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Post Post #775 (ISO) » Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:01 pm

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 769, VFP wrote:
In post 768, GrandpaMo wrote:flow trap flips town here btw lmfao
Any reads yet?
not done with my analysis. i just finished 1/3.

but i just read from early reads from flow and it explains their townyiness beginning
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Post Post #776 (ISO) » Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:07 pm

Post by GrandpaMo »

Page 30 Full Game Analysis.

Hello! Welcome to my analysis. For this, I will be going through the game with a mindset of a towns member since I am fortunately town. I will comment on interactions I have seen and some town pings and scum pings from specific quotes, dialogues, and other based interactions. I will NOT look at other people's reads yet until the end of my analysis just to remove any conformity, sheeping, or bias in my analysis.

I will be posting with post numbers to know where the information is coming from. It is your job to know what I am talking about since I gave you the information. Also everything regarding the game will be in
this color.

Part 1: Early Game

In the beginning of the game, everyone goes in the RVS which is fine and normal for most MS members I have seen so far.

On post 18, we get the game going with a first actual read. Dark Magician Girl pressures flow trap for thinking flow trap is dumb telling. Town is more inclined to do this as mafia would just lay back and wait for someone else to do it. Looking at when they joined, March 04, 2021. Maybe an alt or whatever (could be NAI) but them pressuring this early is usually a town tell. Also as Flea votes Dark Magician girl perhaps as a meme... Dark Magical Girl responds to everything else besides the vote. Mafia is more inclined to get offended when given info in defense and then voting afterwards thinking that it was serious. However, Dark had a good response in post 33. Throughout the interaction... I believe that it could be town on town just for the good reaction flow trap had in explaining what plurality was and everything. Also in the beginning there was something regarding "how serious is that vote" (post 19) being a left hanging method and questioning. That is my opinion NAI and perhaps miscommunication. Something also a town tell is that flow trap initiates a push on Mini Vargo in which like I said, town is more inclined to try and push players and pressure and get reads out of them.

Dk joins the game and claims PR and votes flowtrap. VFP responds saying your scum and Dk responds with a bad take. VFP is town just for taking flow traps conftown theory serious probably as a meme and suggests a PoE in which both Flow, Dk, and DMG are all in town together. Mafia doesn't do that shit unless towards the game.

Weird quote to say in Post 73. "I townread yessiree because they expressed my problem with STD for me)...? No reason to point that out. And especially just make a solo quote just based on that read.

Dk scumreads FTM and DMG. DMG asks what scumpings they had on FTM.

Dk then says they don't feel like the need to justify all my reads this early. Which is eh. I wish people would. No reason to withhold info as town. You would be in this case antitown/mafia. DMG asked a simple question with a simple answer in my opinion. Dk bad reaction. Dk could have just said the scumpings on FTM include these quotes (post quotes) and *explain why they are bad* and then explain the openwolf FTM did in post 70. Again, very simple read. No reason to withhold that info from town.

FTM same basic reaction in post 87. "We can't read each other lets face it" regarding Dk. Which is again no reason to act anti town. Interactions is sometimes a viable method and utility to game solve for town.

Lukewarm joins the game and actually has 2 good reads and 1 bad read. The one bad read is that they don't like how Dk claimed PR like that. No reason to comment on that and keep bringing attention to it whether they are fake or not. 2nd read; they don't like VFP because they took flow traps word serious or not serious on being confirmed town. Which is understandable. They also dislike NM's jester meme claim >>> Votes NM

VFP conitnues to add more people to their town block.

People start disliking Lukewarm for pushing NM

GC comes into the game. My slot pressures Lukewarm and actually is the first that pressures in post 105.

ND defends Lukewarm in those reads and explains they have a town mindset for having actual thoughts on the game. Forgets that yes was a player.

VFP scumreads ND. Flow trap disagrees and STD asks why. Flow trap comes up with the logic that is actually funny to me LMAO. "They are in the bttom which would mean they are the 3rd mafia if they are mafia" Honestly. This deserves props whether you are town or scum.

DK comes out and says ND is not alligned with Luke. But doesn't AGAIN explain why. Please explain. Hopefully I do see an explanation later on.

AND LOL. This a live reaction. And just say Flow traps post to make "I can explain later if needed" to make DK's catchphrase. Did not realize I was the only one. Dk ignores that quote by the way.

FTM Actually takes flowtraps joke seriously in a way. Some others like Nd defend flowtrap's joke which honestly could just be obvious scum but also in a predicament where ND is looking at it from a town mindset. Hard to tell.

Mozamis provides nothing useful so far (up to par in post 137)

Luke comes out and continues to defend the pressure on NM. Which is usually a town tell imo. Answers all questions including expierence and why they didn't like VFP seriousness; pointing it out but not scumreading them. DMG pivots to GC with no explanation and actually townreads flow trap. Again, they haven't provided explanation. Last time WE knew they were pressuring and scumreading flow trap.

VFP pushes ND for a worry tell in post 168. Which is really good town tell.

Dk, Luke, and ND all claim mafia. Now what the chances they are all mafia? Crazy.

Artemiana no content so far other than 201.

Okay MiniVargo comes into play. I expect something from JV specifically as I have played with them before in Newbie 2059 and read their previous games as such.

I like JV's reaction more in post 171 then the wallpost in 204 regarding lukewarm

Lukewarm has a tell of saying the vibes of this thread is off and not used to it. This is most likely a town tell btw.

Part 2: More Mid Game Continued...

Part 3: EoD Continued...

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Post Post #777 (ISO) » Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:11 pm

Post by GrandpaMo »

Okay I will post what I have so far... since we don't have enough time.

I am working on it ASAP as I am caught up with late school work. I apologize.
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Post Post #778 (ISO) » Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:27 pm

Post by Save The Dragons »

VOTE: minivirgo
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Post Post #779 (ISO) » Thu Apr 22, 2021 8:38 pm

Post by Dark Magician Girl »

In post 745, Save The Dragons wrote:DMG do you find this game easy to get into?
I don't know what you mean by get into. I don't feel bad about where my reads are at right now, but I do think more stuff to work with would be nice

MS seems to generally just be slower, though
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Post Post #780 (ISO) » Thu Apr 22, 2021 8:41 pm

Post by Dark Magician Girl »

In post 774, NDMath wrote:
Spoiler: biggish quote
In post 734, yessiree wrote:
In post 673, NDMath wrote:
In post 672, yessiree wrote:
In post 668, NDMath wrote:Do you have any thoughts on the koba and minivirgo argument?
I do
I'm sure you know what my follow up question is
well, ngl, it was kinda off-putting and killed my desire to play for a bit.

The reason for koba's initial push (which was mini hasn't towntold) was very weak, so weak that I didn't think anyone was gonna bite on that. So to me, mini's reaction was way overblown, especially given there was hardly any vote on the slot at the time. Of course, I don't know the history between these players, and tbh really can't be arsed to take that into consideration in how I read them, but since that seems to plays an important role here so I kinda have to to a certain degree.

Usually I associate strong emotions with town because it's just hard to fake as scum, and it's very easy to tell when scum is faking it, but usually this only applies when they are in danger of being eliminated. So it's more a case of associating it with desire to win. But mini wasn't in danger of being eliminated, in fact I think he was wagoned due to how he handled the pressure, and I don't see town reacting that strongly, especially on day 1 because a green flip here hardly impacts town's prospectives. So I think he reacted poorly to the pressure, leaning scum on the slot

(OR he could be pr with an exciting ability and he fears not bing able to use it but you didn't hear it from me)

I like this response compared to your previous posts.

VOTE: minivirgo
Still think this slot has the plurality chance to be scum; definitely prefer it to flowtrap who's only being scumread for posting in weird style.

The Flea and Dragons interaction to me looks bad for flea because the accusation that dragons hadn't read the post was unfounded and there isn't a reason for town!flea to think that in the first place.
the way Math completely mischaracterized Flow slipping is noted
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Post Post #781 (ISO) » Thu Apr 22, 2021 8:42 pm

Post by Dark Magician Girl »

omg that's so much I'm not reading all that lol
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Post Post #782 (ISO) » Thu Apr 22, 2021 9:22 pm

Post by VFP »

I'm happy to lim anyone at this stage.
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Post Post #783 (ISO) » Thu Apr 22, 2021 11:09 pm

Post by Flea The Magician »

In post 774, NDMath wrote:The Flea and Dragons interaction to me looks bad for flea because the accusation that dragons hadn't read the post was unfounded and there isn't a reason for town!flea to think that in the first place.
It was ultimately crossed wires, and I was of the view the post had been skimmed, not read.
Was it just that bit looking bad for me or more of it? because that's a pretty naff bit to just be worth calling out.
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Post Post #784 (ISO) » Thu Apr 22, 2021 11:17 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 782, VFP wrote:I'm happy to lim anyone at this stage.
lets lim not_mafia for the luls
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Post Post #785 (ISO) » Thu Apr 22, 2021 11:29 pm

Post by yessiree »

In post 783, Flea The Magician wrote:
In post 774, NDMath wrote:The Flea and Dragons interaction to me looks bad for flea because the accusation that dragons hadn't read the post was unfounded and there isn't a reason for town!flea to think that in the first place.
It was ultimately crossed wires, and I was of the view the post had been skimmed, not read.
Was it just that bit looking bad for me or more of it? because that's a pretty naff bit to just be worth calling out.
I actually don't agree that looked bad for flea at all, in fact if anything it made them both look pretty towny after that exchange tbh

If someone asked me to summarize my case after I had just made a big wall post and took the effort to organize them into several spoilers, I'd tell them to fuck off too. Granted, the spoiler format isn't exactly great for readability, because you'd have to expand/collapse and then scroll around to read stuff, but the sentiment should still stand. And on top of that Flea did summarize faer case, which is bonus points for town.

On the other hand, STD's insistence was pretty townie too. I feel like normally scum would not be that stubborn and ease up a little when challenged by someone who knew what faer was talking about.
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Post Post #786 (ISO) » Thu Apr 22, 2021 11:30 pm

Post by Flea The Magician »

In post 776, GrandpaMo wrote: [snippity snip snip!]
1Flea votes Dark Magician girl perhaps as a meme.

Dk then says they don't feel like the need to justify all my reads this early. Which is eh. I wish people would. No reason to withhold info as town. You would be in this case antitown/mafia. DMG asked a simple question with a simple answer in my opinion. Dk bad reaction. Dk could have just said the scumpings on FTM include these quotes (post quotes) and *explain why they are bad* and then 2explain the openwolf FTM did in . Again, very simple read. No reason to withhold that info from town.

3FTM same basic reaction in . "We can't read each other lets face it" regarding Dk. Which is again no reason to act anti town. 3.5Interactions is sometimes a viable method and utility to game solve for town.

4FTM Actually takes flowtraps joke seriously in a way. Some others like Nd defend flowtrap's joke which honestly could just be obvious scum but also in a predicament where ND is looking at it from a town mindset. Hard to tell.
1 -> It was RVS... and memes are fun :3
2 -> Would you care to explain how is openwolfing?
3 -> We can't. it's fun. besides, I said
serious interaction
, not no interaction...
3.5 -> .. because me and DkKoba are more than capable of getting heated and not in a good way. For the games health, we need to not, basically.
4 -> You didn't give a post for context on this, so I'm assuming my in response to their logic in and . Some players and even some moderators do order the player list specifically for some games, and that's there my thinking was then.
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Post Post #787 (ISO) » Thu Apr 22, 2021 11:58 pm

Post by flow trap »

In post 780, Dark Magician Girl wrote:the way Math completely mischaracterized Flow slipping is noted
"I'm not coming to your house with a paper shredder" - Flow

"I honestly had no idea how to converse with (Flow). (Flow) brought up architecture to start with and I was like "oh do you like architecture" and then he was like "uhm no I know nothing about it." And then he threw something out a window??"
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Post Post #788 (ISO) » Fri Apr 23, 2021 12:02 am

Post by flow trap »

VOTE: mozamis
"I'm not coming to your house with a paper shredder" - Flow

"I honestly had no idea how to converse with (Flow). (Flow) brought up architecture to start with and I was like "oh do you like architecture" and then he was like "uhm no I know nothing about it." And then he threw something out a window??"
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Post Post #789 (ISO) » Fri Apr 23, 2021 1:59 am

Post by NDMath »

In post 780, Dark Magician Girl wrote:
In post 774, NDMath wrote:
Spoiler: biggish quote
In post 734, yessiree wrote:
In post 673, NDMath wrote:
In post 672, yessiree wrote:
In post 668, NDMath wrote:Do you have any thoughts on the koba and minivirgo argument?
I do
I'm sure you know what my follow up question is
well, ngl, it was kinda off-putting and killed my desire to play for a bit.

The reason for koba's initial push (which was mini hasn't towntold) was very weak, so weak that I didn't think anyone was gonna bite on that. So to me, mini's reaction was way overblown, especially given there was hardly any vote on the slot at the time. Of course, I don't know the history between these players, and tbh really can't be arsed to take that into consideration in how I read them, but since that seems to plays an important role here so I kinda have to to a certain degree.

Usually I associate strong emotions with town because it's just hard to fake as scum, and it's very easy to tell when scum is faking it, but usually this only applies when they are in danger of being eliminated. So it's more a case of associating it with desire to win. But mini wasn't in danger of being eliminated, in fact I think he was wagoned due to how he handled the pressure, and I don't see town reacting that strongly, especially on day 1 because a green flip here hardly impacts town's prospectives. So I think he reacted poorly to the pressure, leaning scum on the slot

(OR he could be pr with an exciting ability and he fears not bing able to use it but you didn't hear it from me)

I like this response compared to your previous posts.

VOTE: minivirgo
Still think this slot has the plurality chance to be scum; definitely prefer it to flowtrap who's only being scumread for posting in weird style.

The Flea and Dragons interaction to me looks bad for flea because the accusation that dragons hadn't read the post was unfounded and there isn't a reason for town!flea to think that in the first place.
the way Math completely mischaracterized Flow slipping is noted
It's not a slip if no one can state a reason for it which only applies to scum.
(which flowtrap has asked people for numerous times)

In post 783, Flea The Magician wrote:
In post 774, NDMath wrote:The Flea and Dragons interaction to me looks bad for flea because the accusation that dragons hadn't read the post was unfounded and there isn't a reason for town!flea to think that in the first place.
It was ultimately crossed wires, and I was of the view the post had been skimmed, not read.
Was it just that bit looking bad for me or more of it? because that's a pretty naff bit to just be worth calling out.
To the first sentence, I guess that view makes sense.
I'm not understanding what the other two sentences are saying/asking.
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Post Post #790 (ISO) » Fri Apr 23, 2021 2:30 am

Post by Raya36 »

Prodding MiniVirgo, Artemiana, mozamis
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Post Post #791 (ISO) » Fri Apr 23, 2021 2:36 am

Post by Raya36 »

Replacing MiniVirgo
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Post Post #792 (ISO) » Fri Apr 23, 2021 2:53 am

Post by Flea The Magician »

Calling me out just for that reason seems a little pointless and quite trivial, maybe later on during a case development. Why now?
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Post Post #793 (ISO) » Fri Apr 23, 2021 2:59 am

Post by flow trap »

? what post are you refering to?
"I'm not coming to your house with a paper shredder" - Flow

"I honestly had no idea how to converse with (Flow). (Flow) brought up architecture to start with and I was like "oh do you like architecture" and then he was like "uhm no I know nothing about it." And then he threw something out a window??"
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Post Post #794 (ISO) » Fri Apr 23, 2021 3:29 am

Post by VFP »

Should we just lim Mini so we don't need a replacement?
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Post Post #795 (ISO) » Fri Apr 23, 2021 4:22 am

Post by Save The Dragons »

we should lim the slot because it's probably scum
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Post Post #796 (ISO) » Fri Apr 23, 2021 4:43 am

Post by flow trap »

In post 795, Save The Dragons wrote:we should lim the slot because it's probably scum
What do you mean by "probably", from what I see your reasons are weak reasoning (on mini's side) and something that "just makes you weary"
"I'm not coming to your house with a paper shredder" - Flow

"I honestly had no idea how to converse with (Flow). (Flow) brought up architecture to start with and I was like "oh do you like architecture" and then he was like "uhm no I know nothing about it." And then he threw something out a window??"
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Post Post #797 (ISO) » Fri Apr 23, 2021 4:54 am

Post by Save The Dragons »

hence probably and not definitely
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Post Post #798 (ISO) » Fri Apr 23, 2021 5:10 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 786, Flea The Magician wrote:
In post 776, GrandpaMo wrote: [snippity snip snip!]
1Flea votes Dark Magician girl perhaps as a meme.

Dk then says they don't feel like the need to justify all my reads this early. Which is eh. I wish people would. No reason to withhold info as town. You would be in this case antitown/mafia. DMG asked a simple question with a simple answer in my opinion. Dk bad reaction. Dk could have just said the scumpings on FTM include these quotes (post quotes) and *explain why they are bad* and then 2explain the openwolf FTM did in . Again, very simple read. No reason to withhold that info from town.

3FTM same basic reaction in . "We can't read each other lets face it" regarding Dk. Which is again no reason to act anti town. 3.5Interactions is sometimes a viable method and utility to game solve for town.

4FTM Actually takes flowtraps joke seriously in a way. Some others like Nd defend flowtrap's joke which honestly could just be obvious scum but also in a predicament where ND is looking at it from a town mindset. Hard to tell.
1 -> It was RVS... and memes are fun :3
2 -> Would you care to explain how is openwolfing?
3 -> We can't. it's fun. besides, I said
serious interaction
, not no interaction...
3.5 -> .. because me and DkKoba are more than capable of getting heated and not in a good way. For the games health, we need to not, basically.
4 -> You didn't give a post for context on this, so I'm assuming my in response to their logic in and . Some players and even some moderators do order the player list specifically for some games, and that's there my thinking was then.
1. Yes, I was thinking maybe it was too late for RVS but understandable and could be NAI.
2. Because they called you "out" and technically you confessed to being scum. You are openwolfing as scum/town to be scum in this instance.
3. Understandable; still I believe in my opinion that interactions should always be pushed. I will be reading more and looking at more interactions between you both just to see clarity.
3.5. Yup. That's with me and Virgo. But like I said, I would probably look at earlier interactions just to justify this statement so you don't BS this claim.
4. Yes, you took it seriously. Why are you defending like you were not? I called you out for taking it serious and that should tell you something. No reason to re explain; I know what you did.
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Post Post #799 (ISO) » Fri Apr 23, 2021 5:12 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

I wish mozamis can give their reads.
"With grandpa in the game the postcount goes up and up and up and up...." - T3