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Post Post #1675 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 12:00 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 1673, Not_Mafia wrote:Menalque why the Grandpa Mo townread?
u still havent answered my question rip
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Post Post #1676 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 12:05 am

Post by Not_Mafia »

What was the question?
Also, what is Not_Mafia doing? This is some of the worst play I’ve ever seen.
I will SEARCH for games with you and N_M to help you policy him.
I can't remember the last N_M post that wasn't bland, unimaginative and lame. Some shitposters are at least somewhat funny. You are the epitomy of the type of poster that nobody would miss if you were to suddenly disappear. You never add anything of value.
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Post Post #1677 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 12:07 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 1672, Bingle wrote:
In post 1523, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 1393, GrandpaMo wrote:also @bingle isnt it better to see who mafia kills during night 4? think about it...

the likelehood of t3 flipping scum here is high..

ELIM SCUM: we assume t3 flips scum >>> it becomes 1:5 during day 4 >>> 1:3 during day 5 >>> (NO ELIM) >>> 1:2 during day 6.

ELIM TOWN: we assume t3 flips town >>> it becomes 2:4 during day 4 >>> (NO ELIM) >>> 2:3 during day 5

NO ELIM: (NO ELIM) >>> it becomes 2:5 during day 4 >>> 2:3 during day 5

no eliming and eliming a town this day is practically the same. however the difference is that there is a possibility for t3 to roll scum and that goes for any elim we do today since we can't no elim already having doing so today or mafia would win. it also gives us better insight on the night 4 kill, questioning who would mafia kill here.

i think i rather have the mafia figure out to kill between towncore players that have been townread all this game (and this would make the kill now based on associates and question why did they make that kill) not ppl like pooky/mena/t3 who have had sum doubts bout other ppl.
Theory cap time, then I'm going to bed.

No. The point of no limming into odds is this: There are fewer suspects to be considered.
It has been shown empirically that the number of suspects to be considered is far more impactful on a game of mafia than the number of town voices available
. This is the reason that games with arsonist scum tend to be far more scumsided than normal, even with the possibility of accidentally netting an extra mislim via limming primed town players. It is very rarely the case that a town voice is worth premature burnination.

The presumption that T3 was clearly the lim yesterday is utterly meaningless, because the odds T3 was the lim yesterday are objectively lower than the odds T3 is the lim today. If T3 is the scummiest player, T3 probably gets yeeted regardless of which day it is. What happened with the no lim is that the odds of an A50 lim were split between the remaining living players.

With a vast oversimplification of subjective reads, we went from 2/7 to hit scum to 2/6 to hit scum, still with a projected 0 ICs in XLO.
i disagree... because everyone was ignorning t3 -- and that's come from subjective like you said. the vote was split ; and half of the town today either now wants mena, me, t3 or idk atp but someone that isn't really majorly focused on t3 if that makes sense. what u said in bolded is i agree but i ask u this then why was a50 killed at night? did it effect the game right now? would you have considered a50!scum - etc. questions like that on figuring the outcome of the game; it really doesn't matter till make today where i proposed a no lim if we condemnned yesterday. we get t3 out yesterday, who do you think mafia kills now? psych just outs day 5 assuming they aren't dead -- we have a WAY better chance on finding scum imo since now we got a confirmed in lylo .
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Post Post #1678 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 12:08 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 1499, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 1498, Not_Mafia wrote:VOTE: Grandpa Mo
interesting vote, how come?
@nm this :/
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Post Post #1679 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 12:08 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

im just curious from ur pov thats all ...
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Post Post #1680 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 12:11 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 1528, Bingle wrote:
In post 1521, GrandpaMo wrote:You think NM put effort?
On a scale adjusted for meta
, NM is unironically the highest effort slot in the game and effort is actually town indicative for him ime.
In post 1566, Bingle wrote:IC is innocent child = confirmed town.

I'm also not comparing N_M to anyone in this game.
I'm comparing Not Mafia to Not Mafia in other games.
He's town, and I'd bet the game on it. And at least one other town player has the experience to be able to say that.

Anyone who says N_M could be scum here either has never played with N_M or is themselves scum.
In post 1610, Bingle wrote:
In post 1571, GrandpaMo wrote:2nd; again, it looks like u are comparing him to from your past perception of NM (usually from past games) so why r u saying u weren't?
I am 100% comparing N_M to past games.
That's literally what I said. I am saying anyone with any amount of experience with N_M can tell you N_M has put more effort into this game than any scumgame he's played. Look at Mena's characterization of N_M's scumgame. Naked voting random townies (not a hyperbolic statement). Compare that to N_M aggressively (by the standard of N_M) pushing flipped scum.
this what got me confused in bolded
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Post Post #1681 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 12:12 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

omg... this whole time i thought it said im not comparing not mafia

holy fuck @nm ur name got me fucked up xD

im so sorry bingle, i was misunderstanding u this whole time

ok ok that makes so much sense -- it confused so much more when u said post 1566, i thought u were saying a different thing
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Post Post #1682 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 12:18 am

Post by Not_Mafia »

In post 1678, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 1499, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 1498, Not_Mafia wrote:VOTE: Grandpa Mo
interesting vote, how come?
@nm this :/
Cos i think you're Drap and Johnny's partner
Also, what is Not_Mafia doing? This is some of the worst play I’ve ever seen.
I will SEARCH for games with you and N_M to help you policy him.
I can't remember the last N_M post that wasn't bland, unimaginative and lame. Some shitposters are at least somewhat funny. You are the epitomy of the type of poster that nobody would miss if you were to suddenly disappear. You never add anything of value.
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Post Post #1683 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 5:30 am

Post by lendunistus »

Open 810 Official Vote Count - 4.3

(2): GrandpaMo, Menalque
(1): T3
(1): Not_Mafia

Not Voting
(3): PookyTheMagicalBear, Gypyx, Bingle

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to make someone drink energy core liquid.

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Post Post #1684 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 6:43 am

Post by Menalque »

In post 1673, Not_Mafia wrote:Menalque why the Grandpa Mo townread?
idk bro he feels like he's solving or he did the other page when he was talking to me

y u disagree

although I guess we could compromise and kill gypyx
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Post Post #1685 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 6:45 am

Post by Not_Mafia »

In post 1684, Menalque wrote:
In post 1673, Not_Mafia wrote:Menalque why the Grandpa Mo townread?
idk bro he feels like he's solving or he did the other page when he was talking to me

y u disagree

although I guess we could compromise and kill gypyx
Is he though? He’s certainly asking a lot of questions
Also, what is Not_Mafia doing? This is some of the worst play I’ve ever seen.
I will SEARCH for games with you and N_M to help you policy him.
I can't remember the last N_M post that wasn't bland, unimaginative and lame. Some shitposters are at least somewhat funny. You are the epitomy of the type of poster that nobody would miss if you were to suddenly disappear. You never add anything of value.
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Post Post #1686 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 7:15 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 1685, Not_Mafia wrote:
In post 1684, Menalque wrote:
In post 1673, Not_Mafia wrote:Menalque why the Grandpa Mo townread?
idk bro he feels like he's solving or he did the other page when he was talking to me

y u disagree

although I guess we could compromise and kill gypyx
Is he though? He’s certainly asking a lot of questions
have u seen my town game i did in my first newbie game, as well as open 809 oh and also the microgame i was in -- all flipped town -- all played the same style of asking questions of tryna solve. im honestly confused and trying now to see how people see other people in their perception. i focused on MY own perception through out day 1 - 2, backed off day 3 and now is conforming with other people on day 4. so far it has been working because now I finally got T3 to contribute as well now others finally giving their input.

ik u didnt like johnny but ur acting like him and its a contrast to A50's playstyle.

I think by far, I have to say A50 is the most enjoyable person to play with including pooky + mena who are also likeable. I know this is random but it brought me to a point I had to make.
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Post Post #1687 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 7:17 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

Now pertaining to my logic propose on day 2, major revisions have to made and I will finally have come up with a conclusion on where I am at. This is due to the nature that A50 flipped town and Pooky is now confirmed.
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Post Post #1688 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 7:19 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

I will be posting an analytical post soon giving my own perception once again. I think I have gotten enough info to make a judgment call.

@NM You will see why I asked the specific questions I asked. Even towards T3 - the person who I scumread. As well as Mena - The person who I paired scum with.

Also @Bingle I never forgot about the analysis on your past games.

Yes I read upon some recent games -- And I will have a post soon regarding that (maybe in the same post).
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Post Post #1689 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 7:21 am

Post by Not_Mafia »

In post 1688, GrandpaMo wrote:I think I have gotten enough info to make a judgment call.
I'm town
Also, what is Not_Mafia doing? This is some of the worst play I’ve ever seen.
I will SEARCH for games with you and N_M to help you policy him.
I can't remember the last N_M post that wasn't bland, unimaginative and lame. Some shitposters are at least somewhat funny. You are the epitomy of the type of poster that nobody would miss if you were to suddenly disappear. You never add anything of value.
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Post Post #1690 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 7:23 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 1684, Menalque wrote:
In post 1673, Not_Mafia wrote:Menalque why the Grandpa Mo townread?
idk bro he feels like he's solving or he did the other page when he was talking to me

y u disagree

although I guess we could compromise and kill gypyx
I don't like what you said in bolded. Tone feels off-

Also when has NM said they scumread gypyx? I thought I was just being scumread based on individuality.
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Post Post #1691 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 7:24 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 1689, Not_Mafia wrote:
In post 1688, GrandpaMo wrote:I think I have gotten enough info to make a judgment call.
I'm town
Yea you are.

But there is a way to find that out that you are town that no one has mentioned yet.

Not anything that has been said by anyone so far.

And it's really fascinating because its get so complex and confusing especially regarding POVs and how the game works.

I will explain more in the post.
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Post Post #1692 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 7:25 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

Sorry spoiler alert ^^^ :((
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Post Post #1693 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 7:31 am

Post by Not_Mafia »

You have my curiosity
Also, what is Not_Mafia doing? This is some of the worst play I’ve ever seen.
I will SEARCH for games with you and N_M to help you policy him.
I can't remember the last N_M post that wasn't bland, unimaginative and lame. Some shitposters are at least somewhat funny. You are the epitomy of the type of poster that nobody would miss if you were to suddenly disappear. You never add anything of value.
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Post Post #1694 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 8:16 am

Post by Menalque »

In post 1685, Not_Mafia wrote:Is he though?
felt that way last night
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Post Post #1695 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 8:17 am

Post by Menalque »

In post 1690, GrandpaMo wrote:I don't like what you said in bolded. Tone feels off-
I'll admit this is interesting
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Post Post #1696 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 9:15 am

Post by T3 »

I think I like the content coming out from mena. I'm honestly not sure.
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Post Post #1697 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 9:17 am

Post by T3 »

The main reason I townread gypyx is because of the early day 1 lolpush on Drap.
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Post Post #1698 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 9:18 am

Post by T3 »

If you want you can look at my scum meta, I have one game which I was eliminated day 1.
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Post Post #1699 (ISO) » Mon May 24, 2021 9:29 am

Post by Bingle »

In post 1697, T3 wrote:The main reason I townread gypyx is because of the early day 1 lolpush on Drap.
Tell me more, tell me more.