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Post Post #775 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 1:01 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 773, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 771, Bimblesticks wrote:I promised I would give a list of my reads, so here goes:

: The Bulge, Ydrasse
: Cabd
: GrandpaMo, Lukewarm
: StrangeMatter
: Illwei

I've left sang froid out because part of me wants to believe he's lying about his claim. Being a genuine role cop and claiming it D1 in a game with this set-up feels like such an unbelievably stupid move that I'm leaning towards him being VT trying to cover for PTs or scum trying to pretend to cover for PTs. Where I sort him depends a lot on whether or not he survives with results tomorrow.

In response to those arguing I'm scum, I haven't been involved in too many conversations this game so I can't really make an argument in defense of myself, other than to say that I think Illwei is more suspicious. They've generally avoided giving strong answers to questions or giving their own opinions on people, using excuses about how they don't know or don't care. Here are a few examples:

In post 93, Illwei wrote:
In post 87, StrangeMatter wrote:Leaving out your thoughts is kind of like pushing someone scummy, but not really explaining why they are pushing that person.
lmao that's all i do, nice to know
This one is bizarre. Why make posts without explaining your reasoning?

In post 191, Illwei wrote:
In post 142, StrangeMatter wrote:Where is everyone right now, I get that discussion is a bit harder with a person VLA, and one has to be replaced, but 6 other people aren't even talking at all. That kind of seems like a waste of a day to have no discussion whatsoever. So can those 6 people explain why they're not talking right now?
Don't expect me to be so active, I joined this game because I don't have so much time during the days anymore but still wanted to play a game, so I figured one that wasn't 48/24 would be easier for my schedule.
This one in particular is weird to me, only a little bit into the game he's already setting a low standard for himself, saying we shouldn't expect him to engage much.

In post 396, Illwei wrote:
In post 372, Bimblesticks wrote:A statement on what? "apathy" How do you feel apathetic about three people reading you as evil?
my dear bimble
if only I could feel anythin but apathy rn tbh
In post 491, Illwei wrote:
In post 480, Bimblesticks wrote:Illwei, if you don't want to get voted today, I'd appreciate it if you answered some questions:

1. Why did you vote for me? What is your read on me at the moment, considering you haven't unvoted?

2. Why have you been reacting to everything with apathy? Do you just not care about this game?

3. Do you genuinely belive cabd/mo are the scumteam? Can you not understand why people are suspicious of you?

Also, I disagree with Ydresse that is a town post. The argument made here doesn't make sense, townies should obviously want as much information as possible and to pressure people that vote for them.
1. because whatshisface didn't. their post read like something they wanted to pressure, and then they didn't add pressure, and I was like ???? but brain doesn't work so that was my way of expressing that.

2. my dude I don't care about life right now, but there have been so many sub outs already and I subbed out of my last MS game so I am here out of sheer stubbornness

3. No. That was a joke. because they are both repeatedly spelling my name how it sounds and not how it is spelled, but they both seem to hear it differently. I found it funny lol.
Number 2 here just feels like a really easy way to avoid having to explain yourself.

In post 764, Illwei wrote: I want to talk but I dread posting because I'm going to be expected to solve and I am too lost to solve right now if that even makes any sense
This is a game of mafia, and there are people scumreading you. You don't have to solve everything but some pushes or opinions on recent events would be nice.

I totally understand and emphasise with the argument that scum would want to appear engaged, but, to dabble in WIFOM, Illwei's apathy feels like a really easy way to avoid having to engage and talk (as the more you talk, the more likely people are to scumread what you say), while still keeping this aura of town (after all, why would a townie act this apathetic?).
fuck these reads look towny af.

hol up let me explore this for one minute


VOTE: StrangeMatter

wait nvm there is like 7 hours left

VOTE: bimblesticks

can u claim bimble?

fixing the spoiler tag so that it doesn't glitch out the vote counter ~D
Last edited by Datisi on Thu Jul 01, 2021 1:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #776 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 1:06 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 758, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 538, Lukewarm wrote:Grandpa is town
Literally every post that Grandpa has made since I gave him this townread has made me feel like I am back in the Aliensitter game. If I had not back read his iso, he would be lock scum atm -- but, I really did like his early iso for town

also im suprised u dont see me playing way different then that game lol

pls dont be like vfp and scumread me because of like bias ehm ehm
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Post Post #777 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 1:55 am

Post by sang froid »

VOTE: mo
"Mafia isn't about making or keeping friendships.
It's about slowly becoming a bitter and awful person that everyone resents."

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Post Post #778 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 1:56 am

Post by sang froid »

"Mafia isn't about making or keeping friendships.
It's about slowly becoming a bitter and awful person that everyone resents."

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Post Post #779 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 1:58 am

Post by Datisi »

vote count 1.14

with 9 votes in play, it takes 5 to make a decision. day 1 ends in (expired on 2021-07-01 21:45:00).

Bimblesticks [2]:
Illwei, GrandpaMo
GrandpaMo [2]:
Lukewarm, sang froid
Illwei [1]:

not voting [4]:
The Bulge, StrangeMatter, Cabd, Ydrasse

mod notes~ less than 12 hours remaining!

I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
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Post Post #780 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:22 am

Post by Lukewarm »

I am here, and generally will be a round until the deadline incase my vote is needed else where to make sure something pass

not voting [4]: The Bulge, StrangeMatter, Cabd, Ydrasse

With 6 hours left on the count down, these people need to be voting
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Post Post #781 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:24 am

Post by Lukewarm »

In post 775, GrandpaMo wrote:wait nvm there is like 7 hours left

VOTE: bimblesticks

can u claim bimble?
He should claim with 2 votes on him?
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Post Post #782 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:53 am

Post by Lukewarm »

In post 776, GrandpaMo wrote:also im suprised u dont see me playing way different then that game lol

pls dont be like vfp and scumread me because of like bias ehm ehm
I did feel like you were playing very differently then that game -- which is why I gave you a townread at first.

But then you:

~Fake CCed cop
~Retracted the CC
~Claimed the CC retraction was NAI
~Claimed that I should know that it was NAI
~Claimed that anyone who was suspicious of your cc was scum
~While under pressure, your posting style changed back to match the Aliensitter game
~This said this line "no. just because i cced, how could it be my fault for town to follow up on it being real?"
~Deflected hard, by saying that 1) we should not be analyzing YOU,
but then you start trying to analyze Sang

In post 650, GrandpaMo wrote:ok looking at their games, they started in micro games, this is prehaps an alt of a se player that decided to play in newbies that last 2 games.
If you were joke cc'ing someone -- your cc was the the topic of discussion, so the fact that you tried to turned the conversation to analyze the original claim seems super sus to me -- If you were fake cc'ing, then for all you know they are the real cop, so why are you trying to transfer focus onto them just because you are getting pressure for you fake cc?
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Post Post #783 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:54 am

Post by Lukewarm »

In post 782, Lukewarm wrote:~Fake CCed cop
~Retracted the CC
~Claimed the CC retraction was NAI
~Claimed that I should know that it was NAI
~Claimed that anyone who was suspicious of your cc was scum ~~
or helping the scum team

~While under pressure, your posting style changed back to match the Aliensitter game
~This said this line "no. just because i cced, how could it be my fault for town to follow up on it being real?"
~Deflected hard, by saying that 1) we should not be analyzing YOU, but then you start trying to analyze Sang
I have a GTKAS now! - Come ask me questions!

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Post Post #784 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:08 am

Post by Cabd »

Yeah... you basically just summarized what I slept on.

VOTE: Grandpa

I am going to be very limited in my posting today, jumping from client site to site fairly often, won't have a keyboard very often. I will try to stay connected to the thread via mobile.
Have retired for good; Life is too busy to have time or energy for mafia. It was fun~
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Post Post #785 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:32 am

Post by Lukewarm »

Oh god Cabd... why you gotta make me paranoid about you.

I would very much like a cop result on cabd if that is a think that can actually even happen this game.
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Post Post #786 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:46 am

Post by Ydrasse »

VOTE: grandpamo

not set in stone but preferable
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Post Post #787 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:50 am

Post by The Bulge »

In post 573, Cabd wrote:I was asking yggdrasae to explain why she felt ilway was town. My uh. Syntax is limited when driving. Voice to text tends to butcher a lot of things.
idk to me "very polite but very focused tunnel" implies an active push is somewhere on the horizon
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Post Post #788 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:50 am

Post by The Bulge »

I can hammer but lemme finish my post dump first hehe
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Post Post #789 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:51 am

Post by The Bulge »

In post 605, Illwei wrote:
In post 559, The Bulge wrote:
In post 512, Lukewarm wrote:In your first game, you were town - you made 62 posts, and you said "tbh" zero times

In this game, have have made 42 posts, and have said "tbh" 25 times
this is unironically extremely compelling hahahaha
Please tell me this is a joke
In post 609, Illwei wrote:
In post 606, Lukewarm wrote:Comparing your current game (where you alignment is unknown) to your other games, where we know your alignment is a pretty effective way to sort people you are unsure on.
Well, yes... but, with "tbh" ? : P
that is really a shocking statistic yea lol. it's not really the same as a meta tell, because I'm not saying "Illwei is scum because as town he never says tbh". what I'm saying is the TBH tell is real, and affects new players more than anyone else, but it means absolutely nothing if "tbh" or any other variant is a common part of a person's normal lexicon. the fact that you said it zero times in your town game, contrasted with how densely packed your usage is here, tells me it's not necessarily just a natural way of speaking for you, and could very well be scum-indicative.
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Post Post #790 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:52 am

Post by The Bulge »

In post 611, StrangeMatter wrote:@The Buldge, can I ask why I'm (what I'm assuming from this list) one of your scumreads right now?
mostly gut, and you've been fencesitty since the start of the game, making almost no definitive statements about anything, and have made a lot of posts with empty observations.
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Post Post #791 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:52 am

Post by Ydrasse »

don’t make me doubt illwei now ahhh
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Post Post #792 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:53 am

Post by The Bulge »

In post 627, Illwei wrote:What is even the point of CCing if you are just going to immediately say "ahahhaha it is NAI from me and a joke!!" I'd at least wait longer to see what happens
this sounds informed ?
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Post Post #793 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:54 am

Post by The Bulge »

In post 791, Ydrasse wrote:don’t make me doubt illwei now ahhh
I'm just a humble thread re-reader bringing up old shit right before a deadline, don't mind me
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Post Post #794 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:55 am

Post by StrangeMatter »

That's E-1 from what I've counted and I'm not hammering Grandpa.

Still going with this slot, I kind of want to see what comes from this right now.

VOTE: Illwei
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Post Post #795 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:55 am

Post by The Bulge »

In post 635, Lukewarm wrote:Grandpa, the issue here is that, if you are town, you cc'ing sang hurts the town --

Regardless of you telling the truth or "joke" ccing...
Regardless of sang telling the truth or fake claiming...

There is no scenario where you cc'ing there helps the town win, but there are plenty of scenarios where it could make the town more likely to lose.

There is a difference between wanting to have fun and joking around, and actively hurting the town. Your cc was the latter, and so yeah, it frustrates me. I am in this game trying to win, and I just saw you doing something that makes it harder for that happen :/

I mean I can have some pretty light hearted posts in a game (looks back at the unnecessarily flowery letter I wrote for cabd) -- but, I try to make sure that when I am being light hearted and having a good time, I am not hurting my own (and my teammates) win condition
pretty sure I had this tabbed just to quote+signal boost. goodposting.
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Post Post #796 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:56 am

Post by The Bulge »

In post 636, Illwei wrote:
In post 632, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 627, Illwei wrote:What is even the point of CCing if you are just going to immediately say "ahahhaha it is NAI from me and a joke!!" I'd at least wait longer to see what happens

see this is scum.

why do you wanna wait to see what sang wants to say?

did you want to sang to actually CLAIM cop there? and get a cc on me so u could figure out who is real or not?
if it's a cover then there's no point in taking it back even if you're getting heat. if you are the real doc then why cc right now when he wasn't going to be voted off anyways.
oh this sound REALLY informed huh
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Post Post #797 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:59 am

Post by The Bulge »

In post 643, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 642, Ydrasse wrote:no offence but it's not nai and you doing this has become an Event that people have to talk about because of the posts that happened, so you don't get to tell people to not focus on it.

my take is that it was a very dumb thing to do and you should know better for next time.
no. just because i cced, how could it be my fault for town to follow up on it being real? luke is just assuming sang's claim is real. and cabd is just having prehaps town paranoia. the point is, is that it was obvious it wasn't a real claim. that's what im trying to say here. it shouldn't have been taken as a real claim either way. luke knows my playstyle, idk why this is getting fed up with them. they know i wouldn't do something like that as town or heck even as scum.
uh take this as Life Advice i guess as much as you take it as mafia advice, but this is a really bad/fallacious outlook on accountability in general.
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Post Post #798 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 4:00 am

Post by The Bulge »

In post 660, sang froid wrote:I think illwoo looks good out of this
how's that? did you see his doc comment? any thoughts?
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Post Post #799 (ISO) » Thu Jul 01, 2021 4:01 am

Post by The Bulge »

In post 666, Cabd wrote:If we are in both are town then I have to accept two players on MY team are throwing for the lulz and that's a really sad pill to swallow.
:igmeou: :igmeou: :igmeou: