Open 809: Charge Me Up! [Over]

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Open 809: Charge Me Up! [Over]

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Sat Apr 10, 2021 6:46 pm

Post by Raya36 »

Open: Charge Me Up!

Moderator: Raya36
Back-up Mod: Wooper


Player List:

flow trap

MiniVirgo (MiniMegabyte + JacksonVirgo)


Dark Magician Girl
Robert M Hunter
Green Crayons

Flea the Magician


Save the Dragons


Spoiler: Living
MiniVirgo (MiniMegabyte + JacksonVirgo)



Save the Dragons

Spoiler: Dead
- Eliminated D1 -
Vanilla Townie

- Killed N1 -
3-Shot Midnight Desparado

Green Crayons
- Killed N1 -
Vanilla Townie

Dark Magician Girl
- Eliminated D2 -
Mafia 1-Shot Jailkeeper

flow trap
- Killed N2 -
1-Shot Friendly Neighbor

- Eliminated D3 -
Vanilla Townie

- Killed N3 -
Vanilla Townie

- Eliminated D4 -
Mafia 1-Shot Watcher

Flea the Magician
- Killed N4 -
Vanilla Townie

Robert M Hunter
- Eliminated D5 -
Mafia 3-Shot Tracker


Day 1 Elimination
Night 1 Results
Day 2 Elimination
Night 2 Results
Day 3 Elimination
Night 3 Results
Day 4 Elimination
Night 4 Results
Day 5 Elimination
Last edited by Raya36 on Fri May 14, 2021 9:32 am, edited 47 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Sun Apr 11, 2021 3:02 am

Post by Raya36 »


Stolen from Plotinus
  1. Follow all site rules.

  2. Mod colour
    – My mod colour is
    ; don't use it.
  3. Behaviour
    - This is a heated game but toxicity will not be tolerated. Attack the play not the player. If your fellow players tell you to stop, you must stop. If you do not stop, I will tell you to stop. If you still do not stop, you will be force-replaced. Asking people to stop voting you or to stop scumhunting you entirely doesn't count for this rule and you may find yourself eliminated if you try it.
  4. Don't talk about ongoing games
    - You may not talk to each other about this game outside of threads I have created for this purpose. You may not talk about other ongoing games in this thread.
  5. Tiny text
    - The minimum text size permitted is 70.
  6. Provable randomness
    - is against the rules. Saying that you rolled a dice is fine, using dice tags or is not.
  7. Claiming scum
    - by yourself is fine. Claiming scum with another player is against the rules.
  8. Cryptography
    - is forbidden. Breadcrumbing is okay.
  9. Confirmation
    - You have about 72 hours to confirm your role and your alignment by PM. Game will start sooner if everyone confirms. Posting in a private topic counts as confirmation.
  10. Days
    - Day 1 lasts 10 days and other days last 7 days. Extensions may be granted if there are replacements, or if the majority of players make it clear to me that an extension is desired.
  11. Activity
    - You must post at least once every 36 hours or I will Prod you. You then have 24 hours to post in the game thread or I will replace you. If you come back before I find a replacement, you can stay. The activity timers run at half-speed on weekends. Players can request me to prod somebody early. This will only count as an official prod if you don't post before you would have been due for a prod. If you haven't posted in the 24 hours before the thread is locked for night, you must reply to the night start PM or you will be replaced during the night.
  12. Vacation/Limited Access
    If you need to be absent for longer than this, you should declare
    in bold in the thread like this: [
    @Mod: I will be v/la until Thursday
    /b]. While you are V/LA, you will be nudged once every 54 hours. Two nudges equals one prod. If you have not posted game advancing content in 5 days, regardless of V/LA status, you will be replaced.
  13. Prodging
    - A naked "prod dodge" does not reset the prod timer. To avoid being prodded/replaced for inactivity, include some game advancing content in your prodges, such as "got prodded; xxxx is still scum."
  14. Quoting
    - You may not quote (or copy paste) any private information into the thread, including your role PM and any mod communication.
  15. Voting
    - Votes must be in bold in the format VOTE: Raya36 or
    Vote: Raya36
    . Strong preference for using vote tags instead of bold tags. Unvotes are nice but not required. If I think it’s a vote, it’s a vote, no tricks. Type [
    /v] to vote and [
    /uv] to unvote.
  16. Elimination
    - Days end early when a simple majority of players (50% of living players + 1 rounded down) vote to eliminate somebody. If a majority is not reached at deadline or if a majority of the players vote for no elimination, the day will end without an elimination. At evens, 50% is sufficient for no elimination.
  17. Twilight
    - Begins when a majority is reached and lasts until I lock the thread. You're still alive until I flip you so you can talk in any game threads you have access to until then, but no votes or unvotes will be counted.
  18. Night
    - Night lasts at least 48 hours. The night phase can be shortened if every living player -- even those with no night actions -- agrees to it and if I'm not busy.
  19. Action submissions
    - You may submit actions via PM (if town) or PT (if scum). If the actions are not submitted by the deadline then you do nothing. You can change your mind as many times as you like before the deadline.
  20. Reminders
    - If I don't hear from you about your night actions, I'll PM you 24 hours before the deadline. This doesn't count as a prod. If I still don't hear from you, you will take no action.
  21. Notes PT
    - Let me know if you want a private thread to store your thoughts and feedback for the other players. This thread will be made public immediately after the game. You may draft posts in your notes PT but you may not talk about your notes PT in public. You definitely may not use the notes PT to demonstrate that you've had a town mindset in private all along; just put your town mindset in public to begin with and keep your notes to yourself.
  22. Day Talk
    - Mafia have day talk and may communicate in their PT at any time.
  23. Play to win
    - this particular game, not some future one, and keep it fun!


Wiki Page

Spoiler: Setup Information
3 Mafia

11 Town

Mechanics-You will be PMed only your alignment.
-You will PM back the power role you want and a player you wish to charge up (Can not be yourself)
Discussion of this pre-game phase is forbidden and will result in a mod-kill. Do not discuss your choice of power role or who you charged up.

-Each charge you get during the pre-game results in a shot for your power role
-If you did not get a pre-game vote you get 0 charges and you are a vanilla townie/mafia goon
-If two players choose the same power role the one who gets less pre-game votes gets the power role and the other is a vanilla townie/mafia goon
-If two players choose the same power role and get the same amount of pre-game votes they both get the power role.
-If three+ players choose the same power role and get the same amount of pre-game votes they all are vanilla townies/mafia goons.
-After all pre-game votes are received you will be informed of your role and the amount of shots you have.

Possible Power Roles-Cop
-Midnight Desperado
-Friendly Neighbor

Spoiler: Sample Role Pms
First PM:

Welcome to Charge Me Up! You are a
vanilla townie.
you have no special abilities, your strength is your vote and intellect.

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Please confirm by telling me what the bolded green text says and by sending me the power role you wish to have and the name of a player besides yourself that you wish to charge.

Please remember that discussion of the role you chose and the player you charged in a public topic is strictly forbidden.

Welcome to Charge Me Up! You are a
Mafia Goon.
Your mafia team members are x and y.

You share a private topic with your fellow scum; you may use this topic anytime. MAFIA PT
You have a factional nightkill meaning that each night one of you may kill a player.

You win if at least one member of your group is alive and all other players are dead, or if nothing can prevent the same.

Please confirm by telling me what the bolded red text says and by sending me the power role you wish to have and the name of a player besides yourself that you wish to charge.

Please remember that discussion of the role you chose and the player you charged in a public topic is strictly forbidden. You may discuss this in your Mafia PT.

Second PM:

Congratulations, now you are a
X-Shot Cop

At X night(s) of your choice you may target a player to be investigated so as to discover their alignment. You will receive a private message from the moderator containing either [Mafia] or [Not Mafia]. You will receive a message containing [No Result] if your action fails for any reason.
Last edited by Raya36 on Sun Apr 11, 2021 4:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Sun Apr 11, 2021 3:52 am

Post by Raya36 »

All role PMs are out. Night 0 begins and will end in (expired on 2021-04-13 11:00:00). If all submissions have not been received replacements will be found prior to D1 beginning.

14/14 have confirmed

Searching for replacements for NoPowerOverMe and The YankeeReaper
Last edited by Raya36 on Wed Apr 14, 2021 10:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:32 am

Post by Raya36 »

VFP replaces NoPowerOverMe
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 10:50 am

Post by Raya36 »

Yessiree replaces TheYankeeReaper
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 10:56 am

Post by Raya36 »

Day 1 begins. It will end in (expired on 2021-04-24 19:00:00). With 14 alive it takes 8 to eliminate.

***It is strictly forbidden to discuss N0 submissions. You may not discuss the role you chose or the player you chose to charge up***
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:17 am

Post by Artemiana »

Young goddess gets the first post!
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:17 am

Post by flow trap »

I never know how to start :igmeou:
"I'm not coming to your house with a paper shredder" - Flow

"I honestly had no idea how to converse with (Flow). (Flow) brought up architecture to start with and I was like "oh do you like architecture" and then he was like "uhm no I know nothing about it." And then he threw something out a window??"
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:23 am

Post by Save The Dragons »

VOTE: Yesirreeeee
aka Fenrir
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:24 am

Post by flow trap »

"I'm not coming to your house with a paper shredder" - Flow

"I honestly had no idea how to converse with (Flow). (Flow) brought up architecture to start with and I was like "oh do you like architecture" and then he was like "uhm no I know nothing about it." And then he threw something out a window??"
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:28 am

Post by NDMath »

In post 7, flow trap wrote:I never know how to start :igmeou:
This is relatable

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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:39 am

Post by flow trap »

"I'm not coming to your house with a paper shredder" - Flow

"I honestly had no idea how to converse with (Flow). (Flow) brought up architecture to start with and I was like "oh do you like architecture" and then he was like "uhm no I know nothing about it." And then he threw something out a window??"
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:45 am

Post by VFP »

VOTE: flowtrap
Page 1 OMGUS
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:54 am

Post by Flea The Magician »

VOTE: Save the Dragons - stop hoarding their gold!
XenoSkulk was processed by Crushing Wheels

Do you wanna get to know me? Like are you really sure about that? GTKAS!
Songs I have used in catchups
Anything signed is from alters.
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:56 am

Post by Green Crayons »

VOTE: art
"This Court has never held that the Constitution forbids the execution of a convicted defendant who has had a full and fair trial but is later able to convince a habeas court that he is 'actually' innocent." In re Davis, 557 U.S. 952, 955 (2009) (Scalia, J., dissenting).
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:57 am

Post by flow trap »

In post 12, VFP wrote:VOTE: flowtrap
Page 1 OMGUS
Trunalimunumaprzure :eek:
"I'm not coming to your house with a paper shredder" - Flow

"I honestly had no idea how to converse with (Flow). (Flow) brought up architecture to start with and I was like "oh do you like architecture" and then he was like "uhm no I know nothing about it." And then he threw something out a window??"
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:59 am

Post by Lukewarm »

In post 5, Raya36 wrote:
Day 1 begins. It will end in (expired on 2021-04-24 19:00:00). With 14 alive it takes 8 to eliminate.

***It is strictly forbidden to discuss N0 submissions. You may not discuss the role you chose or the player you chose to charge up***
Oh. I completely missed this rule, definitely have been thinking about how the N0 vote information could be used lol

I point ready to make as soon as Day1 started, but now I need to clear my comment with the mod before I post it :oops:

Anyways, RVS VOTE: DkKoba
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 12:28 pm

Post by Raya36 »

To clarify, as I've received some questions about the submissions discussion rule, if at any point of the game you wish to claim your role you may only claim the final role you were assigned. You may not for example say "I am a vanilla townie but I picked cop". This is to prevent imbalance from the ability to mechanically solve the setup if a mass submission claim was made.
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 12:38 pm

Post by Dark Magician Girl »

In post 7, flow trap wrote:I never know how to start :igmeou:
In post 9, flow trap wrote:VOTE: VFP
VOTE: flow trap

You clearly know how to RVS. Is this a pre-emptive excuse for scummy awkwardness?
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 12:50 pm

Post by Save The Dragons »

how serious is that vote ^
aka Fenrir
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 1:17 pm

Post by flow trap »

In post 18, Dark Magician Girl wrote:
In post 7, flow trap wrote:I never know how to start :igmeou:
In post 9, flow trap wrote:VOTE: VFP
VOTE: flow trap

You clearly know how to RVS. Is this a pre-emptive excuse for scummy awkwardness?
I am cursed to always RVS second and therefore actually never know how to start
"I'm not coming to your house with a paper shredder" - Flow

"I honestly had no idea how to converse with (Flow). (Flow) brought up architecture to start with and I was like "oh do you like architecture" and then he was like "uhm no I know nothing about it." And then he threw something out a window??"
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 1:23 pm

Post by flow trap »

Well actually I should say, I never know how to start on this site
"I'm not coming to your house with a paper shredder" - Flow

"I honestly had no idea how to converse with (Flow). (Flow) brought up architecture to start with and I was like "oh do you like architecture" and then he was like "uhm no I know nothing about it." And then he threw something out a window??"
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 1:42 pm

Post by Dark Magician Girl »

In post 19, Save The Dragons wrote:how serious is that vote ^
It's kinda serious. I don't really like RVS in general and I'm happy to have an early lead to chase.
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 1:43 pm

Post by Dark Magician Girl »

In post 21, flow trap wrote:Well actually I should say, I never know how to start on this site
What's different about this site that makes it harder to get into the game?
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Wed Apr 14, 2021 1:44 pm

Post by flow trap »

In post 23, Dark Magician Girl wrote:
In post 21, flow trap wrote:Well actually I should say, I never know how to start on this site
What's different about this site that makes it harder to get into the game?
Ironically, the early pluralities
"I'm not coming to your house with a paper shredder" - Flow

"I honestly had no idea how to converse with (Flow). (Flow) brought up architecture to start with and I was like "oh do you like architecture" and then he was like "uhm no I know nothing about it." And then he threw something out a window??"