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Post Post #1100 (ISO) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:01 pm

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

Putting my vote here while i wait for Cook/their supposed target.

If Cook get’s confirmed town and T3 was not the target then i’m sussing T3 for their awkward timing and claiming to townread Cook that way.
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Post Post #1101 (ISO) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:05 pm

Post by Nahdia »

Vote Count 2.02

GrandpaMo (3):
alstroemerial, Val89,
, Cook
T3 (2):
, JamesTheNames, NorwegianboyEE
JamesTheNames (1):

Cook (0):

Not Voting (1):

Deadline is in
(expired on 2021-07-03 13:45:00)
, at which point we will default to no elimination.

With seven players alive, it takes
to reach majority.

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Last edited by Nahdia on Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #1102 (ISO) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:05 pm

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

Them finding a PR crumb (And a very specific one at that) and saying it makes Cook confirmed town just doesn’t feel genuine. It’s possiblr scum!T3 was informed of their role and went about townreading them in an very awkward way.
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Post Post #1103 (ISO) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:05 pm

Post by GrandpaMo »

Reading back eod, I felt like Val played smart.

I just dug my own grave and Val had townread me because they thought scum would just take advantage of this + also they thought both scum was on this wagon. But instantly pivots as I start relapsing more of my thoughts and found that opportunity to quickly pivot onto me. Them scumreading me, was very very weird to me. It was also right after I scumread them too after my crazy theory -- which now I may think its right...

So it obviously felt like an omgus for me. Does anyone else see that?

It just felt so "fake" and backstabbing like for Val to do especially when they have pushed James with me all of day one and then instantly pivots to me the person who pushed James with them over just a series of last posts? It felt weird to me.
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Post Post #1104 (ISO) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:06 pm

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

If T3 was the target of the FN i will let up, but if they target Val as James claims they did i will sus T3 pretty heavily based on this.
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Post Post #1105 (ISO) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:06 pm

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 1100, NorwegianboyEE wrote:VOTE: T3
Putting my vote here while i wait for Cook/their supposed target.

If Cook get’s confirmed town and T3 was not the target then i’m sussing T3 for their awkward timing and claiming to townread Cook that way.
Why would scum point out that tho...? Wouldn't have it been helpful to hide PRs for scum's advantage and silently kill them at night?

It just felt not right. Also the redactions thing -- I doubt they will risk themselves hiding that info. Shit, I did that too lol.
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Post Post #1106 (ISO) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:08 pm

Post by GrandpaMo »

I feel like im missing somehting lol
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Post Post #1107 (ISO) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:10 pm

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

In post 1106, GrandpaMo wrote:I feel like im missing somehting lol
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Post Post #1108 (ISO) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:14 pm

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

In post 1105, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 1100, NorwegianboyEE wrote:VOTE: T3
Putting my vote here while i wait for Cook/their supposed target.

If Cook get’s confirmed town and T3 was not the target then i’m sussing T3 for their awkward timing and claiming to townread Cook that way.
Why would scum point out that tho...? Wouldn't have it been helpful to hide PRs for scum's advantage and silently kill them at night?

It just felt not right. Also the redactions thing -- I doubt they will risk themselves hiding that info. Shit, I did that too lol.
I don’t know if i’m still tired because i haven’t had my coffee yet or what. But i don’t really understand any of the points you’ve just said.
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Post Post #1109 (ISO) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 7:19 pm

Post by JamesTheNames »

In post 1098, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 1097, JamesTheNames wrote:
In post 1094, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Why don’t you say who you target instead of having us wait?
Where did they say that?
They didn't, regardless of their alignment they aren't town sided in their actions, nor is T3 in the slightest. I know I wasn't targetted, you voted for Cook, alstromerial agreed Cook was suspicious along with T3 while also being against the FN idea, T3 claimed they soft worked it out, GrandpaMo hasn't said anything and I don't think anyone town reads them, Cook can't target Cook, therefore Val89.
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Post Post #1110 (ISO) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 9:36 pm

Post by Val89 »

Confirm. Cook is mod-confirmed town.
In post 1004, Val89 wrote:so if there is something that needs to come out regarding the night play, better make it soon, folks!
I appologise that I wasn't entirely sure of the best play with regards to this yesterday - I assumed the play wasn't to come straight out and broadcast someone elses claim without some sort of hint that's what they wanted, but since the claim is now out there - Yes, Cook is FN.

Given this, the rest of the play makes a bit more sense. Cook knew that, provided I didn't cop it last night, they would be confirmed today, so they didn't need really give all that many shits making sure town read them as town yesterday.

I also suspect Zyla was killed specifically to throw suspicion onto Cook today, which implies that scum didn't spot both (all 3? The signuture changed half way through d1, right?) breadcrumbs yesterday.
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Post Post #1111 (ISO) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 10:31 pm

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

In post 1110, Val89 wrote:I also suspect Zyla was killed specifically to throw suspicion onto Cook today, which implies that scum didn't spot both (all 3? The signuture changed half way through d1, right?) breadcrumbs yesterday.
That could explain the kill.

Did you spot the crumbs prior to day 2 beginning?
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Post Post #1112 (ISO) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 10:58 pm

Post by Val89 »

In post 1111, NorwegianboyEE wrote: Did you spot the crumbs prior to day 2 beginning?
I did, but being as obvious as they were, I wasn't sure if it was a red herring or not before I actually got the mod message; and in any case, I didn't consider appropriate to point them out yesterday.

For the record, I didn't find T3 scummy for this (in fact, given the small size of Cook's ISO, I was starting to get scum vibes from those claiming NOT to have spotted it, even when directed towards to the ISO, but given that more than one player has implied they didn't see it, I'm going to consider it NAI for now), but I did already start to consider T3 suspicious for the play around Grandpa yesterday.

Since my read on T3 is only a matter of playing the probabilities (my second biggest candidate for a Grandpa scum partner after T3 is actually yourself, Norwee) and seeing Grandpa flip scum will erase any residual doubt I have about James, I still think Grandpa is the lim for today.

I should also point out that Zyla's first-hand knwoledge re: T3s scum play as per may be another possible reason for a Zyla kill last night.
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Post Post #1113 (ISO) » Sat Jun 26, 2021 11:37 pm

Post by JamesTheNames »

I guess I owe Cook an apology for doubting the role reveal, I apologise.
I still scum read / scum lean T3.
Scum certainly lies in T3 and Mo.
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Post Post #1114 (ISO) » Sun Jun 27, 2021 1:07 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

In post 1112, Val89 wrote:I did, but being as obvious as they were, I wasn't sure if it was a red herring or not before I actually got the mod message; and in any case, I didn't consider appropriate to point them out yesterday.
So you claim to have seen it prior but have no actual evidence of doing so?
That’s a bit sad as it could have 100% confirmed you as town beyond any reasonable doubt if you knew they were PR since then and yet they didn’t die.
I still think you’re likely town but i could have been pretty strong evidence.
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Post Post #1115 (ISO) » Sun Jun 27, 2021 1:07 am

Post by NorwegianboyEE »

It could have been*
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Post Post #1116 (ISO) » Sun Jun 27, 2021 1:40 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 1108, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 1105, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 1100, NorwegianboyEE wrote:VOTE: T3
Putting my vote here while i wait for Cook/their supposed target.

If Cook get’s confirmed town and T3 was not the target then i’m sussing T3 for their awkward timing and claiming to townread Cook that way.
Why would scum point out that tho...? Wouldn't have it been helpful to hide PRs for scum's advantage and silently kill them at night?

It just felt not right. Also the redactions thing -- I doubt they will risk themselves hiding that info. Shit, I did that too lol.
I don’t know if i’m still tired because i haven’t had my coffee yet or what. But i don’t really understand any of the points you’ve just said.
ill explain later
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Post Post #1117 (ISO) » Sun Jun 27, 2021 1:41 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 1112, Val89 wrote:
In post 1111, NorwegianboyEE wrote: Did you spot the crumbs prior to day 2 beginning?
I did, but being as obvious as they were, I wasn't sure if it was a red herring or not before I actually got the mod message; and in any case, I didn't consider appropriate to point them out yesterday.

For the record, I didn't find T3 scummy for this (in fact, given the small size of Cook's ISO, I was starting to get scum vibes from those claiming NOT to have spotted it, even when directed towards to the ISO, but given that more than one player has implied they didn't see it, I'm going to consider it NAI for now), but I did already start to consider T3 suspicious for the play around Grandpa yesterday.

Since my read on T3 is only a matter of playing the probabilities (my second biggest candidate for a Grandpa scum partner after T3 is actually yourself, Norwee) and seeing Grandpa flip scum will erase any residual doubt I have about James, I still think Grandpa is the lim for today.

I should also point out that Zyla's first-hand knwoledge re: T3s scum play as per may be another possible reason for a Zyla kill last night.
this sounds geninue af bruh ...

could alstro be scum here lol
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Post Post #1118 (ISO) » Sun Jun 27, 2021 1:42 am

Post by Val89 »

Not really. There was just no way of pointing it out yesterday without also laying it out for scum - Cooks' ISO was about all of about 10 posts - and if I had, I doubt they would have survived the night for you to have your evidence.

All in all, I'm happy with the way I've played this. I breadcrumbed that something happened last night in , but I didn't think outting it straight away was the correct play. I'm sure someone can correct me if I should have done something different for my own reference next time this comes up in post game.
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Post Post #1119 (ISO) » Sun Jun 27, 2021 1:43 am

Post by Val89 »

For the advoidance of doubt, the "Not really" in the above post relates to Norwee's
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Post Post #1120 (ISO) » Sun Jun 27, 2021 1:46 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 1118, Val89 wrote:Not really. There was just no way of pointing it out yesterday without also laying it out for scum - Cooks' ISO was about all of about 10 posts - and if I had, I doubt they would have survived the night for you to have your evidence.

All in all, I'm happy with the way I've played this. I breadcrumbed that something happened last night in , but I didn't think outting it straight away was the correct play. I'm sure someone can correct me if I should have done something different for my own reference next time this comes up in post game.
that's not really a breadcrumb imo ... anyone could have said that --- ig yea it can be but it can also be one of those bias

you say something not related >>> then stimuli >>> then apply stimuli to the nonrelated making it correlatad.
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Post Post #1121 (ISO) » Sun Jun 27, 2021 2:50 am

Post by JamesTheNames »

Don't town just win this? Depending on who we hammer today, it'll give us really really important reads going into day 3, we have a locktown who will probably die Night 2, but having a Friendly Neighbour means we have a very powerful town power role going into Day 3. Scum has to decide Night 2, either to try and hit the other Power Role, 1/3, or to kill the locktown. I'm pretty sure town wins this.
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Post Post #1122 (ISO) » Sun Jun 27, 2021 3:22 am

Post by Val89 »

I think if we going into the night with only one scum alive, yes, it's a town win.

We are 5v2 right now. We are in column B, so Mafia aren't doing any roleblocking. Cook is conftown. We either have a tracker or a jailkeep.

Let's say we elim Grandpa today and they flip scum, which I find highly probable; then I suspect the other scum is in T3 or Norwee, leaning towards T3. Either PR targets whomever they find scummiest. The remaining scum has to decide whether to try for the kill and risk being outted by the PR if they don't hit them, and, unless the rolecop hit the other PR last night, they only have a 25% of hitting the other PR if we don't force them to out today. The other scum else has to decide to do nothing in order to put suspicion onto the person who does get JK'd/tracked; hope the town PR targets the wrong person, and go into D3 5v1; with a conftown alive - something I can't see a single scum doing.

If we elim either T3 or Norwee today, and we guess wrong, then the other town PR has to guess which of the scum is doing the killing, and things get dicey. Limming Grandpa is the play today, unless there is still anyone who thinks they are flipping town and 2 scum are going to go through to night 2; and I don't think there is anyone left seriously reading Grandpa as town now (apart from T3, who is sus themselves), right?

If we do give scum!Grandpa the boot today, then even if we hit the wrong one tomorrow, I think we've time to take out the other on D4 even in the unlikley event the remaining scum does manage to get both kills off and not get outted by the remaing PR on D3. (2 town v 1 scum is a town win, if the scum is known, right?).
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Post Post #1123 (ISO) » Sun Jun 27, 2021 3:26 am

Post by Val89 »

In post 1121, JamesTheNames wrote:either to try and hit the other Power Role, 1/3
Actually, you are correct. Presuming they got the rolecop off, didn't rolecop Cook last night, and didn't hit the other PR already, scum can eliminate one of the town with last nights result, so it's 33%, not 25%. Still not great odds for a lone scum.
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Post Post #1124 (ISO) » Sun Jun 27, 2021 5:05 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 1122, Val89 wrote:I think if we going into the night with only one scum alive, yes, it's a town win.

We are 5v2 right now. We are in column B, so Mafia aren't doing any roleblocking. Cook is conftown. We either have a tracker or a jailkeep.

Let's say we elim Grandpa today and they flip scum, which I find highly probable; then I suspect the other scum is in T3 or Norwee, leaning towards T3. Either PR targets whomever they find scummiest. The remaining scum has to decide whether to try for the kill and risk being outted by the PR if they don't hit them, and, unless the rolecop hit the other PR last night, they only have a 25% of hitting the other PR if we don't force them to out today. The other scum else has to decide to do nothing in order to put suspicion onto the person who does get JK'd/tracked; hope the town PR targets the wrong person, and go into D3 5v1; with a conftown alive - something I can't see a single scum doing.

If we elim either T3 or Norwee today, and we guess wrong, then the other town PR has to guess which of the scum is doing the killing, and things get dicey. Limming Grandpa is the play today, unless there is still anyone who thinks they are flipping town and 2 scum are going to go through to night 2; and I don't think there is anyone left seriously reading Grandpa as town now (apart from T3, who is sus themselves), right?

If we do give scum!Grandpa the boot today, then even if we hit the wrong one tomorrow, I think we've time to take out the other on D4 even in the unlikley event the remaining scum does manage to get both kills off and not get outted by the remaing PR on D3. (2 town v 1 scum is a town win, if the scum is known, right?).

so ima just assume ur ignorning me and have ignorned my scumcase on me lol.

but uh if we are going me. pls dont lim t3, he is town. town will most likely lose this instead @james. its very highly probable because scum is univerally controlling the game and how we are thinking, they are also possibly UST such as maybe alstro? there is a chance nee is scum with val.
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