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Post Post #150 (ISO) » Sat May 22, 2021 1:58 am

Post by Fizz Raab »

In post 91, humaneatingmonkey wrote:
In post 89, Fizz Raab wrote:So what if I am. It still doesn't classify as a scum move and a ridiclious reason to vote me.
What classifies as a scum move in your opinion?
For one people voting without a reason for it. People who just do short posts without a reasoning for it. I think this is one dumb vote on your part. Why is the guy your defending classifies as town?
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Post Post #151 (ISO) » Sat May 22, 2021 2:04 am

Post by humaneatingmonkey »

Do you think I'm dumb or do you think I'm scum?
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Post Post #152 (ISO) » Sat May 22, 2021 4:21 am

Post by navigatorv »

In post 148, Dum wrote:Alright, so seeing how the only person i had a town read on, just voted me, i think its fair i make a defense before going silent for the weekend.

First of all, his 1st argument completly relies on me being scum to make sense, by saying my little attempt at a trap, was a way to put heat on a townie. Is that possible? Yes. But just like i said in my analisis on Micc, while that is a possibility its way more likely that its simply aa normal bait.

Now onto his second argument.

Sorry to burst your bubble buddy, but if you think i put you as my SINGULAR TOWN READ, because i wanted you to vouch for me, you give yourself too much importance. The only reason that post even exists (wich you failed to mention when acusing me) was that i was going to be inactive for the weekend (wich im still going to, i just felt the need to write this). Oh yeah, and not only that, but i find it pretty funny you completly swinged opnions, coviniently during a time i wouldnt be able to defend myself properly.

With that being said, these "swings" in opinion could maybe be part of your personality, i cant know for sure without seeing town games you played in the past, wich dont exist. So for now, i just watch and wait, i guess.
I'd like to point out that I myself admitted that my theories could be false, they were just the things that made the most sense in my brain based on what's occurred so far.
The only reason for my second argument was because I was the
person you thought was town. It seemed odd since I didn't think I was acting any more or less suspicious than someone like orctin or NinjaStore.
As for me swinging opinions, I'm the type that when presented with new information tries to modify their own opinions. You've been acting increasingly suspicious as time goes on and I'm not the only one to notice.
The timing had nothing to do with you being gone, if you paid attention to my interactions with Jackson you should've seen that I initially was going to wait until you got back to consider voting for you. Their argument convinced me that it would be prudent to vote now and wait to see your reaction. Seems you don't do well under pressure.
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Post Post #153 (ISO) » Sat May 22, 2021 4:27 am

Post by navigatorv »

In post 149, humaneatingmonkey wrote:Also Dunn and navigatorv both mentioned that I have an aggressive/provocative personality... but I really don't know where that came from. Can you both explain?
A good number of your posts have been focused on seeing people's reactions and applying pressure in various ways. I don't know that I'd call it aggressive necessarily, but it does seem like most of your posts are for the purpose of probing for info.
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Post Post #154 (ISO) » Sat May 22, 2021 4:28 am

Post by Cabd »

Votecount 1-4

With 9 players alive, it will take 5 votes to eliminate.

Orctin (2): Micc, Dum
Micc (3): Salsabil Faria, Fizz Raab, Orctin
Salsabil Faria (1): JacksonVirgo,
Dum (2): humaneatingmonkey, navigatorv

Not Voting (1): NinjaStore

The deadline for day one is set at (expired on 2021-05-28 20:18:34)
Last edited by Cabd on Sat May 22, 2021 10:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #155 (ISO) » Sat May 22, 2021 5:37 am

Post by Dum »

In post 152, navigatorv wrote:
In post 148, Dum wrote:Alright, so seeing how the only person i had a town read on, just voted me, i think its fair i make a defense before going silent for the weekend.

First of all, his 1st argument completly relies on me being scum to make sense, by saying my little attempt at a trap, was a way to put heat on a townie. Is that possible? Yes. But just like i said in my analisis on Micc, while that is a possibility its way more likely that its simply aa normal bait.

Now onto his second argument.

Sorry to burst your bubble buddy, but if you think i put you as my SINGULAR TOWN READ, because i wanted you to vouch for me, you give yourself too much importance. The only reason that post even exists (wich you failed to mention when acusing me) was that i was going to be inactive for the weekend (wich im still going to, i just felt the need to write this). Oh yeah, and not only that, but i find it pretty funny you completly swinged opnions, coviniently during a time i wouldnt be able to defend myself properly.

With that being said, these "swings" in opinion could maybe be part of your personality, i cant know for sure without seeing town games you played in the past, wich dont exist. So for now, i just watch and wait, i guess.
I'd like to point out that I myself admitted that my theories could be false, they were just the things that made the most sense in my brain based on what's occurred so far.
The only reason for my second argument was because I was the
person you thought was town. It seemed odd since I didn't think I was acting any more or less suspicious than someone like orctin or NinjaStore.
As for me swinging opinions, I'm the type that when presented with new information tries to modify their own opinions. You've been acting increasingly suspicious as time goes on and I'm not the only one to notice.
The timing had nothing to do with you being gone, if you paid attention to my interactions with Jackson you should've seen that I initially was going to wait until you got back to consider voting for you. Their argument convinced me that it would be prudent to vote now and wait to see your reaction. Seems you don't do well under pressure.
Greetings. I re-read the posts, including your chat with jack, and yes, i missed that. Sorry if i came off as very agressive. And its not that you are the "only person i think is town" you are the only perosn i would bet on being town. I still have others on the "not quite town reads" zone where im not really confortable betting on it yet.
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Post Post #156 (ISO) » Sat May 22, 2021 10:28 am

Post by Cabd »

Salsa has requested replacement. Searching...
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Post Post #157 (ISO) » Sat May 22, 2021 4:33 pm

Post by navigatorv »

Wow, slow day today, huh? Everyone must be busy.
In post 155, Dum wrote:Sorry if i came off as very agressive.
No harm done. I can't imagine it feels good to have someone you vouched for turn on you so it's understandable that you'd be taken aback. I will be leaving my vote the same for now, but I hope you can manage to convince me to revoke it eventually.
In post 155, Dum wrote:And its not that you are the "only person i think is town" you are the only perosn i would bet on being town. I still have others on the "not quite town reads" zone where im not really confortable betting on it yet.
Admittedly, my wording on that could've been better. If you don't mind me asking (assuming this doesn't get drowned out by too many posts by the time you can answer) what specifically have you noticed about my playstyle that makes you willing to bet on me being town?

As for everyone else, I've laid out my current standpoint on everyone fairly recently, but does anyone else have any reads that they feel might be helpful? Even if there's something negative about me I'd like to hear everyone's observations on the group as a whole.
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Post Post #158 (ISO) » Sat May 22, 2021 4:35 pm

Post by navigatorv »

In post 157, navigatorv wrote:Wow, slow day today, huh? Everyone must be busy.
In post 155, Dum wrote:Sorry if i came off as very agressive.
No harm done. I can't imagine it feels good to have someone you vouched for turn on you so it's understandable that you'd be taken aback. I will be leaving my vote the same for now, but I hope you can manage to convince me to revoke it eventually.
In post 155, Dum wrote:And its not that you are the "only person i think is town" you are the only perosn i would bet on being town. I still have others on the "not quite town reads" zone where im not really confortable betting on it yet.
Admittedly, my wording on that could've been better. If you don't mind me asking (assuming this doesn't get drowned out by too many posts by the time you can answer) what specifically have you noticed about my playstyle that makes you willing to bet on me being town?
Or at least did at the time if that's changed?

As for everyone else, I've laid out my current standpoint on everyone fairly recently, but does anyone else have any reads that they feel might be helpful? Even if there's something negative about me I'd like to hear everyone's observations on the group as a whole.
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Post Post #159 (ISO) » Sun May 23, 2021 2:44 am

Post by Micc »

Busy today, but I’ll be here to catch up tonight
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Post Post #160 (ISO) » Sun May 23, 2021 2:45 am

Post by humaneatingmonkey »

I'm also here but really nothing's been happening yet. I wanna hear more from everyone.
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Post Post #161 (ISO) » Sun May 23, 2021 6:25 am

Post by JacksonVirgo »

I've been busy sorry, it's 3:30 and I just realised the time so I am off to sleep.
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Post Post #162 (ISO) » Sun May 23, 2021 10:50 am

Post by NinjaStore »

I'm back online. Still gonna be a bit busy today but I'll catch up on the thread probably sometime tonight.
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Post Post #163 (ISO) » Sun May 23, 2021 12:46 pm

Post by navigatorv »

Welcome back!
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Post Post #164 (ISO) » Sun May 23, 2021 2:06 pm

Post by Cabd »

Votecount 1-5

With 9 players alive, it will take 5 votes to eliminate.

Orctin (2): Micc, Dum
Micc (3): Salsabil Faria, Fizz Raab, Orctin
Salsabil Faria (1): JacksonVirgo,
Dum (2): humaneatingmonkey, navigatorv

Not Voting (1): NinjaStore

The deadline for day one is set at (expired on 2021-05-28 20:18:34)
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Post Post #165 (ISO) » Sun May 23, 2021 2:51 pm

Post by NinjaStore »

I don't like Dum's little gambit there. It reads like scum trying to look like he's doing something useful while giving himself an easy target. His "Yes, please answer" in #119 feels like he's playing a part.

Orctin had already made it pretty clear that he knew he wasn't hammering with that vote, and both Micc and Dum continued quizzing him about it anyway. Micc also posted twice without mentioning that Dum's vote count was off, then immediately brought it up after Orctin cast his vote. Almost as if both he and Dum were waiting for someone to take the bait and cast a vote.

Micc, why did you only bring up the vote count at #112 and not sooner?
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Post Post #166 (ISO) » Sun May 23, 2021 3:55 pm

Post by Cabd »

JamesTheNames replaces Salsa effective immediately. 24 hours will be added to deadline upon the next VC.
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Post Post #167 (ISO) » Sun May 23, 2021 4:13 pm

Post by JamesTheNames »

Hello I am JamesTheNames. I have replaced Salsa, fingers crossed this is a good game, and we can have fun, I will try my best to win though. I'm going to go over the game now, and there'll be 2 posts I follow this up with, one will be just a pure, gut-instinct read list/lean list, this is to be taken with a pinch of salt as it is just based off of gut-feel. I'll then reread it more closely, and I'll see what I can do from there.
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Post Post #168 (ISO) » Sun May 23, 2021 4:33 pm

Post by humaneatingmonkey »

In post 167, JamesTheNames wrote:I will try my best to win though.
so weird from the get go
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Post Post #169 (ISO) » Sun May 23, 2021 4:49 pm

Post by JamesTheNames »

In post 168, humaneatingmonkey wrote:
In post 167, JamesTheNames wrote:I will try my best to win though.
so weird from the get go
I'll take this a compliment. Thank you.

Take the following with a pinch of salt,

Scummiest in no particular order:
JacksonVirgo, Fizz Raab, Orctin, Penguin_Alien
Meh in no particular order:
Dum, NinjaStore, Humaneatingmonkey (I like this name), Navigator
Towniest in no particular order:
Micc, Cabd

This was my first read over of all the messages, I'll read them again, try to link things/unlink things. Fingers crossed it goes well. There are many mehs because it is based off of vibe not anything particularly concrete, this will be fixed.
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Post Post #170 (ISO) » Sun May 23, 2021 4:50 pm

Post by humaneatingmonkey »

In post 169, JamesTheNames wrote:Towniest in no particular order:
Micc, Cabd
so so weird
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Post Post #171 (ISO) » Sun May 23, 2021 5:06 pm

Post by navigatorv »

Er, HEM you mind actually posting some substance? You're kinda acting rude with no real obvious goal. I dunno if you're just trying to get a reaction, but it's pretty off-putting tbh
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Post Post #172 (ISO) » Sun May 23, 2021 5:12 pm

Post by humaneatingmonkey »

why wall post when I can say what's on my mind in concise sentences that you can understand?
what is the need for telegraphing your every move?
you think someone exclaiming that "I'm gonna win guys!" isn't eyebrow-raising material?
you think someone putting the mod as town isn't eyebrow-raising material?
do you think substance is the amount of words I can cram in one block of text?
and what's the point of that question? is it substance? is it to find out if i'm mafia or are you just saying stuff just to say stuff now?
consider these questions, buddy.
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Post Post #173 (ISO) » Sun May 23, 2021 5:45 pm

Post by navigatorv »

I more meant just calling someone weird with no real point being made was kinda uncalled for.
I agree that the introduction was odd, but how does just saying that it's "weird" accomplish anything but put off a new player?
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Post Post #174 (ISO) » Sun May 23, 2021 5:49 pm

Post by humaneatingmonkey »

what are you doing?