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Post Post #500 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:03 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

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Post Post #501 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:03 am

Post by VFP »

In post 496, GrandpaMo wrote:wrong i said scum between james + zyla

and possible scumpartner t3, or cook
Thats still 4/8 though!
We both know giving multiple names as scum is a popular thing.

Scum have to keep options open after all.
But yeah, if you're scum you will do whatever we were talking about (I forget) with whatever it was!
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Post Post #502 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:04 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 501, VFP wrote:
In post 496, GrandpaMo wrote:wrong i said scum between james + zyla

and possible scumpartner t3, or cook
Thats still 4/8 though!
We both know giving multiple names as scum is a popular thing.

Scum have to keep options open after all.
But yeah, if you're scum you will do whatever we were talking about (I forget) with whatever it was!
i literally do this shit every game.





and stop assuming shit lmao

idk if u were joking or what -- but seems like you are pulling strings purposefully.
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Post Post #503 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:05 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

james wya?? it doesnt take u that long to answer an easy question ? did u disapear again
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Post Post #504 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:06 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 342, JamesTheNames wrote:
Just because it worked doesn't mean it was valid. If you got to a hammer or lose and chose someone to vote because their name had an 8 in it and you think 8 is unlucky, and it just so happens to hit scum, doesn't mean going off of the number in their name is valid.

Completely disingenuous, you know that's not why.

I can't read Zyla's mind: is different than mine, there's the formal comment for my not-so-formal comment just prior.

Pocketing from 145 has been adressed.
Stop with the self meta.
The whole being inactive for a night has been dealt with.



Everything else as far as I can tell, is asking for me to respond, commenting on my lack of reponse, or it's answered in this or the earlier post.

I apologise for the lack of posting, I'd like to post more and I'm going to try to.
this is just a poor response.

i expected way better.
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Post Post #505 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:07 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

you haven't addressed anything.

nor have cleared up any points.

or just reiterating same bs that comes from scum mindset.
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Post Post #506 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:07 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

@vfp and u townread this man


just like look there iso vs mine.
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Post Post #507 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:08 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

honestly i just feel like im being fearkilled.

its okay tho alstro's the only one who actually can read the fucking game lol

and understand all of my response / quotes
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Post Post #508 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:09 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 503, GrandpaMo wrote:james wya?? it doesnt take u that long to answer an easy question ? did u disapear again

yup. also don't give that "i was doing something" bs or any excuse. because you literally responded to me like way minutes later regarding me and VFP's interaction bout scumreading half of the game.
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Post Post #509 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:09 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 497, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 496, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 492, VFP wrote:
In post 488, GrandpaMo wrote:t3 the person who i scumread?
You scum read half the game :lol:
In post 494, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 492, VFP wrote:
In post 488, GrandpaMo wrote:t3 the person who i scumread?
You scum read half the game :lol:
Doesn't Mo scumread half of the game?
wrong i said scum between james + zyla

and possible scumpartner t3, or cook
4 out of the 8 other people. So half.

this ^
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Post Post #510 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:12 am

Post by VFP »

In post 506, GrandpaMo wrote:@vfp and u townread this man


just like look there iso vs mine.
I've done a lot tonight! I'm too tired and in going to bed!
I'll look again day 4.
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Post Post #511 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:13 am

Post by JamesTheNames »

In post 495, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 491, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 488, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 487, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 486, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 484, JamesTheNames wrote:Explain your unvote. I'm curious.
im just thinking rn
Thinking what?
u think t3 is possible more liable to be my scumpartner than val?

t3 the person who i scumread?

do you think i would bus as scum here?
I think it was intended as a back up because you were confident you could get me hammered.
what does this mean? can you just answer my questions? wit yes or no
It means exactly what it says, it isn't that complicated. Spam posting the same thing for hundreds of posts doesn't make you town. Self meta to the extent you do it is scummy. You have no actual case against me that I haven't brought up. You unvote with no explanation.
You're scum. We go into Day 2 1 scum down.
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Post Post #512 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:15 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

so back to my unvote thing..

james i really tried to give you the benefit of the doubt because in my mind, i thought there was a chance you could have been town just incase i was just blindly tunneling u that sometimes i do by mistake.

and so i was just thinking about vfp's townread on you and everyone else's interaction wit u.

and i wanted you to answer questions regarding your inconsistency with your reads.

just to see how you viewved me + t3 differently than me + val.

but honestly, u never do.

u just always deflect, ignore, or find "meaningless" answers such as post 491 like wtf answer is that and what does that even mean.

i tried looking at you from a town perspective but i just can't see it -- everything alligns with you being town.

i will vote you back now unless someone has a pretty good towncase on you then my vote will stay on you.

VOTE: James[/uv]

pedit: this is exactly what i mean -- you still haven't answered shit. once again deflecting.
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Post Post #513 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:15 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

VOTE: James woopsies
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Post Post #514 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:16 am

Post by Zyla »

In post 299, GrandpaMo wrote:okay ill try my best to digest this info because im confused? are you like tryna reiterate a scumcase on me?
Well, yes. NEE asked me to. Already addressed this in
Grandpa wrote: -snip-
werent you the one who literally got on me for getting on a no lim vote being counterproductive??? and you even agreeed to that and that instantly contradicted your claim where you said "a no lim doesn't create any discussion x and x". very very hypocritcal. i don't go back and forth. alstro + me have gave you what that quote meant like 5 times already and you even came at an understanding later after i told you that i proposed a summary at the end in whcih you were like it wasn't a summary but alstro already had gave you the meaning and i agreeed. alstro hit almost spot on and i added to it. |: i rlly dont know why u are still bringing this up now.
I have no idea what this means, apologies, could you try to rephrase it and I'll answer it if I can?
Grandpa wrote:
Zyla wrote:
In post 88, GrandpaMo wrote: Look at the full context please. Smh. The answer you are looking for should be within the conversation. I will give you a hint; the reason relates to a misunderstanding we BOTH had. (I am assuming)
I don't like that this is his best answer. Where in the conversation is the answer? How is it supposed to be found? If the person asking the question was able to find it, don't you think they would've just... not asked the question?
i have no idea what you are referring to here. this is what happened in the interaction between me and james -- it seems like you are getting very over defensive as ur possible scum partner james. i already explained this multiple times. look at post 146 and the whole quote wall wit james initial reply and my justification as it wasn't that obvious. that context was obvious and town should have easily got it.
This post wasn't about defending anyone, it was showing NEE my case against you. And I don't understand why you didn't simply.. give him the answer, or even point to the post that had it. Also, just because something is obvious to you does not make it obvious to everyone.
GrandpaMo wrote:idk if you noticed, but i said "possible scum" this was still when i was debating if u were scum or possible misguided town then james came into play and just used my bias. james could just be using u as a utility to vote me. thats where my paranoia creeked in. i didnt have any scumreads at the moment, but you were the only one who has potential to be scum. keywords: fully (which implies scumlean) and possible (paranoia of null read) and i furhter exemplified this in a later read where i said you were null scum leaning.
I addressed how I read this in

Grandpa wrote:
Zyla wrote:
In post 158, GrandpaMo wrote:Also, I very much dislike how James just left this conversation. This looks bad for you, James.
Scumreading someone for going to sleep is just.. bad.
Okay this post pissed me off. What?????!?!?

I am not even-

Like where were you in the last 10 pages???

Did you not see the full post for this?

Did you not see anything for this?

Why are just bringing this stuff up now??

You just look like a bit of flailing scum trying your best to drive any momentum on a vote on me?
I'm bringing it up because I was asked to
Grandpa wrote:
In post 256, GrandpaMo wrote:I think also I will townlean you for not straight up finding scum between me and James. I feel like scum would just try to get an easy vote off me or James.
And then there's this. Why is he commenting saying that he's an easy vote?
because majority is on us or james?? This should have been obvious. You could have been confused, but you shouldn't be know. the two major bws was me and james, heck i even think i was at e-2. and i had the most votes on me. scum usually comes in after a replacement and decides to scumread the person wit the most votes well that is biased because it happened to me before lol in a pervious game.

but idk -- this should have been obvious to you. also it sounds like you could be manipulating this to make me look bad for only me? like you know i said easy vote off me OR james? not just me. why didn't you mention james??


we may never know:(
Didn't mention James because I wasn't asked about James, also I don't think James called himself an easy vote
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Post Post #515 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:16 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 511, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 495, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 491, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 488, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 487, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 486, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 484, JamesTheNames wrote:Explain your unvote. I'm curious.
im just thinking rn
Thinking what?
u think t3 is possible more liable to be my scumpartner than val?

t3 the person who i scumread?

do you think i would bus as scum here?
I think it was intended as a back up because you were confident you could get me hammered.
what does this mean? can you just answer my questions? wit yes or no
It means exactly what it says, it isn't that complicated. Spam posting the same thing for hundreds of posts doesn't make you town. Self meta to the extent you do it is scummy. You have no actual case against me that I haven't brought up. You unvote with no explanation.
You're scum. We go into Day 2 1 scum down.
to further analyze this -- its just you not answering a damn thing once again. you just have confirmation bias that you know for sure ill flip scum. if you are town -- ill probably say sum to u post game
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Post Post #516 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:20 am

Post by JamesTheNames »

In post 512, GrandpaMo wrote:so back to my unvote thing..

james i really tried to give you the benefit of the doubt because in my mind, i thought there was a chance you could have been town just incase i was just blindly tunneling u that sometimes i do by mistake.

and so i was just thinking about vfp's townread on you and everyone else's interaction wit u.

and i wanted you to answer questions regarding your inconsistency with your reads.

just to see how you viewved me + t3 differently than me + val.

but honestly, u never do.

u just always deflect, ignore, or find "meaningless" answers such as post 491 like wtf answer is that and what does that even mean.

i tried looking at you from a town perspective but i just can't see it -- everything alligns with you being town.

i will vote you back now unless someone has a pretty good towncase on you then my vote will stay on you.

VOTE: James[/uv]

pedit: this is exactly what i mean -- you still haven't answered shit. once again deflecting.
Post 491 reads:
I think it was intended as a back up because you were confident you could get me hammered.

"I" in english refers to the first person, so JamesTheNames is saying this from their perspective.
"Think" comes from To Think meaning JamesTheNames had an idea in his head.
"It" refers to the idea of you bussing.
"Was" is the passed tense of be as you did it in the past.
"Intended" is a verb meaning you had justification behind an action
"as" is for a metaphor
"a" is a singular indirect pronoun for it
"back up" means a noun, similar to the idea of a Plan B
"because" meaning JamesTheNames was about to explain it.
"You" referring to you
"Were" referring to before you unvoted me?
"Confident" in your eyes you knew I was scum
"Could" had the ability to
"Get me hammered" kill me.
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Post Post #517 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:21 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 514, Zyla wrote:
In post 299, GrandpaMo wrote:okay ill try my best to digest this info because im confused? are you like tryna reiterate a scumcase on me?
Well, yes. NEE asked me to. Already addressed this in
Grandpa wrote: -snip-
werent you the one who literally got on me for getting on a no lim vote being counterproductive??? and you even agreeed to that and that instantly contradicted your claim where you said "a no lim doesn't create any discussion x and x". very very hypocritcal. i don't go back and forth. alstro + me have gave you what that quote meant like 5 times already and you even came at an understanding later after i told you that i proposed a summary at the end in whcih you were like it wasn't a summary but alstro already had gave you the meaning and i agreeed. alstro hit almost spot on and i added to it. |: i rlly dont know why u are still bringing this up now.
I have no idea what this means, apologies, could you try to rephrase it and I'll answer it if I can?
Grandpa wrote:
Zyla wrote:
In post 88, GrandpaMo wrote: Look at the full context please. Smh. The answer you are looking for should be within the conversation. I will give you a hint; the reason relates to a misunderstanding we BOTH had. (I am assuming)
I don't like that this is his best answer. Where in the conversation is the answer? How is it supposed to be found? If the person asking the question was able to find it, don't you think they would've just... not asked the question?
i have no idea what you are referring to here. this is what happened in the interaction between me and james -- it seems like you are getting very over defensive as ur possible scum partner james. i already explained this multiple times. look at post 146 and the whole quote wall wit james initial reply and my justification as it wasn't that obvious. that context was obvious and town should have easily got it.

This post wasn't about defending anyone, it was showing NEE my case against you. And I don't understand why you didn't simply.. give him the answer, or even point to the post that had it. Also, just because something is obvious to you does not make it obvious to everyone.

honestly just forget this ... i dont want my frustration to get in my reads against you...
GrandpaMo wrote:idk if you noticed, but i said "possible scum" this was still when i was debating if u were scum or possible misguided town then james came into play and just used my bias. james could just be using u as a utility to vote me. thats where my paranoia creeked in. i didnt have any scumreads at the moment, but you were the only one who has potential to be scum. keywords: fully (which implies scumlean) and possible (paranoia of null read) and i furhter exemplified this in a later read where i said you were null scum leaning.
I addressed how I read this in

Grandpa wrote:
Zyla wrote:
In post 158, GrandpaMo wrote:Also, I very much dislike how James just left this conversation. This looks bad for you, James.
Scumreading someone for going to sleep is just.. bad.
Okay this post pissed me off. What?????!?!?

I am not even-

Like where were you in the last 10 pages???

Did you not see the full post for this?

Did you not see anything for this?

Why are just bringing this stuff up now??

You just look like a bit of flailing scum trying your best to drive any momentum on a vote on me?
I'm bringing it up because I was asked to

can you quote that?
Grandpa wrote:
In post 256, GrandpaMo wrote:I think also I will townlean you for not straight up finding scum between me and James. I feel like scum would just try to get an easy vote off me or James.
And then there's this. Why is he commenting saying that he's an easy vote?
because majority is on us or james?? This should have been obvious. You could have been confused, but you shouldn't be know. the two major bws was me and james, heck i even think i was at e-2. and i had the most votes on me. scum usually comes in after a replacement and decides to scumread the person wit the most votes well that is biased because it happened to me before lol in a pervious game.

but idk -- this should have been obvious to you. also it sounds like you could be manipulating this to make me look bad for only me? like you know i said easy vote off me OR james? not just me. why didn't you mention james??


we may never know:(
Didn't mention James because I wasn't asked about James, also I don't think James called himself an easy vote

lol u are just making me look bad. go read the quote back again. i mentioned me and james. -- and how WE were easy vote for scum if we were both town.
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Post Post #518 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:22 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 516, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 512, GrandpaMo wrote:so back to my unvote thing..

james i really tried to give you the benefit of the doubt because in my mind, i thought there was a chance you could have been town just incase i was just blindly tunneling u that sometimes i do by mistake.

and so i was just thinking about vfp's townread on you and everyone else's interaction wit u.

and i wanted you to answer questions regarding your inconsistency with your reads.

just to see how you viewved me + t3 differently than me + val.

but honestly, u never do.

u just always deflect, ignore, or find "meaningless" answers such as post 491 like wtf answer is that and what does that even mean.

i tried looking at you from a town perspective but i just can't see it -- everything alligns with you being town.

i will vote you back now unless someone has a pretty good towncase on you then my vote will stay on you.

VOTE: James[/uv]

pedit: this is exactly what i mean -- you still haven't answered shit. once again deflecting.
Post 491 reads:
I think it was intended as a back up because you were confident you could get me hammered.

"I" in english refers to the first person, so JamesTheNames is saying this from their perspective.
"Think" comes from To Think meaning JamesTheNames had an idea in his head.
"It" refers to the idea of you bussing.
"Was" is the passed tense of be as you did it in the past.
"Intended" is a verb meaning you had justification behind an action
"as" is for a metaphor
"a" is a singular indirect pronoun for it
"back up" means a noun, similar to the idea of a Plan B
"because" meaning JamesTheNames was about to explain it.
"You" referring to you
"Were" referring to before you unvoted me?
"Confident" in your eyes you knew I was scum
"Could" had the ability to
"Get me hammered" kill me.
lol i dont think you are understanding me.

i will ask once again.

answer my question with a yes or no answer.
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Post Post #519 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:22 am

Post by JamesTheNames »

@Zyla @VPF @Val89 @NorweiganBoy @Cook @T3 @Astro @The person I accidentally forgot:
Thoughts on the nonsense of GrandpaMo unvoting me only to revote after asked about it?
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Post Post #520 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:23 am

Post by JamesTheNames »

In post 518, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 516, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 512, GrandpaMo wrote:so back to my unvote thing..

james i really tried to give you the benefit of the doubt because in my mind, i thought there was a chance you could have been town just incase i was just blindly tunneling u that sometimes i do by mistake.

and so i was just thinking about vfp's townread on you and everyone else's interaction wit u.

and i wanted you to answer questions regarding your inconsistency with your reads.

just to see how you viewved me + t3 differently than me + val.

but honestly, u never do.

u just always deflect, ignore, or find "meaningless" answers such as post 491 like wtf answer is that and what does that even mean.

i tried looking at you from a town perspective but i just can't see it -- everything alligns with you being town.

i will vote you back now unless someone has a pretty good towncase on you then my vote will stay on you.

VOTE: James[/uv]

pedit: this is exactly what i mean -- you still haven't answered shit. once again deflecting.
Post 491 reads:
I think it was intended as a back up because you were confident you could get me hammered.

"I" in english refers to the first person, so JamesTheNames is saying this from their perspective.
"Think" comes from To Think meaning JamesTheNames had an idea in his head.
"It" refers to the idea of you bussing.
"Was" is the passed tense of be as you did it in the past.
"Intended" is a verb meaning you had justification behind an action
"as" is for a metaphor
"a" is a singular indirect pronoun for it
"back up" means a noun, similar to the idea of a Plan B
"because" meaning JamesTheNames was about to explain it.
"You" referring to you
"Were" referring to before you unvoted me?
"Confident" in your eyes you knew I was scum
"Could" had the ability to
"Get me hammered" kill me.
lol i dont think you are understanding me.

i will ask once again.

answer my question with a yes or no answer.
It isn't answerable with a yes or a no, I even gave you a more indepth answer, so why are you complaining?
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Post Post #521 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:23 am

Post by JamesTheNames »

I'm not wasting my time responding until you actually have a case against me I haven't addressed.
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Post Post #522 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:27 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 519, JamesTheNames wrote:@Zyla @VPF @Val89 @NorweiganBoy @Cook @T3 @Astro @The person I accidentally forgot:
Thoughts on the nonsense of GrandpaMo unvoting me only to revote after asked about it?
? what i literally asked you.

and you still havent fucking addressed my other points??????
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Post Post #523 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:29 am

Post by JamesTheNames »

In post 522, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 519, JamesTheNames wrote:@Zyla @VPF @Val89 @NorweiganBoy @Cook @T3 @Astro @The person I accidentally forgot:
Thoughts on the nonsense of GrandpaMo unvoting me only to revote after asked about it?
? what i literally asked you.

and you still havent fucking addressed my other points??????
There's no need for getting angry or anything over this game. If I'm scum you have days to convince people. If you're scum just trying to get me hammered you have days to do it. I'm trying to enjoy this game just as much as you are.
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Mafia Scum
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Mafia Scum
Mafia Scum
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Joined: December 31, 2020
Location: If you are reading this, then why did you read it in the first place?

Post Post #524 (ISO) » Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:30 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 488, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 487, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 486, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 484, JamesTheNames wrote:Explain your unvote. I'm curious.
im just thinking rn
Thinking what?
u think t3 is possible more liable to be my scumpartner than val?

t3 the person who i scumread?

Yes, I do think t3 is more liable than Val to be your scumpartner because of x.
No, I do not think T3 is more liable than Val to be your scumpartner because of x.

do you think i would bus as scum here?

Yes, I would think you bus here because of x..
No, I would think you don't here because of x.
In post 493, GrandpaMo wrote:you also pivoted ur vote from val to me. and this would have implied that you thought i was scummier. but still are bringing up the narrative that i could be scum wit val? so why pivot in the first place if there was a liable chance that i was scum wit val?

And you haven't even addressed this. I am not looking for a no/yes answer for this. But why.
"With grandpa in the game the postcount goes up and up and up and up...." - T3