I am not following your scenario that forces a scum auto lose.In post 74, T3 wrote:But I don't think we can stop this from happening unless we kill both scum.
x prevents o from winning by going opposite to where o just went
that means o has to then go to one of the corners in a way that prevents x from winning.
We prevent this scum are in autoloss
Because, from my understanding, the scum team should be able to force out a tie in the tic-tac-toe board Unless one of the slots they need happens to have one of the scum.
So imo, Day 1 we should focus on eliming a corner, which I would prefer to be one of the other corners, but I my slot is an ok choice.
Then, focus on scum hunting more then pic-tac-toe strategy, unless the scum make a bad tic-tac-toe move