly, I'd be very very surprised to see this slot flip scum at this point.