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Post Post #825 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:42 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

I don’t need to waste time "solving your slot" as it’s already been solved. Or very close to it.
I’m more concerned with Grandpa now as there are some things pointing to him being town, and some scum. And so i believe a flip there would be very good and informative.
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Post Post #826 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:44 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

When y’all are ready to move on with the game i’ll revote. Going to sleep IRL now.
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Post Post #827 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:46 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 819, VFP wrote:Thats not answering my questions Grampa.
Why would I know this is town you? You said I should know its town you, not that I should meta check you.

And the part about you being frustrated is just a pile of bollocks.
You even say again that my play style is to call you scum for no reason or weak reason. Where do I do this? Are you saying that my town game I do this?
You said that I have ignored you but you have implied in your response that I have responded to you but you just didn't like the response.

Let me reiterate -- first, that question is an unapproachable question because everyone is different and has a different playstyle that can vary each game. No one is going to know for sure you are scum (unless you are really really obvious which not a lot of people are in this game -- this could be the due to nature of small sample base and paranoia from town). And no one is going to know for sure you are town. This is why I responded to you to read my meta. You even said that I was acting like this in my "Aliensitter Needed!" game where I was scum. So since I know you have seen my iso and how it was similar to that -- I challenged you to read one of my town games and see the similarities in that. Do you see any differences or similarities? That is up for you to decipher if I am town or scum based on how you see I play the game. I said that you should know its town me because of that -- because you can go back and check my town games and see that I have the similarities I would of as now. This was in rebuttal to in which you scumread me for the "Aliensitter Needed!" hence why I brought up meta in the first place because you said yourself that meta is a good tool to use. And I do agree -- I learned a lot. This is why I actually started to say Zyla was misguided town because of there meta in there newbie game, they are playing in a way that is similar (they even have mentioned it multiple times in the thread so I decided to check it out nd before)

Second -- How do you know me being frustrated is wrong? How would you know I am lying? Do you have sources to back this up? Or is just confirmation bias because you know I am scum in your eyes and so me being frustrated seems wrong. Point out the inaccuracies, inconsistency, and the reasons why you may think its wrong frustration. I was just genuinely frustrated at that game -- you can even see in the game. Heck, I even threatened to hammer myself (which I apologize for) so I just left the thread to calm my self. And now I am more calm. At that point of the game -- I had very much confirmation bias in my head into everyone for people I was townreading and scumreading. And after opening new lights / perceptions -- I see how you could be scum, val be scum, james be town, zyla be scum, alstro be scum, NEE be scum (and everyone who I townread can be scum and everyone who I scumread can be town etc) so I reseted my logic. And started again -- that was that whole post of me in 717, me trying to disassemble my logic and figure out and game solve for once. I was disappointed in myself. So to reiterate the answer to the second question, there was a period where dropped their paranoia about me and james and instantly hopped onto you, that's why I townread you at first then everyone dropped off and YOU started playing more aggressive and it just felt everything to me to come up with any reason to scumread someone -- so you chose me , someone who was already being scumread by half + like all this lobby at one point that can be driven easily by a mislim on me. So GG to you if you are scum, because your plan is working. However, if you are town, I hope you stop pushing me for one second -- look at my possible partners (not t3 -- because that's a blatant sheep, and just again why would I make it obvious I am paired with t3 if I were scum? that isn't smart especially after people started pairing us up either way and T3 continued to say I am town and I continued to say they were town. Yes, we would totally do that as scum |: ) so I suggest for you to look at other pairs that could be viable scum and look at this game if I were town in your eyes -- see how things change.

If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to address them to my by replying to this specifically.
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Post Post #828 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:46 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 826, NorwegianboyEE wrote:When y’all are ready to move on with the game i’ll revote. Going to sleep IRL now.
can u answee my qusestion u aint answer quick
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Post Post #829 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:47 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 807, GrandpaMo wrote:i have to go to work and will be back around 4 pm est -- this twindle of a shit show has finally died down a little.

i have a question for u nee .. do you think i would i have done all this as scum?

like you even say in post 790, i am confident in my reads -- well yes I am and I do think I am right because i am town and everyone's perspective could be very much info telling off a mindset switch (look at the post where i saw everyone's reads from townreading to more of scumreading)

and in post 789 - to answer ur question -- nah this was just out of parania, it was to stick any last reads so i can brag about it in post game -- really, but in all seriousness, i do kinda see val being scum but atp i also see u as scum too but u might have just wanted the hammer. but then there is james, the same person who ME AND VAL both pushed all game (who val now pushes me? again this vote makes NO sense here . and i still want someone to explain why does town do that if val is town) , which i am having paranoia -- yes i called them tvt towards the late (this mainly for a reaction) to see how well theytook getting townread like i said so they could analyze the response after i die and solve james allignment better and so val doesnt get to control the vote just incase val is scum -- i can explain this bit more. im in a rush rn and have to go now . so ill ttyl
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Post Post #830 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:48 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 827, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 819, VFP wrote:Thats not answering my questions Grampa.
Why would I know this is town you? You said I should know its town you, not that I should meta check you.

And the part about you being frustrated is just a pile of bollocks.
You even say again that my play style is to call you scum for no reason or weak reason. Where do I do this? Are you saying that my town game I do this?
You said that I have ignored you but you have implied in your response that I have responded to you but you just didn't like the response.

Let me reiterate -- first, that question is an unapproachable question because everyone is different and has a different playstyle that can vary each game. No one is going to know for sure you are scum (unless you are really really obvious which not a lot of people are in this game -- this could be the due to nature of small sample base and paranoia from town). And no one is going to know for sure you are town. This is why I responded to you to read my meta. You even said that I was acting like this in my "Aliensitter Needed!" game where I was scum. So since I know you have seen my iso and how it was similar to that -- I challenged you to read one of my town games and see the similarities in that. Do you see any differences or similarities? That is up for you to decipher if I am town or scum based on how you see I play the game. I said that you should know its town me because of that -- because you can go back and check my town games and see that I have the similarities I would of as now. This was in rebuttal to in which you scumread me for the "Aliensitter Needed!" hence why I brought up meta in the first place because you said yourself that meta is a good tool to use. And I do agree -- I learned a lot. This is why I actually started to say Zyla was misguided town because of there meta in there newbie game, they are playing in a way that is similar (they even have mentioned it multiple times in the thread so I decided to check it out nd before)

Second -- How do you know me being frustrated is wrong? How would you know I am lying? Do you have sources to back this up? Or is just confirmation bias because you know I am scum in your eyes and so me being frustrated seems wrong. Point out the inaccuracies, inconsistency, and the reasons why you may think its wrong frustration. I was just genuinely frustrated at that game -- you can even see in the game. Heck, I even threatened to hammer myself (which I apologize for) so I just left the thread to calm my self. And now I am more calm. At that point of the game -- I had very much confirmation bias in my head into everyone for people I was townreading and scumreading. And after opening new lights / perceptions -- I see how you could be scum, val be scum, james be town, zyla be scum, alstro be scum, NEE be scum (and everyone who I townread can be scum and everyone who I scumread can be town etc) so I reseted my logic. And started again -- that was that whole post of me in 717, me trying to disassemble my logic and figure out and game solve for once. I was disappointed in myself. So to reiterate the answer to the second question, there was a period where dropped their paranoia about me and james and instantly hopped onto you, that's why I townread you at first then everyone dropped off and YOU started playing more aggressive and it just felt everything to me to come up with any reason to scumread someone -- so you chose me , someone who was already being scumread by half + like all this lobby at one point that can be driven easily by a mislim on me. So GG to you if you are scum, because your plan is working. However, if you are town, I hope you stop pushing me for one second -- look at my possible partners (not t3 -- because that's a blatant sheep, and just again why would I make it obvious I am paired with t3 if I were scum? that isn't smart especially after people started pairing us up either way and T3 continued to say I am town and I continued to say they were town. Yes, we would totally do that as scum |: ) so I suggest for you to look at other pairs that could be viable scum and look at this game if I were town in your eyes -- see how things change.

If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to address them to my by replying to this specifically.
For the second answer -- it actually addresses to everyone in the game.

So please read the second part where I talk about my thought process through that mini mental breakdown I had.
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Post Post #831 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:50 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

If i didn’t think scum would have played the way you do i wouldn’t have voted you GrandpaMo.
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Post Post #832 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:52 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 789, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Grandpa seems to just be sticking every kind of read towards the wall here. Especially their Val read was quite sudden and came almost out of nowhere.

@GrandpaMo Have you had this read for a long time, or any previous suspicion. Or did you just now start believing Val could be scum?
What did you get out this answer then that I responded to?
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Post Post #833 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:55 am

Post by Val89 »

In post 825, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I’m more concerned with Grandpa now as there are some things pointing to him being town, and some scum. And so i believe a flip there would be very good and informative.
What do you think we could take from Grandpa flipping town?

I know from my perspective if he flips scum, I'm going to seriously reconsidering my read on James, but what do you think we gain from a town flip?
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Post Post #834 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:56 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

I actually find it more scummy that it was an spontaneous read than if you’d had suspicion on Val since early on. I was hoping you’d show evidence of an natural progression to explain your reads, but that was not the response i got.
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Post Post #835 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:57 am

Post by VFP »

Okay, Grampa is just screaming scum now.

[Post]827[post] is a politician response. Doesn't answer and just re directs to a different point.
Let me confirm.

Grampa said I should know his town game.
I challenge why
Grampa is saying my question is unapproachable and basically only says I should read a town game of his.
The original statement from Grampa is that I should town read them. Me asking why is a logical question that can be answered easily if town. For example "you should know I do X as town". The problem is, when Grampa said I should know this is town him, he was trying to manipulate me.

The Second part, is this.
Grampa wants to know what my reasons are and implies that my reasoning is shit.
I challenge this
Grampa says that people like me don't give reasons or weak reasons and this was said because he was frustrated.
I challenge this again.
Grampa does AtE and only focuses on how would I know if he is frustrated.

You can see the key points that Grampa initiated are being ignored here.

Get this politician off the stand! Boo! Boo Grampa!
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Post Post #836 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:58 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

In post 833, Val89 wrote:
In post 825, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I’m more concerned with Grandpa now as there are some things pointing to him being town, and some scum. And so i believe a flip there would be very good and informative.
What do you think we could take from Grandpa flipping town?

I know from my perspective if he flips scum, I'm going to seriously reconsidering my read on James, but what do you think we gain from a town flip?
I’d be suspicious of VFP.
T3 too for maybe white knight. None of their interactions have felt genuine there.
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Post Post #837 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:58 am

Post by VFP »

In post 835, VFP wrote:Okay, Grampa is just screaming scum now.

is a politician response. Doesn't answer and just re directs to a different point.
Let me confirm.

Grampa said I should know his town game.
I challenge why
Grampa is saying my question is unapproachable and basically only says I should read a town game of his.
The original statement from Grampa is that I should town read them. Me asking why is a logical question that can be answered easily if town. For example "you should know I do X as town". The problem is, when Grampa said I should know this is town him, he was trying to manipulate me.

The Second part, is this.
Grampa wants to know what my reasons are and implies that my reasoning is shit.
I challenge this
Grampa says that people like me don't give reasons or weak reasons and this was said because he was frustrated.
I challenge this again.
Grampa does AtE and only focuses on how would I know if he is frustrated.

You can see the key points that Grampa initiated are being ignored here.

Get this politician off the stand! Boo! Boo Grampa!
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Post Post #838 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:01 am

Post by Val89 »

In post 836, NorwegianboyEE wrote:T3 too for maybe white knight. None of their interactions have felt genuine there.
Interestingly enough, T3 would be where I would start to look next if he flipped red.
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Post Post #839 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:02 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

I find T3 sus irrespective of the flip tbh. They just ping me.
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Post Post #840 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:03 am

Post by Val89 »

Wait, you can just use the tag "post" and have the links inserted automatically? I've been manually copying the URL this entire time :facepalm:
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Post Post #841 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:03 am

Post by Zyla »

In post 757, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 731, Zyla wrote:Grandpa, question for you. When you make posts, do you usually just write what you're thinking and hit send?
and u think thats scummy? cuz thats how i play as my town playstyle -- i like for town to listen to my thoughts // and gain negative or postiive reactions from them.
Actually, no, I don't think it's scummy. I just think it's confusing.
In post 734, Zyla wrote:I want to clarify, that I'm not meaning that to be rude, I'd just personally suggest rereading your posts a couple of times, maybe even check spelling and grammar, not because those are necessary, but because rereading might help make sure your logic sounds like it would make sense to other people
Stream of consciousness is great for a PT thread, but if you want other people to understand and follow your reads, it's helpful to read over your post at least once before posting it.
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Post Post #842 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:05 am

Post by Zyla »

In post 840, Val89 wrote:Wait, you can just use the tag "post" and have the links inserted automatically? I've been manually copying the URL this entire time :facepalm:
Oh no
Yeah, it doesn't work in the attribution part of quote tags though, which is frustrating when you accidentally delete the starting tag
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Post Post #843 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:06 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

Grandpa claims to have really good meta on T3 being town though. So that might be an potential spew for T3 town if Grandpa flips scum here. I’m considering the possibility that Grandpa pocketed T3.
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Post Post #844 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:08 am

Post by VFP »

In post 840, Val89 wrote:Wait, you can just use the tag "post" and have the links inserted automatically? I've been manually copying the URL this entire time :facepalm:
And knowing is half the battle! :up:
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Post Post #845 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:09 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 843, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Grandpa claims to have really good meta on T3 being town though. So that might be an potential spew for T3 town if Grandpa flips scum here. I’m considering the possibility that Grandpa pocketed T3.
That was the point I was trying to make. Me as scum wouldn't make us obviously paired here. Unless you resonante about wifom?
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Post Post #846 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:09 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

In post 755, GrandpaMo wrote:pls let me live t3. u are literally the only one who knows how i play lol
Is this something you would post to a scum partner?
If Grandpa!scum i’m fairly sure T3 town based on these interactions here.
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Post Post #847 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:10 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 835, VFP wrote:Okay, Grampa is just screaming scum now.

[Post]827[post] is a politician response. Doesn't answer and just re directs to a different point.
Let me confirm.

Grampa said I should know his town game.
I challenge why
Grampa is saying my question is unapproachable and basically only says I should read a town game of his.
The original statement from Grampa is that I should town read them. Me asking why is a logical question that can be answered easily if town. For example "you should know I do X as town". The problem is, when Grampa said I should know this is town him, he was trying to manipulate me.

The Second part, is this.
Grampa wants to know what my reasons are and implies that my reasoning is shit.
I challenge this
Grampa says that people like me don't give reasons or weak reasons and this was said because he was frustrated.
I challenge this again.
Grampa does AtE and only focuses on how would I know if he is frustrated.

You can see the key points that Grampa initiated are being ignored here.

Get this politician off the stand! Boo! Boo Grampa!
This is so manipulative. If you read I actually gave you examples.
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Post Post #848 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:11 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 846, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 755, GrandpaMo wrote:pls let me live t3. u are literally the only one who knows how i play lol
Is this something you would post to a scum partner?
If Grandpa!scum i’m fairly sure T3 town based on these interactions here.

Again, my points exactly. That's why Val's logic is just wrong. No, I am not admitting I am scum -- I am just referencing what Val said earlier.
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Post Post #849 (ISO) » Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:11 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 834, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I actually find it more scummy that it was an spontaneous read than if you’d had suspicion on Val since early on. I was hoping you’d show evidence of an natural progression to explain your reads, but that was not the response i got.
Did you not see what I said in there -- If you look at the first thing I said to val, you would see I had a thought of Val being scummy.
"With grandpa in the game the postcount goes up and up and up and up...." - T3