You may jump forward as the portcullis falls (entry
saving throw
If you | read entry |
sneak past the arrow slits | L9 |
run past the arrow slits | L8 |
theoretically, as many times as you want, but of course we only have 11 days' worth of rations and when we run out of those we start losing HP from hunger if we try to restIn post 435, OkaPoka wrote:how many times can we rest in a row
charm person won't work but we can cast continual light on itIn post 441, Bell wrote:If it does can we try to charm it with magic?
In post 1, petapan wrote:Continual light. You may cast this spell at any monster's eyes. The monster must make a saving throw vs. spells. If the saving throw fails, the monster is blinded and defeated. If the saving throw succeeds, the globe of light appears, but the monster suffers no ill effects. The spell's effect fades away as soon as you enter another room or area.
as it turns out, we absolutely cannot outrun a boarIn post 1, petapan wrote:R8. Movement: Movement rates are used only in combat. During this part of step B on the Combat Checklist, you may use a
defensive maneuver (retreating, or throwing food or treasure to a monster).
If you choose to retreat, compare your movement rate per round with the monster's movement rate per round. If your rate is greater than the monster's rate, you escape the monster, and you may go on to the next entry of your choice. Before you leave, however, the attacking monster gets one more chance to hit you, gaining a +2 bonus to its hit roll. For this attack, you must calculate your Armor Class as if you had no shield. Also, you cannot defend yourself. If your movement rate per round is less than or equal to the monster's rate, you must stay and fight the monster. You may decide to throw food or treasure to the monster at this point.
If you choose to throw food or treasure to a monster, subtract the item you threw from your character sheet. Intelligent monsters are stopped only if you throw treasure (a coin, gem, or magic item). You may encounter the following intelligent monsters in this adventure: bugbear, gnoll, goblin, hobgoblin, orc, wereboar, and wererat. All other monsters in this adventure stop only if you throw food (1 ration).
After you have thrown the food or treasure, roll 1d6. On a 1, 2, or 3, the monster stops and marvels at its "gift." Consider the stopped creature as a "defeated" monster. You cannot take its treasure, however. On a roll of 4, 5, or 6, the monster ignores your gift and attacks.
For details on morale, read entry R9.