Salesman: every night you may message the host the flavor for a product, they will return to you what the product does exactly. Each day, select another player, a product you have, and a price (as well as a sales pitch if you would like) (this may be done as many times as products that you currently have. The player may pay the price for the product, and gain it. The player gives up abilities to pay for the invention, or refuse.
They gain 5 credits by losing that night’s abilities, and may repeat this for the next night and so on
They gain 10 credits for giving up any actions and their vote the next day phase, and may repeat this for the next day phase and so on.
The salesman will know what their product does, but the target will only know the name of the product.
The salesman cannot use their own products, and if a sale is denied they may attempt to sell
The role card of the salesman instead is turned into an invention of the same effect (but one-shot) pregame. Vanilla Salesmen start with 5 credits instead.
All inventions are one-shot, and inventions may be actively harmful to the buying player.
You win if you gain 40 credits in total. (35 if you are a vanilla salesman)
Mod Note: you may change the number of credits needed to win before picks based on the size of the game if you would wish.
Imperfection is the spice of life.