If Wheme is your neighbor, isn't is very reasonable for them assume that you know their flavor, meaning hiding that the person whose flavor you know doesn't do much?In post 764, Almost50 wrote:Now that I got this out of the way, I will explain for the very last time: I am informed that "a specific something" is the flavor of "a specific someone". I don't want to say whose flavor I am informed of because that tips that specific someone to say the truth about their flavor and tips everyone else that they can lie about theirs.
My info is in the form of "you know that <player name>'s flavor is <specific flavor>.
I am not looking for a needle in the barn. I know what I'm looking for and know from whom I want it.
Even excusing this, if you have a separate chat with them, why do you feel the need to push this publicly? You could literally just ask in that thread. Why risk literally everybody's flavor when you have a perfect excuse?