Players: | A1 | B1 | C1 | D1 | E1 | A2 | B2 | C2 | D2 | E2 | A3 | B3 | C3 | D3 | E3 | Finale Score: |
Haschel Cedricson | Not_Mafia | esuriospiritus | Firebringer | Panzerjager | Awoo | thestatusquo | Iconeum | Alisae | cabd | Cheery Dog | Davsto | Hopkirk | Porkens | T-Bone | Nexus? | 13 |
Ariel | - | esuriospiritus | Firebringer | Panzerjager | - | thestatusquo | Iconeum | Alisae | cabd | Cheery Dog | Davsto | Hopkirk | Porkens | T-Bone | - | 12 |
Iconeum + Datisi | Not_Mafia | esuriospiritus | Firebringer | Panzerjager | - | thestatusquo | Iconeum | Alisae | cabd | Cheery Dog | dr easy bake | Hopkirk | - | T-Bone | Isis | 12 |
Cheery Dog | Not_Mafia | esuriospiritus | Firebringer | Panzerjaguar | psyche | thestatusquo | Who | Alisae | Datisi | Cheery Dog | Davsto | Hopkirk | tris | T-Bone | Isis | 11 |
SleepyKrew | Not_Mafia | idk Porkens | Firebringer | Panzerjager | - | thestatusquo | Iconeum | Alisae | I don't have a guess and I want to put Datisi as my random answer but Datisi was one of the example ones | Cheery Dog | Davsto | Hopkirk | I already got that they were Hobokens! I just don't know what them being Hobokens means! | T-Bone | arp arp | 9 |
N | Not_Mafia | esuriospiritus | Firebringer | Panzerjager | pine | - | nuwen | Alisae | cabd | Cheery Dog | - | - | xreckonerx | T-Bone | - | 9 |
Xofelf | Not_Mafia | - | Firebringer | Panzerjager | - | Who | Iconeum | - | i swear to christ if D2 is actually Datisi because you say it in a funny way, i'mma be mad. it might be something else, but i am putting down an actual guess because i can't think of anything else right now | Cheery Dog | - | Hopkirk | - | T-Bone | - | 7 |
Jake The Wolfie | Not_Mafia | esuriospiritus | Firebringer | - | - | Who | Iconeum | - | - | Cheery Dog | - | - | - | T-Bone | - | 6 |
Felissan | Not_Mafia | - | - | Panzerjager | - | GeorgeBailey | - | - | cabd | Cheery Dog | - | - | - | T-Bone | - | 5 |
Raya36 | Not_Mafia | - | Firebringer | - | - | - | Iconeum | - | - | Implosion? | - | - | - | T-Bone | Something_Smart? | 4 |
Sirius9121 | - | esuriospiritus | Firebringer | - | - | - | Iconeum | - | Datisi | Cheery Dog | - | - | - | - | - | 4 |
Noraa | Not_Mafia | Hungry Ghost | Firebringer | - | - | - | - | - | - | Cheery Dog | - | - | - | T-Bone | - | 4 |
Haschel in the lead!
Ariel tied with Iconeum & Datisi (who started answering the questions with each other, so they are now 1 entity.) for second
Cheery Dog third!
Next Round will begin roughly tomorrow afternoon.
*Yellow means the answer was hinted*
Image of table for people who can't see table: