Current standings:
8 - schadd
9 - Psyche
12 - NotaJumble
16 - hellbooks
20 - Davsto
30 - Cheetory
50 - Haschel
56 - tris
63 - Chevre
121 - Sirius
the lyrics were all about love and living lifeIn post 202, Haschel Cedricson wrote:By what metric is my song "too hokey" for a TV show about a diamond-stealing monkey forced to work as a butler?
as someone who avidly watched the usa women's climbing events that determined who was on the team i've definitely been proselytizing about the chaotic brilliance of product scoringIn post 205, shaft.ed wrote:I think I'd blame the scoring system of olympic sport climbing though
yes it was quite strangeIn post 208, hellbooks wrote:as someone who avidly watched the usa women's climbing events that determined who was on the team i've definitely been proselytizing about the chaotic brilliance of product scoringIn post 205, shaft.ed wrote:I think I'd blame the scoring system of olympic sport climbing though
This is good. It allows me to flex my most overused muscle: being loudly wrong on the internet.In post 218, shaft.ed wrote:i want to have a conversation about this
but i don't want to give inside information that could be used for more points
oh no
if we're going to that level then none of this matters then I guess I should be getting my work doneIn post 219, Psyche wrote:just let go of the pretense and acknowledge what's really important
Is T-Bone an Instrument?
In post 221, shaft.ed wrote:if we're going to that level then none of this matters then I guess I should be getting my work doneIn post 219, Psyche wrote:just let go of the pretense and acknowledge what's really important
or are we past that and my work doesn't matter and I should be enjoying my fleeting existence?
which means I should partake in the discussion
but I need to maintain the suspense for maximum enjoyment
On another note, we have one remaining tardy participant
I will start the reveal some time this weekend
If they're submission is not in they will be exempt from the bonus point and from interfering with other submitter's bonus points
Both of you are wrong: what really matters is the increasingly outraged goat that has been following you all day long.In post 222, Psyche wrote:put fun first!