On the path to becoming yourself, you'll need to choose alignment over validation from others, peace over addictive chaos, and being misunderstood over false acceptance. --TheHolisticPsychologist
On the path to becoming yourself, you'll need to choose alignment over validation from others, peace over addictive chaos, and being misunderstood over false acceptance. --TheHolisticPsychologist
Site Rules are in effect. Please familiarize yourself and follow them.
2. Posts consisting purely of insults without game content are not tolerated. I penalize such posts with a strike. Three strikes and you're out. Severe issues will be reported to the listmods.
3. Claiming scum is allowed. Claiming scum with another player (whether as a joke or not) will result in severe consequences for you, and consequences for your team.
4. Play towards your win condition. Gambits are fine, directly harming your own team is not.
5. Loophole abuse is not tolerated.
6. Have fun! There are a lot of great people who play, discuss mafia game theory and practice, and discuss life, the universe and everything, too, here at Mafiascum.net. During and after this game, please take a look around the site and get to know us. I think you'll like what you see.
or else they will not be counted. Unvotes are not required to change your vote, but they are helpful. Please note: I'm using an automated vote counter.
If you don't use the vote tags, be sure to add a colon after the word "Vote".
2. Votes inside of spoiler tags will not be counted.
3. I don't mind if you use nicknames/abbreviations when you vote someone. But if I have no idea who you're voting for, then the vote won't be counted. Please note: the vote counting application may be more finicky about nicknames than I am. If you notice that your vote hasn't been recorded, please let me know.
4. Eliminations require a majority of votes: (number of living players/2) +1, rounded down.
5. If there's no majority at deadline, there's no elimination.
6. When the hammer vote is cast, all players, including the eliminated may talk freely until the final vote count and eliminated player's card-flip have been posted. I will lock the game thread at that time.
6. Once you are dead, you may not post in the game thread again. Not even a "Bah" post.
7. Deadlines are set at 10 days on Day 1 and 7 days for subsequent game days. and Extensions may be granted if there are replacements near deadline, or under other extraordinary circumstances (e.g., site outages, major holidays).
Prods and Replacements:
1. Prods will be given if you do not post in
36 hours
2. You will be replaced if you either do not respond to a prod, or need to be prodded more than 3 times total. You may request for a player to be prodded at any time. Prods requested when a player has been absent for less than 36 hours do not count for replacement purposes.
3. If you are V/LA (on vacation/have limited access), make sure I know. If you are V/LA for more than a week, I suggest requesting replacement, but it's not required. If a lengthy V/LA is adversely affecting the game (e.g., if you are not able to post minimally during that time), then your mod may replace you.without penalty.
1. Dark Blue (#004080) is the color I will use for mod posts. Please don’t use this color or otherwise try to make your posts look like mod posts.
2. You can talk about the game in the private threads given to you via PM, assuming you were given one. Otherwise, please refrain from talking about this game outside of this thread, and don't talk about other games inside of this game. This is a sitewide rule. See announcement here.
3. No editing, deleting, using invisible texts, write in code, using font sizes less than 70, etc...
4. Don't quote or talk about any mod-recieved PMs. Your flavor is for you to enjoy and you only, until the end of the game.
5. Vocaroos, Youtubes, etc, may not be used to make game-content posts. e.g., do not record a vacoroo with your thoughts about the game and post it.
6. I make mistakes. If you notice I make one, please let me know.
7. Questions are vastly preferable to Modkills. If you're thinking about to do something that you're unsure is within the letter or spirit of these rules and the game of mafia, then ask me privately about it first.
private threads inhabited by two or more slots will explicitly not be redacted. Post accordingly.
Last edited by fferyllt on Mon Nov 01, 2021 8:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
Amid the pressure of great events, a general principle gives no help.
On the path to becoming yourself, you'll need to choose alignment over validation from others, peace over addictive chaos, and being misunderstood over false acceptance. --TheHolisticPsychologist
On the path to becoming yourself, you'll need to choose alignment over validation from others, peace over addictive chaos, and being misunderstood over false acceptance. --TheHolisticPsychologist
This is the Pregame Phase. I'll send out Role Private Messages (PMs) during the next few hours. Please respond to your Role PM with your alignment (Town or Mafia) and Role Name to confirm that you have received it.
You have 48 hours from the time I send you the Role PM to respond. If you cannot respond by then, I will seek a replacement.
Once 8 of the 9 players have confirmed via PM reply, OR 48 hours after all Role PMs have been sent, whichever comes first, the game will begin!
I'll update this post as we progress through Pregame.
I will continue to update this post with progress toward Day 1 Start.
All Role PMs
will go out shortly
have gone out!
9 of 9 players have confirmed.
Day 1 will start momentarily!
Amid the pressure of great events, a general principle gives no help.
On the path to becoming yourself, you'll need to choose alignment over validation from others, peace over addictive chaos, and being misunderstood over false acceptance. --TheHolisticPsychologist
On the path to becoming yourself, you'll need to choose alignment over validation from others, peace over addictive chaos, and being misunderstood over false acceptance. --TheHolisticPsychologist
For me, I'd say Town, and definitely, as my favorite kind is pineapple and black olives (with a slightly burnt thick crust so its got the nice mix of fluffy and crispy)
They're super opinionated and make a lot of assumptions, they're also pretty clumsy with word choice - Bell
Luke, respect for your scumgame has gone up massively - Hectic
For me, I'd say Town, and definitely, as my favorite kind is pineapple and black olives (with a slightly burnt thick crust so its got the nice mix of fluffy and crispy)
I have yet to play a scum game, so I would say I am more confident in my town play, but also would like to actually play scum at some point.
Pineapple on pizza is fine. Not my favorite, but not the worst either. (olives on pizza are the really gross options imo )
They're super opinionated and make a lot of assumptions, they're also pretty clumsy with word choice - Bell
Luke, respect for your scumgame has gone up massively - Hectic
They're super opinionated and make a lot of assumptions, they're also pretty clumsy with word choice - Bell
Luke, respect for your scumgame has gone up massively - Hectic
They're super opinionated and make a lot of assumptions, they're also pretty clumsy with word choice - Bell
Luke, respect for your scumgame has gone up massively - Hectic
In post 19, Haschel Cedricson wrote:Vanilla Town is the best role because not only do I get to give zero fucks about drawing the nightkill, it's actually good for me to draw it.
In post 19, Haschel Cedricson wrote:Vanilla Town is the best role because not only do I get to give zero fucks about drawing the nightkill, it's actually good for me to draw it.
They're super opinionated and make a lot of assumptions, they're also pretty clumsy with word choice - Bell
Luke, respect for your scumgame has gone up massively - Hectic