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Post Post #675 (ISO) » Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:47 pm

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In post 474, Disaster Cartel wrote:My vote is staying on leafy/glacey until I see like, anything from beeboy but I’ll bear in mind what you’re saying

In post 587, The Bulge wrote:is there any depth to this besides "beeboy doing the thing he does as scum"?
In post 588, Disaster Cartel wrote:beeboy doing the thing he does as scum in a game w higher rates to roll it probably means the slot is just scum :>

- ydra
neither of you have commented on that slot at all since beeboy started posting? I know mena hasn't posted a lot since then, but he has posted since beeboy was active. ydra's response here is weird with their vote still on L&G and with zero actual commentary.
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Post Post #676 (ISO) » Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:48 pm

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In post 674, Venus Fly Trap wrote:
In post 196, Venus Fly Trap wrote:Ya he was pissed at me in that jk++ cuz we were hydra'd and i wouldnt let hjm flip nm and nm was actually scum and he's getting annoyed at me again and idk why he would if he were scum here
@bulge this was the context
~ skits
thanks! I have some thoughts on that in my notes for later
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Post Post #677 (ISO) » Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:48 pm

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In post 676, The Bulge wrote:later

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Post Post #678 (ISO) » Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:49 pm

Post by Infinity 324 »

@mara Yeah I'm not sure why cakez said that.

I do think nacho believes it's protown to lim NM here, but he's scum for other reasons

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Post Post #679 (ISO) » Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:50 pm

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woops missed a couple posts there somehow? pedits are failing me
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Post Post #680 (ISO) » Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:52 pm

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In post 671, Leafeon and Glaceon wrote:Bulge do you have other reasons to scum read infinity outside the exchange she had with me?


In post 673, Momrangal wrote:
In post 670, The Bulge wrote:hi mom. are you looking for a voice to genuinely catch you up and brainstorm with, or are you doing something else?
Por que no los dos?
I don't think it's a good way of catching up or a good mindset to have when 45% of the other players are scum.
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Post Post #681 (ISO) » Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:53 pm

Post by Disaster Cartel »

i haven’t actually read what he posted, i gave up being useful tonight after i abandoned my catch up. that comment was just a silly one!!

also i feel weird moving my vote when i’m on a hydra and idk why, feels like i’m being rude so i’ll ask mena about it

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Post Post #682 (ISO) » Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:57 pm

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both fair points!
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Post Post #683 (ISO) » Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:59 pm

Post by Disaster Cartel »

i should be asleep but i skimmed, and i actually like 523/524, i feel like... that sort of read on infinity’s psyche is ablot harder to fake as scum than it is to talk about the contents of the reads themselves. at least i don’t think i would go down that path?

to be honest i wanted to be lazy and read beeboy off of activity because i was in that dance game he mentioned too and saw his inaction in action :>

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Post Post #684 (ISO) » Tue Apr 13, 2021 6:02 pm

Post by Disaster Cartel »

i’ll go back and look at the interactions with infinity tomorrow but i feel like there’s actual substance to the townread there, if it was the other head interacting w her then maybe beeboy felt like he needed to justify their read with something better? but i don’t actually think that makes sense for that sort of townread

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Post Post #685 (ISO) » Tue Apr 13, 2021 6:19 pm

Post by notscience »

Spoiler: I've shown you mine now show me yours
In post 349, Nachomamma8 wrote:I don't understand what you're asking here. I as scum would sacrifice NM over other people because NM has the lowest floor of anyone here. If another scumpartner was struggling more or a strong townplayer got put within hammer range that might be a different story but otherwise I'd default to sacrificing NM.
I think we have a fundamentally different approach. As scum, I think my strategy would be one of (Get out the people who have no longevity as scum>Get out the least information to town>Get out the weakest player)

When I'm talking about scum longevity I am referring to players like myself or infinity who, if scum, would fade out as the game goes on and become increasingly obvious scum. Like after you explained your approach it does make more sense, but at the end of the day NachoMamma can still be down if NachoDaughter and NachoSon have awful interactions with them.
In post 360, SirCakez wrote:this post is irking me
why say "we can dance" notsci?
The first part I was talking about his choice in rhetoric, I figured that my point I was making was more likely and was confused why he chose *that* venue to push. I get it a little more.

As for why I wanted you two to dance, Nacho wimped out of his dance with me and I was unimpressed with your ISO at this point in the game! And I haven't felt warm fuzzies about nacho either! So I was like "sure I'll let yall bus each other idgaf"
In post 407, Disaster Cartel wrote:I would also love to hear thoughts on my point that I think scum are bus!disincentivised unless in a lot of trouble, and the fact that there seems to be no appetite for NM is therefore +scum

I disagree that scum don't want to bus, we are going to get a scum flip each day and have that information to analyze. I think anyone with weirdly unnatural townreads on a flipped scum sticks out more than weirdly unnatural scumreads? But that might juts be me. As I've mentioned I do enjoy bussing and in a setup where I'm FORCED to lose a buddy daily regardless of what I do, I would likely want the towncred from it. But I'm not as well versed in other's scum mantra.
In post 428, Nachomamma8 wrote:
In post 358, SirCakez wrote:Somebody else already made this point.
Notscience brought up this point. Your response was that you didn't know my reads because you were skimming. That's not good enough for me.
It wasnt good enough for me either but theres only so many ways I can rephrase my question before I get annoyed

But I think Cakez is town at this point so this is all moot anyways
In post 438, Kismet wrote:nacho i'm trying to believe but you're making it very hard

cakez came at you and you just aggressively postured at him in a way that doesn't make me confident you're trying to figure his alignment out.
I stopped reading popcorns main thread when we were playing our game in the dead pt but I did catch glimpses of cakez/nacho arguing

but I almost feel like nacho's playing up some like disappointment card to make Cakez buy into their TvT angle? I quoted one of his chastising posts above. I don't really feel like hes trying to sort Cakez so much as box him in.
In post 479, Venus Fly Trap wrote:But bork man i totally forgot abt you but you're really cool and i'm happy we get to play again and you're like just town here lol, id u need me to explain later i can but the gist of it is u feel super different to that normal in the same way that enabled me to identify town-you in tenet + i think you're out of the scumrange i've seen + i dont think scum-you would be nearly this proactice or nuanced
Likewise, bork's burnt on scum

Dude's town as shit
In post 483, Nachomamma8 wrote:I'm not sure there's a good approach to this other than just letting it play out - my treatment of Cakez here is an anomaly in that it's not a way that I've approached someone as town in the past and hope never to approach someone as town in the future. It is something I use often as scum.

The only difference between this and when I use it as scum is the target - I generally leverage an approach like this when I'm trying to discredit someone who can read we well or I'm trying to mislynch someone who should never ever be mislynched.
Aren't you Mr. "Playing Scum is True Freedom"? I mean I do agree that how you are approaching Cakez feels like how you'd approach someone who was scum, but why not apply this in an instance to try and get someone to be more focused on winning over your favor than divining your alignment?
In post 486, Nachomamma8 wrote:
In post 479, Venus Fly Trap wrote:Nacho your tone is like just super super super off
In post 480, Infinity 324 wrote:This feels like something scum would say to look like frustrated town, the tone is just...not quite there.
You two are bad tonereaders.

Wrt Infinity am not surprised because he just seems to be stuck in tunnel mode.

Wrt skitter I'm still waiting for your scumread to evolve past its premise.
In post 496, Nachomamma8 wrote:worse
I don’t get how you got from the first to the second, wouldn’t chastising someone for not being good at tone reading imply you think they are town, yet they are in your lowest scumpool?
In post 500, Leafeon and Glaceon wrote:i think cakez and nm are the two scummiest slots in the game rn

i like vft/nacho/kismet to varying degrees

i have also kind of disliked infinity's push on us - there was this one part where she repeated some of the stuff i mentioned being the reasoning for me being low motivation that just felt odd

I agree with VFT and Kismet, think notmaf is null as fuck and disagree with nacho and cakez. Why do you think Nacho’s the town side of their interaction?
In post 522, Leafeon and Glaceon wrote:I think due to the nature of this setup read lists are bad for town.
Mainly because scum want to eliminate themselves and you'd basically be directing them who to get rid of.

Mind games ect ect.
Town motivation ect ect.
Are both valid arguments against this though as I've had this discussion a few times, I haven't spoke to Mist about this at all.

People tell me all the time readslists are bad for town because they give scum a roadmap to kill

But scum is obviously going to target people who are seemingly immune to suspicion anyways so this is dumb
In post 548, Nachomamma8 wrote:Can you show me one instance of scum recently pushing a policy lynch? I haven't seen it in a while but I also haven't been active in a while so maybe my experience is a bit skewed.
Wouldn't that literally be the exact reason scum would do it? That's some shit I would do as scum
In post 551, Infinity 324 wrote:I feel like people in general don't usually push policy elims nowadays
People have been saying this as long as I have been playing the game and I am convinced they were saying it before that as well
In post 591, Leafeon and Glaceon wrote:y'all are goons. I do far less then this as scum.

I actually agree that this is more than Ive seen scum-beeboy do

But posting volume is something that can be guilted from a hydra buddy so meh
In post 597, Leafeon and Glaceon wrote:I should read Cakez over tbh? I am starting to lean town on Nacho just due to the general way he is trying to inquire about certain things. Mena's approach of me is consistent to the one he had in the dance game where I was actually scum, although I efforted in that game like, not at all.... I really just wanted to pair with the IC then leave the dance so the circumstances were different but it's fine. Cakez I was avoiding to read simply because I don't like lynching him day one because it happens to him so often but I don't think that's fair to the rest of the player base since I'd just be giving him a pass because I like him and feel guilty.
Expand on Nacho please?


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Post Post #686 (ISO) » Tue Apr 13, 2021 6:23 pm

Post by notscience »

Hot take: Nacho is planning on dying d1 as scum and bussed all his buddies so they could ride the towncred

I feel like it's coming off I'm tunneling but I'm really looking more for townreads and havent really found a reason to townread him


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Post Post #687 (ISO) » Tue Apr 13, 2021 6:39 pm

Post by Infinity 324 »

In post 685, notscience wrote:People have been saying this as long as I have been playing the game and I am convinced they were saying it before that as well
Policy elims never really happened, but I think people used to policy vote people more often for lurking/being toxic

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Post Post #688 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:44 am

Post by SirCakez »

In post 580, Venus Fly Trap wrote:
In post 574, SirCakez wrote:Mom/Braveheart is also #badslot btw
just cuz they haven't done anything or is there something more
Actually scratch this read <.<
I made an error because redacted
scrambled thoughts these days
In post 593, Leafeon and Glaceon wrote:the head that actually posts is here

growing more confident on cakez, i hate how he's basically trying to just push past our scumread instead of like, talking against it

makes me think he just wants to get the miselim on our slot then leave the game tonight

p-edit: apparently we are both here

Your SR on me is just a nothingburger. What is there to talk against?
In post 596, Leafeon and Glaceon wrote:
In post 593, Leafeon and Glaceon wrote:growing more confident on cakez, i hate how he's basically trying to just push past our scumread instead of like, talking against it
i don't think i explained this well but like

his initial callout on our slot was ~fine, his follow-up was ~fine, but then he didn't acknowledge my explanation then voted us later on

and the way he's just calling our push on him bs instead of actually acknowledging it feels wolfy to me

What explanation? There was nothing.
In post 607, Disaster Cartel wrote:
In post 246, SirCakez wrote:Done reading. Disaster Cartel is AWFUL and I do not want to move my vote. Nacho is also just ??????? leaning towards scum. All of the hydras are not good actually.
this might seem like a dumb thing to point out but why didn't you say you weren't crazy about our slot in your small list of reads? or had you just not read us at that point? bc i feel like if you think we're that awful we would have been a slot you weren't that crazy about

- ydra
I didn't list every single person it wasn't comprehensive. I think my previous posts had made it transparently clear that I SRed you.
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Post Post #689 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:50 am

Post by SirCakez »

In post 615, Infinity 324 wrote:I feel like y'all might be underestimating my scumgame but w/e I'm town here
after my large normal...hahahaha
In post 624, Kismet wrote:
In post 620, Disaster Cartel wrote:i do a lot better in the moment i think than going back to read things
you're not obligated to catch up on everything if playing in the moment is a better way for you to get reads / show your alignment
so many people don't understand this and it makes reading people such a pain in the ass sometimes
In post 660, The Bulge wrote:why not?
Because that suggestion of play is just ridiculous and not something Nacho would do.

I think The Bulge is town
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Post Post #690 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:50 am

Post by SirCakez »

why did Mom yell at me and then proceed to not generate any content?
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Post Post #691 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:51 am

Post by SirCakez »

oh yeah I forgot how burned out Bork was from rolling scum 10x in a row
He is basically IC levels of town this game LOL
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Post Post #692 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:52 am

Post by SirCakez »

I still want Nacho to talk about his strong VFT sr
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Post Post #693 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:05 am

Post by Kismet »

Nacho also can you talk about what led you up to voting L&G? i know you remarked that they had some empty questioning early, but it looked like had a couple points where you were leaning the other way (?) and i'm not sure what happened between that and your vote.
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Post Post #694 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:08 am

Post by Kismet »

In post 637, Venus Fly Trap wrote:but I think ydrasse is slightly +town in the last few pages
don't really agree so far, and trying not to be tunnely, but i think Ydrasse was dragged kicking and screaming into the "fun-zone" instead of wanting to be there organically and is exhibiting the most bare minimum levels of Ydrassity in order not to get speed elimed
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Post Post #695 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:09 am

Post by Infinity 324 »

In post 530, Infinity 324 wrote:{bulge, DC, NM, mom, nacho, cakez}

@bork, skitt Who do you think is most likely scum outside this pool?
Bork, thoughts?

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Post Post #696 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:14 am

Post by Kismet »

Yeah, meant to address that last night and never got to it, but my answer is pretty similar to skitter's:

Leafeon and Glaceon (beeboy, Mistyx hydra)
Salsabil Faria
Infinity 324
Venus Fly Trap (skitter30, lilith2013 hydra)

it's probably the top two names here, but i think that can be inferred from the reads lists i've given so far (although maybe i'm getting some scum-designated-miselim vibes from the l&g wagon but i'm not confident enough in my reads yet to really go down that path). is there anything deeper you're trying to get at here to have posted the question in such a way?
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Post Post #697 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:15 am

Post by Disaster Cartel »

they forced me at gunpoint to stop my catchup

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Post Post #698 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:19 am

Post by Disaster Cartel »

i don’t think they dragged me back frankly and i didn’t really resist it (my protesting was the fun sort) because i do dislike that style of play but i dislike giving up halfway too

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Post Post #699 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:23 am

Post by Kismet »

In post 689, SirCakez wrote:I think The Bulge is town
if there's anything that bothers me about bulge is that he's very obviously been reading but he's chosen to only engage about one thing in particular and that thing is an unflipped association (infinity/l&g) which i'm worried the grounds aren't particularly solid on.

I realize he has Qs for me about infinity which i should responsibly reexamine my read while answering, but that will probably come tonight.