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Post Post #550 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:40 am

Post by Bingle »

What tryharding?

The part where you didn’t want to out reads because it was better for other people to do the work or the part where you’re going to ignore me and you’re “willing to eat the lim tomorrow”?
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Post Post #551 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:40 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

In post 477, Bingle wrote:I'll hammer Scamp if he hits E-1 on the premise we turbolim Hop then Norwee after.
Daily reminder of how scummy this fucking post is.
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Post Post #552 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:41 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

Like if you really want to eliminate Hopkirk you argue for it today, what Bingle posted is some absolute nonsense town never says ever.
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Post Post #553 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:42 am

Post by Bingle »

In post 535, Bingle wrote:Hey Hopkirk.
In post 529, Bingle wrote:
In post 448, Bingle wrote:
In post 425, Hopkirk wrote:since you didn't bother quoting the actual problem i had. 376 DOES NOT MENTION THE WORD ANALYSIS. it's about lack of direction/scumreads compared to the first. you can tell because that's the words i used when i was talking about it. have a look back to 376 and please explain how i'm talking about lack of analysis in that post. the three posts you quoted literally demonstrate my point. there's no clear scumreads there/it feels like they haven't started looking. don't try and put words in my mouth that drastically alter the meaning of what i'm saying
It's really cool that 376 doesn't mention analysis. You know what else doesn't mention analysis? 402. It's kinda like you made that whole bit about me putting words into your mouth up by putting words in my mouth, when literally the whole point of 402 was showing the posts you were comparing side by side because you were making shit up in the first place.
In post 447, Bingle wrote:I also think it's rather fun that Hopkirk is accusing me of scumreading him as a chainsaw defense of Luke when A) my scumread of him predates his Luke case and B) I specifically said that the push felt like a distraction from my push on him.
In post 446, Bingle wrote:
In post 425, Hopkirk wrote:i did note that he didn't express any difference between joining those and starting off in this game. obviously there's going to be a pronounced difference there, but i think it would have been reasonable to mention that just now when i asked about whether his play was difference.
Acknowledging that the reason is shit doesn't somehow make the reason not shit.

How the fuck are 118, 120, and 136 showing less of a direction or scumreads? He's literally calling for more content, poking two people (N_M and Norwee) for strange behavior and saying he thinks they might be scum for it, and explaining a townread.
In post 536, Bingle wrote:
In post 520, NorwegianboyEE wrote:And don't you find it weird how incredibly confident Bingle is that i'm Hopkirk's scum partner? I think Bingle is rather scummy, and yet i have no strong read for who his partner would be. I find that early confidence incredibly scummy given that he hasn't even clarified why he believes it's me Hopkirk other than some vague shit like "nOrWeE dOeSn'T sCuMrEaD HoPkIrK!"
In post 476, Bingle wrote:The read on Norwee is recent. I've been solidly pushing Hopkirk for a while now and the only real content Norwee has had has been to shade that push (and literally everyone willing to give it the time of day) and jump on every possible cw.

Meanwhile, I posted about how Hopkirk has accused me of misrepping him by putting words in his mouth by putting words in my mouth, making shit up to shitpush Luke exactly after I started pushing him, and an incredibly political stance on Norwee. I even brought up that I didn't want to have it buried, and let's look at the people who have actually engaged with it?

But Norwee jumps on to GL's wagon without engaging with my push because "WE NEED CONTENT, BUT I DON'T WANT TO BE THE ONE TO MAKE IT BECAUSE READS!"
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Post Post #554 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:42 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

Bingle hasn't posted anything in hood or had a progression that makes sense for why he's so eternally convinced me and Hopkirk are scum either.
This is not an townie progression on slots, he's not trying to see a possible town motivation for either of us, just point out and make up what suits his scum narrative.
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Post Post #555 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:43 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

And this post quoting is some absolute waste of time from Bingle.
Stop wasting our time and self-vote.
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Post Post #556 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:43 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

Or point out what you actually want to say rather than post those dumb quotes like it proves anything.
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Post Post #557 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:44 am

Post by Bingle »

In post 552, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Like if you really want to eliminate Hopkirk you argue for it today, what Bingle posted is some absolute nonsense town never says ever.
Daily reminder that I am arguing a hopkirk lim today and norwee is full of shit. :D
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Post Post #558 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:45 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

Whatever makes you feel like you're in control.
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Post Post #559 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:45 am

Post by Bingle »

In post 556, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Or point out what you actually want to say rather than post those dumb quotes like it proves anything.
Yup, posting the outright lies doesn’t prove the outright lies exist. Try the other one, it has bells on.
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Post Post #560 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:52 am

Post by Bingle »

In post 554, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Bingle hasn't posted anything in hood or had a progression that makes sense for why he's so eternally convinced me and Hopkirk are scum either.
The last post in the hood is me, responding to norwee asking if I think nm could be scum with an I’m not sure. I didn’t attempt to solve in the neighborhood because why would I? I used it early to try to generate reads by looking for people in the 6p who were informed of what was going on in the hood, exactly like I did last game.

But sure, it doesn’t make sense that the repeatedly dodging my questioning and shading anyone scumreading hopkirk should inform my reads.
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Post Post #561 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 7:58 am

Post by Bingle »

^ that was Thursday, btw.
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Post Post #562 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 8:00 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

Isn't it funny how you keep saying blatant lies and then apparently the fact that i've not answered one of your pointless questions and not really shaded anyone that scumread Hopkirk is such a big deal it wholly convinced you that i am 100% a scum partner defending Hopkirk.
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Post Post #563 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 8:02 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

We have you going hysterical about this narrative you made up in your mind that i've got such strong ties to Hopkirk. How am i supposed to see it as town when literally nothing says to me it is? I don't even feel like you've genuinely tried to solve Hopkirk but just seem obsessed about them for some strange reason.
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Post Post #564 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 8:03 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

That goes for lukewarm too who's been kinda your flunkey this whole time.
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Post Post #565 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 8:08 am

Post by SirCakez »

Votecount 1.6

Bingle (3) - Not_Mafia, Vanderscamp, NorwegianboyEE
Hopkirk (2) - Bingle, Dunnstral
Vanderscamp (2) - GuiltyLion, marcistar
NorwegianboyEE (1) - Lukewarm
Lukewarm (1) - Hopkirk

Not voting (0)

(expired on 2021-05-24 08:40:00) remain until day end

With 9 players alive, it takes 5 to reach a majority.
Brian Skies - "
I just wanna say Cakez is an evil mod and this is an evil setup.

Get to know a Cakez! Newly updated!
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Post Post #566 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 8:09 am

Post by Bingle »

NorwegianboyEE wrote:Isn't it funny how you keep saying blatant lies and then apparently the fact that i've not answered one of your pointless questions and not really shaded anyone that scumread Hopkirk is such a big deal it wholly convinced you that i am 100% a scum partner defending Hopkirk.
In post 407, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Bingle do you think you'd push Hopkirk as an mislim if you were scum under most normal circumstances or would you rather buddy them?
In post 409, NorwegianboyEE wrote:VOTE: Lukewarm
In post 460, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 424, Lukewarm wrote:Then Bingle came in with 402 and when he showed the post that you were refering to as my post with reads / reasoning, and I realized that your case was in bad faith.

Like, in that game, I had 4 posts by the end of the 3rd day. In this game I had 41 by the end of the 3rd day. So if you are claiming that that game I was doing more to move the game forward, I no longer think you are making your case in good faith.
In post 461, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 449, Dunnstral wrote:I reread Vanderscamp, not feeling like voting there

I don't want to vote for Marci or Guiltylion either

So for me it's Luke or hopkirk in the 6

VOTE: Hopkirk
Literally just the same thoughts currently shared by everyone you came up with.
In post 462, NorwegianboyEE wrote: is an interesting post.
I feel like it’s more likely to come from town tbh. But i haven’t liked their other "cases" recently on me/Hopkirk.
I’ll need to give this some more time. UNVOTE:

Oh I’m sorry about all of the SEQUENTIAL POSTS FROM YOUR ISO SHADING PEOPLE FOR SCUMREADING HOPKIRK I just linked. It’s kinda like you’re still lying.
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Post Post #567 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 8:13 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

In post 566, Bingle wrote:
NorwegianboyEE wrote:Isn't it funny how you keep saying blatant lies and then apparently the fact that i've not answered one of your pointless questions and not really shaded anyone that scumread Hopkirk is such a big deal it wholly convinced you that i am 100% a scum partner defending Hopkirk.
In post 407, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Bingle do you think you'd push Hopkirk as an mislim if you were scum under most normal circumstances or would you rather buddy them?
In post 409, NorwegianboyEE wrote:VOTE: Lukewarm
In post 460, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 424, Lukewarm wrote:Then Bingle came in with 402 and when he showed the post that you were refering to as my post with reads / reasoning, and I realized that your case was in bad faith.

Like, in that game, I had 4 posts by the end of the 3rd day. In this game I had 41 by the end of the 3rd day. So if you are claiming that that game I was doing more to move the game forward, I no longer think you are making your case in good faith.
In post 461, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 449, Dunnstral wrote:I reread Vanderscamp, not feeling like voting there

I don't want to vote for Marci or Guiltylion either

So for me it's Luke or hopkirk in the 6

VOTE: Hopkirk
Literally just the same thoughts currently shared by everyone you came up with.
In post 462, NorwegianboyEE wrote: is an interesting post.
I feel like it’s more likely to come from town tbh. But i haven’t liked their other "cases" recently on me/Hopkirk.
I’ll need to give this some more time. UNVOTE:

Oh I’m sorry about all of the SEQUENTIAL POSTS FROM YOUR ISO SHADING PEOPLE FOR SCUMREADING HOPKIRK I just linked. It’s kinda like you’re still lying.
I've hardly defended Hopkirk, mainly because i don't think he needs defending. I'm questioning the way you and Lukewarm are tying me to him. Which is natural, given that i am town and extremely suspicious of this fake narrative you're pushing.
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Post Post #568 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 8:13 am

Post by Bingle »

In post 562, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Isn't it funny how you keep saying blatant lies and then apparently the fact that i've not answered one of your pointless questions and not really shaded anyone that scumread Hopkirk is such a big deal it wholly convinced you that i am 100% a scum partner defending Hopkirk.
In post 553, Bingle wrote:
In post 535, Bingle wrote:Hey Hopkirk.
In post 529, Bingle wrote:
In post 448, Bingle wrote:
In post 425, Hopkirk wrote:since you didn't bother quoting the actual problem i had. 376 DOES NOT MENTION THE WORD ANALYSIS. it's about lack of direction/scumreads compared to the first. you can tell because that's the words i used when i was talking about it. have a look back to 376 and please explain how i'm talking about lack of analysis in that post. the three posts you quoted literally demonstrate my point. there's no clear scumreads there/it feels like they haven't started looking. don't try and put words in my mouth that drastically alter the meaning of what i'm saying
It's really cool that 376 doesn't mention analysis. You know what else doesn't mention analysis? 402. It's kinda like you made that whole bit about me putting words into your mouth up by putting words in my mouth, when literally the whole point of 402 was showing the posts you were comparing side by side because you were making shit up in the first place.
In post 447, Bingle wrote:I also think it's rather fun that Hopkirk is accusing me of scumreading him as a chainsaw defense of Luke when A) my scumread of him predates his Luke case and B) I specifically said that the push felt like a distraction from my push on him.
In post 446, Bingle wrote:
In post 425, Hopkirk wrote:i did note that he didn't express any difference between joining those and starting off in this game. obviously there's going to be a pronounced difference there, but i think it would have been reasonable to mention that just now when i asked about whether his play was difference.
Acknowledging that the reason is shit doesn't somehow make the reason not shit.

How the fuck are 118, 120, and 136 showing less of a direction or scumreads? He's literally calling for more content, poking two people (N_M and Norwee) for strange behavior and saying he thinks they might be scum for it, and explaining a townread.
In post 536, Bingle wrote:
In post 520, NorwegianboyEE wrote:And don't you find it weird how incredibly confident Bingle is that i'm Hopkirk's scum partner? I think Bingle is rather scummy, and yet i have no strong read for who his partner would be. I find that early confidence incredibly scummy given that he hasn't even clarified why he believes it's me Hopkirk other than some vague shit like "nOrWeE dOeSn'T sCuMrEaD HoPkIrK!"
In post 476, Bingle wrote:The read on Norwee is recent. I've been solidly pushing Hopkirk for a while now and the only real content Norwee has had has been to shade that push (and literally everyone willing to give it the time of day) and jump on every possible cw.

Meanwhile, I posted about how Hopkirk has accused me of misrepping him by putting words in his mouth by putting words in my mouth, making shit up to shitpush Luke exactly after I started pushing him, and an incredibly political stance on Norwee. I even brought up that I didn't want to have it buried, and let's look at the people who have actually engaged with it?

But Norwee jumps on to GL's wagon without engaging with my push because "WE NEED CONTENT, BUT I DON'T WANT TO BE THE ONE TO MAKE IT BECAUSE READS!"

Oh I’m sorry that I was linking the post where you said I never clarified why you were scum with hopkirk and the post where I talked about why you were scum with hopkirk, as proof that you’re full of shit.
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Post Post #569 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 8:14 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

Cry me a river.
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Post Post #570 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 8:15 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

I think it's fairly obvious you're scum here and using some bullshit made up connection to justify your garbage push on Hopkirk.
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Post Post #571 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 8:21 am

Post by Bingle »

I think it’s fairly obvious you’re scum here ignoring all of the points you can’t address because they’re probably true.
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Post Post #572 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 8:25 am

Post by Bingle »

Fucking autocorrect. Provably not probably. When I type an actual goddamn word I mean the actual goddamn word.
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Post Post #573 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 8:53 am

Post by Lukewarm »

In post 477, Bingle wrote:I'll hammer Scamp if he hits E-1 on the premise we turbolim Hop then Norwee after.
Would you agree to a vote on you given the same premise?
I have a GTKAS now! - Come ask me questions!

They're super opinionated and make a lot of assumptions, they're also pretty clumsy with word choice - Bell
Luke, respect for your scumgame has gone up massively - Hectic
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Post Post #574 (ISO) » Sun May 16, 2021 9:10 am

Post by marcistar »

In post 476, Bingle wrote:The read on Norwee is recent. I've been solidly pushing Hopkirk for a while now and the only real content Norwee has had has been to shade that push (and literally everyone willing to give it the time of day) and jump on every possible cw.

But Norwee jumps on to GL's wagon without engaging with my push because "WE NEED CONTENT, BUT I DON'T WANT TO BE THE ONE TO MAKE IT BECAUSE READS!"
So why didn't you bring it up before..? Why did you wait until a vanderscamp wagon started? It does seem weird how norwegianboyee wanted content but wouldn't make it, but at the same time, the timing of you putting this read out is weird.. how recent is the read, just after his complaining about content thingy..?
In post 477, Bingle wrote:I'll hammer Scamp if he hits E-1 on the premise we turbolim Hop then Norwee after.
In post 527, Bingle wrote:If I have to lim you to get norwee/hopkirk, so be it.
I don't think eliming someone just so we can elim other people is a good idea :? it seems very easy to backfire tbh!!
In post 505, Lukewarm wrote:Norwee seems really on board for almost any wagon in the 6p hood

In post 191, NorwegianboyEE wrote:VOTE: Marcistar
In post 409, NorwegianboyEE wrote:VOTE: Lukewarm
In post 470, NorwegianboyEE wrote:VOTE: Vanderscamp
In post 207, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I’m extremely bad at reading Dunnstral. If you can explain how he thinks and plays as scum, and why he wouldn’t be bold like that, feel free to enlighten me.
that's true, but most of those votes hes done don't really feel like scummy votes imo.

feel a bit weird together :neutral:
like it felt like you were trying to distract off of yourself, but maybe im just looking too deep into it.

i just like, dont agree with either.
In post 527, Bingle wrote:I’m townreading all of Dunn/Marci/GL/Luke. People are aggressively ignoring how obvscum norwee and hopkirk are.
what reasons do you have for the dunnstral townread?
i don't think people are "aggressively ignoring" it... it seems like you really want it but deep down i don't agree with norwegianboyee and hopkirk being "obvscum". i think hopkirk seems townie :-(
In post 554, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Bingle hasn't posted anything in hood or had a progression that makes sense for why he's so eternally convinced me and Hopkirk are scum either.
This is not an townie progression on slots, he's not trying to see a possible town motivation for either of us, just point out and make up what suits his scum narrative.
is he the best vote for today? i think i dont mind voting him but if hes scum im unsure who his partner would be.